Okay. With the upcoming RP game, it's important for us to start creating our characters. Please keep in mind that, for the storyline to work, all our starting characters must be members of the mercenary group: the Knights of the Burning Blade. As such, your characters should be skilled in something relating to battle (whether that be melee, magic, or healing). If you need any help creating your character or don't understand what to do, feel free to contact myself or Elfen Lied.
Below is a form which you must fill out and post in this thread. This will represent your character in the game. This is as much for yourself as for others, so be as detailed as you like. Please read the RULESfirst! If your character does not conform to these rules, they will be deleted and you may risk expulsion from the RP.
Character Form:
Character Name: Your character's name. Playby: A person or character used to visually represent your character. May be a drawing. Age: Your character's age. Height: Your character's height (in feet and inches, please). Weight: Your character's weight (in lbs, please). Eyes: What colour your character's eyes are Hair: What colour and length your character's hair is. Build: Slim / Average / Fat / Muscular, etc Gender: Male or Female Distinctive Characteristic(s): What sets this character apart from others. May be physical or personality-related. Not necessary.
Personal History: The personal history of your character. What their life has been like up to this point. Must be believeable and must include how/when they joined the Mercenary Group.
Special Training: Any specialized training your character has gone through that may be prevalent to the storyline. Must be believeable.
Weaponry: Describe the weapons your character owns. No super-powerful weapons!
Armour: Describe the armour your character owns. No super-powerful armour!
Goals and Ambitions: What is your character's driving force?
Character Name: Jamis Playby: Roger Federer Age: 28 Height: 5'9" Weight: 142 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Build: Average/Muscular Gender: Male Distinctive Characteristic(s): Eternally optimistic
Personal History: Born in a small outlying village in Westmarch, Jamis was brought up without too much knowledge of the world beyond that which he would hear in stories from his father and grandparents. His older brother, Buliwyf, would always be there with him, listening intently. The two of them grew up listening to tales of valiant knights, horrible demons, and glorious battles in distant kingdoms long ago. These tales made their mark on the young impressionable lads, the two of them doing chores in exchange for sword lessons from the old retired soldier that lived across the village from them when they grew older. By the time Jamis was fifteen, he could wield a short blade nearly as well as the old man could. By the time he was twenty, he could defeat his master with a longsword. The two brothers agreed: the time had come for them to do something with their lives. They set out towards the nearest city in hopes of establishing a mercenary corp, named after an ancient army that had disappeared into the mists of time and tales: the Knights of the Burning Blade.
Special Training: Training with swords and knives, basic field medicine knowledge
Weaponry: Claymore, dagger, buckler
Armour: Basic plate / chainmail combination
Goals and Ambitions: Establish the Knights of the Burning Blade as a large and serious mercenary organization, retire after seeing many glorious victories with a wife and children
Age: 45
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 180.
Eyes: Light blue with a hint of grey
Hair: Black and long
Build: A little Above average build
Gender: Male
Distinctive Characteristic(s): Lacking upper body strength. Strong lower body strength for speed.
Personal History: The offspring of a black smith and Mother. Levi came From humble beginnings. Levi learned at a young age how to take care and fend for himself. Lacking in Education and communication he decided to set himself apart from the rest of sanctuary and live on his own. Taking the knowledge he learned from his parents he began making shelter and weapons for food. Gathering his own food and Learning to work alone gave him advantages in knowing how to be independent. Years passed by and Levi Began to age.
Feeling very lonely and tired of living on his own he set back to sanctuary to find a wife. But no girl would go out with him. Levi's uncivilized way of living was a turnoff for many people. After many months of no luck. Levi gave up. It was at this low moment that he decided he wanted to do something epic with his life and joined the Knights of the Burning Blade to live a life of abstinence.
Weaponry: Low quality bow and arrow, Dagger
Armour: Cloth covering his groin and a wooden shield.
Goals and Ambitions: To survive and never reach his low point again.
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I am cheese. I am loved by all. I go great with everything. Other foods hate me because I take all the glory. Like Nachos..Their just jealous cause no one eats them unless Im there. Shit..I even ruined broccili's rep. Broccili kept talkin shit so I was like. " You know what?, I think I might melt myself on some Broccilli. See how those humans enjoy that green [sexual slur censored] now." Shit...Now,People dont even touch him, unless Im all over that shit! Ahhh..Its not easy, being cheesy.. Peace. Cheese Out.
Character Name: Warick Playby: Above Image Age: 17 Height: 6'3'' Weight: 175lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Shaved Build: Slim/Toned Gender: Male Distinctive Characteristic(s): Agile, Funny, Somewhat Dark
Personal History: Warick was born in a place called the Rouge Encampment. At an early age he quickly learned how cruel and dark the world around him was. When he was only 8 years old his camp was attacked by what seemed to be human sized Demons. They ran through the camp seting everything they saw ablaze and killing everyone. They finally reached Waricks camp and attacked his parents by the campfire. He suddenly heared unmistakible screams of agony. He hoped against hope that it wasn't what he thought, but when he peeked his head outside the tent he saw his mother and fathers lifeless, beheaded bodys lying in a pool of blood on the ground, he looked up and saw, staring at him, his parents heads driven through two pikes in the ground, along with a group of six of those foul Demons staring right back at him. He did the only thing he could think of. Swiftly, he grabbed his fathers sword and began swinging blindly at the Demons. Then, suddenly he was pulled back from behind and saw his Grandfather angrily and quickly slay all six Fallen, in what seemed to be a single hack. His Grandfather took him back to the camp and from there on, he knew he would one day have to avenge his parents death. His Grandfather was nothing but a noble blacksmith he knew, though, the ways of the warrior. Once Warick reached the age of 10 his grandfather began to train him. He gave him a hammer and anvil. "You will train in making swords and bucklers," the old man said, and simply watched as he drew from his pipe. "How is this going to help me slay those things that killed my parents? How will I defend myself if I do not even know how to wield a blade?". The blacksmith replied, "You must know your weapon as you know yourself. You will work untill you make the perfect blade." For seven long months he got up and worked, from dawn till dusk, untill he made a blade and buckler his master accepted. His Grandfather trained him every day often to the point where the young boy thought he could go on no longer. "Why do you train me so hard Grandfather, why do you insist on breaking me?" He stared the young boy directly in the eyes and said "You cannot reach your full potential, untill you have been broken to the point of near death." The young boy was confused, but did as he was told. He trained every day for six grueling years. Untill one morning his granfather awoke him extra early with Waricks buckler and blade in his hand along with a bag of nothing more than a cantien of water and 3 loaves of bread. "It is time you do something with your life and aveng your parents slaughter," he said "Go east to the nearest town, there you will find a man named Jamis. He has a mercenary group called The Knights of The Burning Blade, he can help you with your quest for vengance." The young man was speachless, his Grandfather continued "The trip will be dangerous, I have made you a special set of plate armor, I worked on it for three years. Enough talk you must leave now. I love you, son." The young man stood there as the old man kissed him on his forehead. Still in shock the man was frozen. "Go." then blacksmith said. Suddenly Warick turned around and took off, never looking back, he did as his Grandfather told him and found the one called Jamis. He knew right then that many great adventures awaited him.
Special Training: Sword Mastery
Weaponry: His hand made blade and buckler Armour: Plate armor crafted from his Grandfather
Goals and Ambitions: Rid the land of all evils serve the Knights of the Burning Blade.
Character Name: Hannibal Playby: Nathan Explosion Age: 26 Height: 6' 7'' Weight: 280 lbs Eyes: Green Hair: Black Build: Muscular Gender: Male Distinctive Characteristic(s): Cold
Personal History: Hannibal hails from the highlands of Dethkloria, born an orphan, he was raise by his brother, when Hannibal was 13 years old his town was attack by a balrog, many of the townsfolk fought bravely, but they all perished except for his brother who died saving the land from this demonic entity. Saden by the lost of his only family, he took his brothers corpse and buried him in the Family mausoleum, while inside he found a black sword, resting next to an unmark burial vault, it seem like the sword had been resting there for centuries, yet why no one found it before was a mystery that elluded him. He pick it up, and his mind link with the sword. The sword belong to his ancestor, the Skull Knight whose soul had been trap in the sword for many centuries, he presented himself to Hannibal after sensing the great anguish and fury in Hannibal's spirit, the Skull Knight found Hannibal worthy of the power of his sword, so He took him as his student and taught him everything he knew. Hannibal now embarks on a journey to improve his sword mastery and a desire to slaughter all that is evil, for his brother was the only family he ever had. But, what he does not know is that the Skull Knight has other plans for him...
Special Training: Swordmaster.
Weaponry: Black Hasta (A Sword that was once wielded by the Skull Knight)
Armour: Shadow of Hades (A mysterious armor giving to him by his brother, offers great protection against physical damage, moderate against magical attacks)
Goals and Ambitions: Absolute justice, Destroy all evil.
Character Name: Ignis Playby: Disciples II demon faction thief Age: 24 Height: 5'8" Weight: 164 Eyes: Blue Hair: Maroon, nearly 2 inches. Build: On the slim side of average, somewhat muscular. Gender: Male Distinctive Characteristic(s): Gambling addiction : If it has any potential to be turned into a bet, Ignis can figure out how. Strangely paranoid and leery of squirrels, when asked about it, he avoids the subject, simply replying, "Damn window was open, never heard them come in. Crafty little bastards."
Personal History: Born into a somewhat poor family, Ignis had to quickly learn how to get by with less than his friends. His childhood consisted of bullying by the richer children, which led him to develop a quick wit, and equally quick reflexes, as he was not the strongest child. He would often rely on dirty fighting, and speed to defend himself from the children who harassed him. Despite the rigors of school, he still managed to get by with above average grades. His home life however, was a different matter entirely. His father had recently taken to alcohol to lessen his stress, and his clothing business began to suffer. His mother had to take a job as a barmaid to help support the family. Both parents now occupied, Ignis was often left to his own devices, or in the company of his drunken, off-work father.
Near the age of 10, his father now a full-fledged alchoholic, ran his business into the ground, leaving Ignis's mother as the sole provider of the family. Ignis knew his mother could not support the family alone, and began making small bets with his schoolyard peers. Often, they were small things, like "who can run faster", or "who can jump higher". Even when he lost a bet, he often managed to pick the coinpurses of the other children, gaining back his losses as well as their coin, leaving them none the wiser. Ignis soon realized he had a knack for making bets, and began teaching himself the art of cards, which was the next logical step in his eyes. Ignis practiced whenever he could, be it alone, with friends, or with family. Soon enough, he felt confident enough to take his new found skills into the world, and went with his mother to the tavern one day to try his hand at poker. After that first night he was absolutely beaming, 4 gold richer.
At the age of 19, he had ensured his parent's financial stability, and turned towards accumulating his own fortune. Taking a dive back into his childhood, he began picking pockets once more. He easily regained his knowledge of the craft, but picking pockets could not sustain his growing sense of adventure. He began breaking into houses at night, taking anything and everything that wasn't nailed to the floor. The thrill of not being caught was a rush for Ignis, just as much as that first hand of poker had been all those years ago. He soon balanced out the two hobbies, and began amassing a substantial amount of money.
This fortune would not come without enemies. All the money he was gaining had to come from somewhere, or specifically, somebody. Ignis was unaware of how many vengeful thugs were on his trail, seeking their lost money, and lost pride. One night, it finally became apparent to Ignis that with his lifestyle, came danger. He was sleeping in his house, a modest shack near the dock district of town, when he heard frantic yelling outside. He could not make out exactly what was being said, but he knew that the victims of his luck had finally caught up with him. He then heard a crash, and bolted out of bed to grab his weapons. He strapped on his 2 knives, and carried his wakizashi in his right hand, as his Katana was too long to use indoors. He heard footsteps, and judging from them, figured 5 or so men had come for him. He crept out of his room, and hid in the bathroom, waiting. Mere seconds later, he heard the men crash into his room. They sounded confused, wondering where Ignis had gone. They decided to split up, and Ignis knew his luck had not failed him.
He waited until the footsteps dispered, and peeked outside of the bathroom. There was still a guard waiting outside of his room. He quickly dispatched him with a thrown knife, rushed to his room, grabbed his leather armor and cloak, as well as his money, and vaulted out of his window. After this incident, Ignis knew that he would have to refine his sneaking, evasion, and even infiltration abilities, since apparently garden variety thugs could find him. He also knew he would have to practice with his blades, since all the stealth in the world would not save him once his enemies were at his door. He spent the better part of a year "practicing" with the local guard, both legally and illegally. Once he felt confident in his abilities, he was able to go back to the lifestyle he knew and loved. The thieving he did during his time a was able to sustain him, but he knew that gambling was where he would get ahead. He went back to his preferred line of work, and since not many people knew or remembered him anymore, had a substantial advantage over them. At first he was somewhat rusty, and suffered some setbacks, but his previous fortune served as a good cushion to help him get back to his previous level of skill. It came back quite naturally after he had lost several games, and he began amassing his gains once more.
It seemed as if he was on the top of the world, nothing could bring him down. But all good things have to end, and end it did. His fortune was washed away in one stroke of bad luck, landing him on the streets stuck with a substantial debt, and enemies in the wrong places. Broke and jaded, Ignis had to go back to his old stomping grounds. The taverns here in the slums were not as wealthy, but they were the only places he could go. One night however, turned him towards a different walk of life. Ignis struck up a conversation with one of his poker opponents, and the chatter quickly turned towards a mercenary corporation the man was making : The Knights of the Burning Blade.
Ignis was filled with that familiar sense of adventure once more, figured he would try his hand at adventuring (After all, he heard it pays well), and joined up with this new mercenary group.
Special Training: Extensive skill at picking locks and sneaking around, also has basic training in throwing weapons as well as melee weapons.
Weaponry: A katana and a wakizashi : the pride and glory of his thieving days, stolen from a long retired warrior from the far east. Also carries 4 knives he keeps for "peace of mind", 2 of which are tucked in his boots, the other 2 being strapped to his forearms, hidden under his sleeves. The 2 knives within his sleeves are strapped in such a way as to allow them to fly loose with specific arm movements, allowing quick throwing without having to take them out.
Armour: Basic cloth and studded leather armor, dyed maroon in remembrance of his father's former glory. Wears a red cloak as well, which his mother gave to him when he helped her get back on her feet financially.
Goals and Ambitions: To get out of debt, and following a misguided sense of adventure.
Will no doubt be doing some editing later, gotta refine this and such.
It's fine to edit our characters up until the game starts, right Jetrall ?
Huzzah, may have it down to the final edit.
Willing to edit it down, if need be though, it is pretty lengthy :/.
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Quote from "Sixen" »
"One in every 10 million people can potentially have a headache from this pill." God forbid she is the 0.000000001% of having a headache.
Character Name: Buliwyf Playby: Vladimir Kulich Age: 32 Height: 6'1" Weight: 195 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Blonde Build: Average/Muscular Gender: Male Distinctive Characteristic(s): Somewhat stoic demeanor, optimistic
Personal History: Born in a small outlying village in Westmarch, Buliwyf and his brother Jamis grew up listening to grand tales of heroic exploits, these tales compelled the brothers to do all they could to master weapons skills and combat skills. Where ever he travelled in the world his brother was always close behind. The presence of his brother always pushing him to excel in all that he does. Together they began recruiting like minded people to join their cause, and in so doing so founded the Knights of the Burning Blade. Always a stern believer in the principle of 'who lives by the sword dies by the sword'. Never willing to back down from a challenge, yet rarely will he relish in the fight, taking little pleasure in it. He views fighting and battles as a necessity required to see his goals achieved.
Special Training: Training with swords and axes, basic field medicine knowledge.
Weaponry: Claymore, throwing axe, shield
Armour: Basic plate / chainmail combination
Goals and Ambitions: Establish the Knights of the Burning Blade as a large and serious mercenary organization, to reach a level of infamy like that of heroes of the tales from his childhood.
[[[[[I may extend this at a later point]]]]
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-Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's First Law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only, truth.
Character Name: Sham
Age: 27
Weight: 200
Eyes: the colour of the sky
Hair: Brown, long, bearded
Build: Muscular, Athletic build, Warrior build
Gender: Male
Distinctive Characteristic(s): Rather Die like a man than live like a coward
Personal History: Was taught how to build muscle/ work-out doing mans work from his father and taught how to fight from his mother. As soon he was 14 he joined the militia, Now he has joined forces with a new found mercenary group - The Knights of the Burning Blade, and is doing what he does best. Grind meat.
Special Training: Rage, Intense physical, axe, bow, swords, knives, polearms.
Weaponry: Longbow/ 40 bronze arrows, 2 Handed battle-trophy Sword, and 13 throwing knives
Armour: short chain mail, Chain/ leather shoulders, Battle helmet, leather gloves, and leather shoes.
Goals and Ambitions: To Fight for whats just in his eyes and to rip evil doers to shreads, death is the ultimate adventure.
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Even if one takes every reefer madness allegation of the prohibitionists at face value, marijuana prohibition has done far more harm to far more people than marijuana ever could
Age: 17
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 132 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Medium Long Black. No facial hair.
Build: Fit, Athletic.
Gender: Male
Distinctive Characteristics:
Personal History: An orphan until the age of six, then adopted and raised by the "Brotherhood of the Talented" when the orphanage started reporting mysterious things happening around him.
Now at the age of 17, studying the arts of magic and learning to control the elements with his mind and hands only. His mentor decided it was time for him to take care of himself, leaving him only a note for some sort of group known as the Knights of the Burning Blade. Kamrad went off to seek this group, spending days looking for the one named Jamis. Just as he thought all hope was lost, as he never found this man, he went to the local tavern in the near by city. He over heard some people talking that mentioned Jamis. Kamrad walked over to these people, asking them what they know, realising one of those people is Jamis's brother, Buliwyf. They were glad to accept Kamrad into their group.
Special Training: Elemental Magic and Healing.
Weaponry: Basic Battle Staff and Short Sword.
Armour: White robe, trimmed with red.
Goals and Ambitions: To find out who his real parents are, and why they left him.
Character Name: Mordwythe Playby: (See above image.) Age: 21 Height: 5'9'' Weight: 145 lbs. Eyes: Golden orange. Hair: Dark brown/ shoulder-length. Build: Slim. Gender: Male. Distinctive Characteristic(s): At times very passionate, calculating, reserved, and a strong sense of moral balance. At times this can give way to power obsession and an unforgiving demeanor and mindset.
Personal History: At a very young age, it became clear to Mordwythe's parents that he had been born with the gift of sorcery. His eyes burned with an endless glow at times, he, himself, given over to strange fevers and ill-temper. This did not stop his boundless curiosity, however, when he came to the knowledge of the world of Sanctuary as a world of magic, good, bad, and in-between. It was not long before his curiosity carried him away with the changing times, and many such times he arrived back at the doorstep of his familiar birthing-home to a frustrated mother and distanced father. Tension continued to grow between them, his own passion and guile lending him to a life outside the home many times, until at last his parents had had enough. That very night, a Vizjerei, the Mage Drognan, found him, tipped-off by some of the villagers that had been on travel, and swept him away in to a life of study as his apprentice with little resistance from his parents.
Soon enough, Mordwythe had had enough of the life of a student, his mind filled to the brink with all manner of arcane knowledge that Drognan could cram in to his brain. The Vizjerei had found that the young man had a vast potential in the area of pure pyromancy, the art of fire-conjuring, one of the base elements as observed by many mages and sorcerers. He believed, even more so, that it had been part of him as a child. The mage had taken to turning every tome and ancient scroll he had to discern the source of the odd gift and, after many months, decided finally that Mordwythe was somehow conceived from an Elemental. That had, in turn, led to his questioning of the parents, as Drognan's mind was boundless in hunger, and had led to his discovery that the Mr. of Mordwythe's parents was not his true father. Indeed, that had been why his father had been so distanced from his adopted son for as long as he could remember. His mother, it so happened, had had a romantic escapade with a being from the Elemental Plane of Fire.
Tired of being examined and cross-examined as if he were some manner of specimen, Mordwythe left Drognan's care in Lut Gholein after nearly a decade, taking with him only a short staff he had rummaged from the mage's sale wares and the clothes on his back. He left because it was in his nature, because it was how he had been even when he had a modest family and home to live with. He left because he realized that within him was a burning desire since birth to expand his power, awaken the imprisoned half of his being, however chained it was to his mortal form, for he was just as much human as Elemental and was, as such, subject to all the mortal world's shortcomings: grief, pain, suffering, sadness, and death, and was still subject to a completely human body and mind.
This realization only fueled his desire to unlock his gift his absent, true father left him. It was only weeks later that the oddity that was Mordwythe, half human and half Elemental, found himself in the company of the Knights of the Burning Blade, seeking to hone his skill further and, if the opportunity should ever present itself in his work and travels, discover his father.
Special Training: He trained as a Vizjerei, although not officially accepted as one, and has proficiency in the control and summoning of the element of fire.
Weaponry: A short staff.
Armour: Travel-worn robes covered by a cloak and a belt about his waist.
Goals and Ambitions: Vaulting ambition to master his power.
Jetrall, Elfen: Sorry, I hope this will qualify. I tried to stress that he's completely subject to all the trials of humanity and is completely human in all regards except for his eyes. I'll fix it if it doesn't suit the bill.
Playby: Character Name: Kira Age: 19 Height: 5'11" Weight: 135 lbs. Eyes: blue Hair: long brown Build: lithe Gender: Female Personal History:At an early age Kira's parents could tell she would excel in all she set her mind to, but she was a little to impatient, always pushing herself too hard and not listening as well as she should. While training she would get angry at herself for not being able to best her two friends, she did not like being third. Her friends tried to convey to her to slow down and take everything in and be aware of her surroundings as she fought. Then they started their bow training and here is where she was finally able to excel over them. She could hit the targets better than they could, while riding, running or at any angle she could usually hit her mark.
Eventually she was given position of aiding in the trade ship guard. She loved traveling to the different lands and meeting new people. While at port, if there were trouble around she would help out the local officials. At one port, after she aided another warrior in capturing some criminals and he commented on her skills and told her of the Knights of the Burning Blade and how she could put her skills to use with them. She said she would take it into consideration and sailed back home. She had decided that the next time she went out she would seek out the knights and ask for acceptance into their group. She just had to explain it to her mother. She got up the courage and presented herself to her mother, who reminded her that she still needed to work on her sword and combat training, that I was still too impatient but she saw that I really wanted to go out into the world and she gave me her blessing.
Since I forgot the name of the city that the warrior told me the group was located in I was forced to inquire at every port we landed at if the Knights of the Burning Blade were there. Eventually I found the right city and approached them. I spoke with one of their leaders and he was a bit skeptical about letting me join because of my youth, so I asked for a test to prove my skills which he set up. Even though I did miss one target I still impressed him and was allowed to join.
Special Training: Trained to be warrior from childhood to protect our trade ships using bow and sword. Can perform light magic to aid in illuminating foes and lowering their defense.
Weaponry: Bow and short sword & shield Armour: Studded leather armor Goals and Ambitions: Cleanse the evil doers from this world
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Smiling is infectious.
Give, expecting nothing thereof. ------------ BoD - Come have some fun! Folks will always come and go, so enjoy them while they're meant to be in your life.
Character Name: Adhaburefu Kifu Playby: Blizzard's Witch Doctor Age: 64 Height: 5'2 Weight: 95lbs Eyes: Grey Hair: None Build: Skin and Bones Gender: Male Distinctive Characteristic(s): Kifu may look small, old and insignificant but he uses this to his advantage to strike unsuspecting enemies. He also mumbles to himself and laughs a lot, I mean a lot.
Personal History: Living in the Torajan jungles is not an easy nor posh life. There is constant war amongst the Umbaru people over land, pride, and worthy sacrifices. The clan of The Five Hills and the clan of The Seven Stones were constantly at war with each other.
The Leader of The Five Hills was named Epesi Kali meaning quick strength. Epesi's tribe was known for using brute force and fire to overcome their opposers. Epesi's wife Mdhibit Kali gave birth to their son and rightful heir of the Five Hills Clan. Much to Epesi's dismay, their son was a "puny little runt". This greatly bothered Epesi and he ordered his wife to kill their son so that they would not be shamed by his small stature.
Mdhibit would not kill her own son so instead she went into the Seven Stone's territory where she had a childhood friend, an elder who kept to himself in his older age, avoiding the conflict between the two clans. She gave her son to him where he could stay protected and unnoticed by Epesi and the members of the Seven Stones. Hodari Mzee took in this child as if his own and promised Mdhibit that he would protect him as long as he lived.
Being a founding member of the Seven Stones Clan, to which he had no affiliation with anymore, Hodari was the most gifted Umbaru when it came to poisons and the Ghost Trance. He had decided since size was no matter with these techniques he would teach the child all of his knowledge. He named the child Adhaburefu Kifu meanig slow painful death. Kifu began his training with poisons. He would be injected with small amounts of different poisons to slowly increase his own body's resistance to them. After this, Hodari taught him how to use these poisons with other objects to be able to inflict his enemies with the poisons. After 15 long years, Kifu had finally mastered all there was to learn about posions.
The next step in his training was the Ghost Trance. The Ghost Trance was the most complicated and powerful technique an Umbaru can learn. The Ghost Trance is the ability to cross over into the Mbwiru Eikura or the "unformed world". This is where the Umbaru drew all of thier power from. It was a difficult and daunting task. He sarted with a 30 day fast. During this time Kifu sat alone in a room in complete silence, channeling spirits and crossing over to the unformed land. He would repeat this process fro the next 20 years, fasting and meditating with very little interaction inbetween. He was now able to cross over to the "unfomred land" bringing back zombies of all sort to do his bidding. He was also able to see other souls of people who have passed and could drain the souls from the living.
Once his training was complete, Hodari had told Kifu his ture origins and that Epesi Kali was actually his father. He had told him his father wanted Kifu killed because he was to small and that his mother had brought him here for protection. Later that night a groud of the Seven Stones clan came to Hodari's house. They had found out that he was not only protecting but teaching the rightful heir to the Five Hills clan. As they broke through the door, Hodari had told Kifu to run and that he would hold them off. Kifu ran as far as he could but not knowing where he was going to. He had decided that he would return to the Five Hills Clan. He had figured that now that he was so powerful that his father would respect him and welcome him back. Much to his dismay, when he had arrived at Epesi Kali's house, Kali was not excited about his return. Kali was not impressed with Kifu's skills, he still saw him as a puny little runt. He turned Kifu away still embarassed by him and his small stature. He had told him that he could never be the leader of the Five Hills. Kifu fled the Torajan jungles ashamed of what his father had said and made his way to Lut Gohlein.
Kifu spent most of his time in Lut Gohlein fasting and meditating. Often he would find innocent children who needed help and he would aid them. He would help them get food and water and find shelter much to the sacrifice of his own food and housing. He would also have to hide or disguise himself from the general public. Many people's preconcieved notions of the Umbaru were that they were Evil people themselves. They did not like the fact that the Umbaru would bring back their loved ones to do their own dirty work and the idea of sacrificing humans did not sit easily with them either. Kifu spent the next 30 years of his life living in obscurity. Constantly on the balance on life and death.
30 years of solitude, hunger, no sense of purpose, and no home had taken it's toll on Kifu. He had started going mad. Laughter would pour from his mouth anytime someone would try to talk to him, scaring off the children he use to help, increasing his despair even more. On the verge of death, lying in the streets of Lut Gohlein, Kifu was meditating when Hodari had spoken to him in the "Unformed Land". He had told Kifu about a group of people known as the Knights of the Burning Blade. They were a group of mercenaries who sought out demons and planned to destroy all that was evil in the world. Kifu thought that if he could join this group he could not only restore confidence and the strength needed to reclaim his land but he also saw it as an opportunity to prove to everybody what the Umbaru were capable of and what they stood for. He sought out the members of the Knights of the Burning Blade and one by one proved himself worthy of them through ability, teamwork and willingness for self-sacrifice for the greater good. He had joined the ranks of the Knights of the Burning Blade and was on his way to reclaim what is rightfully his.
Special Training: Kifu is well trained with both poisons and his ghost trance.
Weaponry: Sacrificial dagger, ceremonial staff and ingredients needed for his spells.
Armour: Most importantly is his mask that he uses to taunt his enemies. He also wears leather straps around his wrists and ankles and wears a decorated loin-cloth.
Goals and Ambitions: Both to earn his Father's respect and become rightful heir to his land and restore the reputation of the Umbaru people.
Sorry about the image size. I have tried resizing it 4 different ways and nothing seems to be working.
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Character Name: Donsro Age: 24 Years Height: 5'10'' Weight: 165 lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: Medium Length and Black Build: Average Gender: Male Distinctive Characteristic(s): You will never see him coming.
Personal History: Ever since a child Donsro has always been wrongfully mixed up in the heat of battle. It wasn't until one particular night when he decided to take up the offensive rather than hiding. Donsro was quivering in a small hut in his tiny southern village as he heard weapons clashing and screams of agony that seemed to be coming closer. Curiosity forced him to peak outside the door to see what was happening. He was terrified to see his parents both hanging from the tree out front. Donsro ran, but he ran in the wrong direction. His running halted when he came face to face with an axe-wielding demon. The demon lifted his axe, Donsro closed his eyes, Gash. He opened his eye and there is a spiked warhammer in the demon's head. The man who killed him took Donsro to live and train with him until he turned 18. As a parting gift he gave him his spiked warhammer. Along his travels Donsro heard rumors of the Knights and decided to investigate, until he eventually became part.
Special Training: Donsro was well trained in stealth and heavy weaponry.
Weaponry: Spiked Warhammer, and a small poisoned dagger.
Armour: Mostly steel plated armor with some leather artifacts.
Goals and Ambitions: Avenge his family and protect the world
Playby: Character Name: Jethera Age: 38 Height: 5'11" Weight: 197lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Long dark brown hair with goatee. Build: Thin/muscular Gender: Male Distinctive Characteristic(s): His knowledge of history and locations of interest.
Personal History: As a young boy, Jethera was an egger warrior wanting to rid the lands of the demons that crossed it. As he grew up he was showing strength in many areas that would prove him to become successful, but one day he had a dream. A voice talked to him, telling him that he should seek out a man, a man by the name of Deckard Cain. That morning Jethera went out on his journey from that night's dream.
After a five solitary days of search he came across an encampment. He was greated with open arms by an elderly man wearing a gray robe and brandishing a gnarled walking stick.
"Ah, yes, my son, what brings you from far lands?" asked the man.
"I'm here in search of a man named Deckard Cain. He spoke to me in a dream," replied Jethera.
"Jethera then, I presume?"
"Yes, do you know where I can find him?"
"Come with me son, I'll show you," the man told him, leading him aside.
The man then reveiled himself to Jethera as Deckard Cain and told him he had been watching him. Deckard Cain didn't deny that Jethera had extrordinary powers as a warrior, but that his abilities could be put to other usage. Jethera enquired deeply as Deckard Cain continued his speech. He told him of the powers of being an Archivist, he told him about uses knowledge as a weapon, he told him that if he controlled his powers behond believe he could achieve unimaginable things. Deckard Cain finished his story with tales from history, about seeing many fall to the demonic wrath and how he and Jethera should work together to help the travelers prevail against the legions of darkness.
From that day on Deckard Cain trained Jethera on the arts of becoming an Archivist. Jethera became a great Archivist, learning to manipulate enemies minds to become allies, learning to use pages from his scrolls and tomes to create deadly whirlwinds with them, and the explosive technique of silence.
Special Training: Trained with staves and ability to use tomes and scroll as weapons of knowledge.
Weaponry: Tomes, scrolls, staves.
Armour: Green robe, redish brown shoulder cloak. A green scroll bag and a brown tome satchel.
Goals and Ambitions: To battle along-side young travelers using his knowledge and his unique Archivist abilities to defeat evil that stand in their way.
Character Name: Būti Atsakingu Playby: Age: 16 Height: 5'6" Weight: 95lbs. Eyes: Violet Hair: White Build: Fragile Gender: Female Distinctive Characteristic(s): Quiet, speaks few words. Always wearing black and purple cloaks and robes.
Personal History: Būti Atsakingu is the lone child of a wealthy couple whose faith is solely focused on The Balance. From birth, Būti Atsakingu carried the heavy weight of expectations from her parents to be a great follower of The Balance and to spread it's influence in hopes to keep both the High Heavens and Burning Hells from having too much influence on the mortal plane.
Before she could even talk, the teachings had been drilled into her head, and when she grew older, it was no surprise she followed them to the dot. Due to this, she lived in social isolation, speaking with few people outside of her own family. When she reached the age of 10, her parents decided that she should learn to defend herself, as well as kill others if the situation ever called for it. For this, they had hired an ex-mercenary, one renowned for his abilities in the art of the assassinations and swordplay. However, after two years of training with him, she grew disinterested in the primitive way of swords and axes. She considered them weapons of the poor and unsophisticated.
After his departure, she focused her training on other aspects of killing. She began to follow the path of spellwork and toxins. She created her own scythe, where the handle consisted of deathly-white bone, and the blade an ominous shade of black obsidian. She attached magically-strengthened ribbons to the end of the handle, allowing her to fight where she prefers to - from a distance. She focused more on concocting new toxins and poisons to use, rather than train herself more in the way of bone-based spells.
When she reached the age of 16, she grew impatient with the stagnant lifestyle around her house, and she began looking into ways of spreading faith and her protection from those beyond the mortal plane. She had considered travelling Sanctuary as a lone wanderer, but realized it may be too risky, and her parents did not want her to be alone in the world, at such a younger age. She had found out about the Knights of the Burning Blades from her visiting uncle (who lived in one of the major port towns). At first, she had felt sickened and was revolted by the idea of joining "knights", but soon realized it was a mercenary group consisting of a variety of fighters. She decided it was best to join them and see where it led her. In her departure from her family, they had given her their family heirloom, kiso, a short sword that was awkwardly bulged and a deformed handle. They were well aware they went against her way of fighting, but their family had considered it to be a 'good luck charm'.
Special Training:Trained in the way of instant annihilanation, and toxin/poison usage, with a small extent into the Bone-related spells.
Weaponry: Her main weapon is her Scythe, "Zudo", and her backup weapon is her sword, "kiso". Her sword can be seen in the picture provided. Her scythe can be seen here:
Armour: Very little protection offered up by her light-weight robes and cloaks.
Goals and Ambitions: To create new followers of The Balance, and help protect Sanctuary from both Angels and Demons.
note: Guys, if anyone has a problem, please PM me about this. Also, sorry for any spelling mistakes, this computer doesn't seem to have a spellchecker on it. Also, the names used in here are Lithuanian. Her name translates to "To Be Responsible For", her Scythe's name translates to "Kill" and her sword translates into "To Poke (in/into)".
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One becomes strong when they are fighting to protect someone close to them... - Shiro Haku
Character Name: Viktor Elder Playby: Age: 29 Height: 5'11" Weight: 160 Eyes: Grey Hair: mid length / grey hair Build: average build Gender: Male Distinctive Characteristic(s): Devout following of a higher authority.
Personal History: Viktor grew up in a world full of torment. Beat by his Father at a young age Viktor turned to a higher authority for guidance. Every time his drunk father would return home, Viktor would hide under his bed clutching his book and reciting verses from it. Running away from home when he was only 14 Viktor found solace around people who needed guidance. Viktor spent the next 5 years of his life helping other people the only way he knew how, through faith. When Viktor turned 20 he decided to venture off into the world to see what other "good" he could do. Along his travels, Viktor ran into a blacksmith in need of help. the black smith had lost his family to demons that over ran his home. The blacksmith was on the verge of taking his own life when Viktor had intervened. He had shown the black smith the light of purity and discouraged him from his gruesome ending. Thankful for his help, the blacksmith fashioned two weapons for him. First was a mace in the shape cross and the second was a crossbow designed in a similar style. The black smith had told him once again how grateful he was for Viktor's guidance and had told him that he hoped his weapons would help him through his travels and possibly save more people like him, lost in the dark.
While traveling for many years, Viktor had heard stories of demons coming from hell itself and infesting them upon Sanctuary. Viktor had eventually made his way to the city of Tristram where he saw the demons damage upon the world first hand. Outraged by the thought of this viktor vowed to vanquish all signs of evil from Sanctuary. While talking to the villagers in New Tristram, he had heard of a group of mercenaries who sought out evil and destroyed it. Viktor eagerly found this group, the Knights of the Burning Blade. He immediately joined them on their adventures offering hope and faith when there was little to be found.
Special Training: Mostly relying on his faith to vanquish demons, Viktor has learned how to cast holy spells to destroy the enemies in front of him. When Faith is not enough, Viktor is also well versed with his mace and crossbow.
Weaponry: A mace and crossbow with fashioned in the shape of a cross.
Armour: Leather armor covered by his classic black robe.
Goals and Ambitions: To vanquish all that is unpure in this world.
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Character Name: Viktor Elder Playby: Age: 29 Height: 5'11" Weight: 160 Eyes: Grey Hair: mid length / grey hair Build: average build Gender: Male Distinctive Characteristic(s): Devout following of a higher authority.
Personal History: Viktor grew up in a world full of torment. Beat by his Father at a young age Viktor turned to a higher authority for guidance. Every time his drunk father would return home, Viktor would hide under his bed clutching his book and reciting verses from it. Running away from home when he was only 14 Viktor found solace around people who needed guidance. Viktor spent the next 5 years of his life helping other people the only way he knew how, through faith. When Viktor turned 20 he decided to venture off into the world to see what other "good" he could do. Along his travels, Viktor ran into a blacksmith in need of help. the black smith had lost his family to demons that over ran his home. The blacksmith was on the verge of taking his own life when Viktor had intervened. He had shown the black smith the light of purity and discouraged him from his gruesome ending. Thankful for his help, the blacksmith fashioned two weapons for him. First was a mace in the shape cross and the second was a crossbow designed in a similar style. The black smith had told him once again how grateful he was for Viktor's guidance and had told him that he hoped his weapons would help him through his travels and possibly save more people like him, lost in the dark.
While traveling for many years, Viktor had heard stories of demons coming from hell itself and infesting them upon Sanctuary. Viktor had eventually made his way to the city of Tristram where he saw the demons damage upon the world first hand. Outraged by the thought of this viktor vowed to vanquish all signs of evil from Sanctuary. While talking to the villagers in New Tristram, he had heard of a group of mercenaries who sought out evil and destroyed it. Viktor eagerly found this group, the Knights of the Burning Blade. He immediately joined them on their adventures offering hope and faith when there was little to be found.
Special Training: Mostly relying on his faith to vanquish demons, Viktor has learned how to cast holy spells to destroy the enemies in front of him. When Faith is not enough, Viktor is also well versed with his mace and crossbow.
Weaponry: A mace and crossbow with fashioned in the shape of a cross. He also always carries a book of verses which he uses to aid his faith.
Armour: Leather armor covered by his classic black robe.
Goals and Ambitions: To vanquish all that is unpure in this world.
Character Name: Atrion Galoszen Playby: James Callis Age: 46 Height: 5'9" Weight: 160 lbs Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Build: Slim / Muscular Gender: Male Distinctive Characteristic(s):
Personal History: Atrion is the Commander of the Bramwell Guard and Military Advisor to King Mentaeus, serving in his court for almost twenty years. He was raised, along with his three brothers, to be a military-minded man. His younger brothers left years ago in pursuit of glory and fame while Atrion remained, aiding a (then young) Mentaeus establish and maintain his new rule over Bramwell.
Not much is known of Atrion's personal life (a fact which he is no doubt responsible for), though it is publicly understood that he does have a wife and daughter at home and that he would give his life in defense of his town and, thereby, of them.
More will become clear of Atrion's history and motivations as the story progresses.
Special Training: Training with blades and polearms, horsemanship, basic knowledge of bows, basic knowledge of field medicine
Weaponry: One claymore, one dagger
Armour: Chainmail augmented with plate shoulder and chest protection
Goals and Ambitions: Not yet apparent
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Below is a form which you must fill out and post in this thread. This will represent your character in the game. This is as much for yourself as for others, so be as detailed as you like. Please read the RULES first! If your character does not conform to these rules, they will be deleted and you may risk expulsion from the RP.
Character Form:
Character Name: Jamis
Playby: Roger Federer
Age: 28
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 142 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Build: Average/Muscular
Gender: Male
Distinctive Characteristic(s): Eternally optimistic
Personal History: Born in a small outlying village in Westmarch, Jamis was brought up without too much knowledge of the world beyond that which he would hear in stories from his father and grandparents. His older brother, Buliwyf, would always be there with him, listening intently. The two of them grew up listening to tales of valiant knights, horrible demons, and glorious battles in distant kingdoms long ago. These tales made their mark on the young impressionable lads, the two of them doing chores in exchange for sword lessons from the old retired soldier that lived across the village from them when they grew older. By the time Jamis was fifteen, he could wield a short blade nearly as well as the old man could. By the time he was twenty, he could defeat his master with a longsword. The two brothers agreed: the time had come for them to do something with their lives. They set out towards the nearest city in hopes of establishing a mercenary corp, named after an ancient army that had disappeared into the mists of time and tales: the Knights of the Burning Blade.
Special Training: Training with swords and knives, basic field medicine knowledge
Weaponry: Claymore, dagger, buckler
Armour: Basic plate / chainmail combination
Goals and Ambitions: Establish the Knights of the Burning Blade as a large and serious mercenary organization, retire after seeing many glorious victories with a wife and children
Age: 45
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 180.
Eyes: Light blue with a hint of grey
Hair: Black and long
Build: A little Above average build
Gender: Male
Distinctive Characteristic(s): Lacking upper body strength. Strong lower body strength for speed.
Personal History: The offspring of a black smith and Mother. Levi came From humble beginnings. Levi learned at a young age how to take care and fend for himself. Lacking in Education and communication he decided to set himself apart from the rest of sanctuary and live on his own. Taking the knowledge he learned from his parents he began making shelter and weapons for food. Gathering his own food and Learning to work alone gave him advantages in knowing how to be independent. Years passed by and Levi Began to age.
Feeling very lonely and tired of living on his own he set back to sanctuary to find a wife. But no girl would go out with him. Levi's uncivilized way of living was a turnoff for many people. After many months of no luck. Levi gave up. It was at this low moment that he decided he wanted to do something epic with his life and joined the Knights of the Burning Blade to live a life of abstinence.
Weaponry: Low quality bow and arrow, Dagger
Armour: Cloth covering his groin and a wooden shield.
Goals and Ambitions: To survive and never reach his low point again.
Character Name: Warick
Playby: Above Image
Age: 17
Height: 6'3''
Weight: 175lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Shaved
Build: Slim/Toned
Gender: Male
Distinctive Characteristic(s): Agile, Funny, Somewhat Dark
Personal History: Warick was born in a place called the Rouge Encampment. At an early age he quickly learned how cruel and dark the world around him was. When he was only 8 years old his camp was attacked by what seemed to be human sized Demons. They ran through the camp seting everything they saw ablaze and killing everyone. They finally reached Waricks camp and attacked his parents by the campfire. He suddenly heared unmistakible screams of agony. He hoped against hope that it wasn't what he thought, but when he peeked his head outside the tent he saw his mother and fathers lifeless, beheaded bodys lying in a pool of blood on the ground, he looked up and saw, staring at him, his parents heads driven through two pikes in the ground, along with a group of six of those foul Demons staring right back at him. He did the only thing he could think of. Swiftly, he grabbed his fathers sword and began swinging blindly at the Demons. Then, suddenly he was pulled back from behind and saw his Grandfather angrily and quickly slay all six Fallen, in what seemed to be a single hack. His Grandfather took him back to the camp and from there on, he knew he would one day have to avenge his parents death. His Grandfather was nothing but a noble blacksmith he knew, though, the ways of the warrior. Once Warick reached the age of 10 his grandfather began to train him. He gave him a hammer and anvil. "You will train in making swords and bucklers," the old man said, and simply watched as he drew from his pipe. "How is this going to help me slay those things that killed my parents? How will I defend myself if I do not even know how to wield a blade?". The blacksmith replied, "You must know your weapon as you know yourself. You will work untill you make the perfect blade." For seven long months he got up and worked, from dawn till dusk, untill he made a blade and buckler his master accepted. His Grandfather trained him every day often to the point where the young boy thought he could go on no longer. "Why do you train me so hard Grandfather, why do you insist on breaking me?" He stared the young boy directly in the eyes and said "You cannot reach your full potential, untill you have been broken to the point of near death." The young boy was confused, but did as he was told. He trained every day for six grueling years. Untill one morning his granfather awoke him extra early with Waricks buckler and blade in his hand along with a bag of nothing more than a cantien of water and 3 loaves of bread. "It is time you do something with your life and aveng your parents slaughter," he said "Go east to the nearest town, there you will find a man named Jamis. He has a mercenary group called The Knights of The Burning Blade, he can help you with your quest for vengance." The young man was speachless, his Grandfather continued "The trip will be dangerous, I have made you a special set of plate armor, I worked on it for three years. Enough talk you must leave now. I love you, son." The young man stood there as the old man kissed him on his forehead. Still in shock the man was frozen. "Go." then blacksmith said. Suddenly Warick turned around and took off, never looking back, he did as his Grandfather told him and found the one called Jamis. He knew right then that many great adventures awaited him.
Special Training: Sword Mastery
Weaponry: His hand made blade and buckler
Armour: Plate armor crafted from his Grandfather
Goals and Ambitions: Rid the land of all evils serve the Knights of the Burning Blade.
Character Name: Hannibal
Playby: Nathan Explosion
Age: 26
Height: 6' 7''
Weight: 280 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black
Build: Muscular
Gender: Male
Distinctive Characteristic(s): Cold
Personal History: Hannibal hails from the highlands of Dethkloria, born an orphan, he was raise by his brother, when Hannibal was 13 years old his town was attack by a balrog, many of the townsfolk fought bravely, but they all perished except for his brother who died saving the land from this demonic entity. Saden by the lost of his only family, he took his brothers corpse and buried him in the Family mausoleum, while inside he found a black sword, resting next to an unmark burial vault, it seem like the sword had been resting there for centuries, yet why no one found it before was a mystery that elluded him. He pick it up, and his mind link with the sword. The sword belong to his ancestor, the Skull Knight whose soul had been trap in the sword for many centuries, he presented himself to Hannibal after sensing the great anguish and fury in Hannibal's spirit, the Skull Knight found Hannibal worthy of the power of his sword, so He took him as his student and taught him everything he knew. Hannibal now embarks on a journey to improve his sword mastery and a desire to slaughter all that is evil, for his brother was the only family he ever had. But, what he does not know is that the Skull Knight has other plans for him...
Special Training: Swordmaster.
Weaponry: Black Hasta (A Sword that was once wielded by the Skull Knight)
Armour: Shadow of Hades (A mysterious armor giving to him by his brother, offers great protection against physical damage, moderate against magical attacks)
Goals and Ambitions: Absolute justice, Destroy all evil.
Character Name: Ignis
Playby: Disciples II demon faction thief
Age: 24
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 164
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Maroon, nearly 2 inches.
Build: On the slim side of average, somewhat muscular.
Gender: Male
Distinctive Characteristic(s): Gambling addiction : If it has any potential to be turned into a bet, Ignis can figure out how.
Strangely paranoid and leery of squirrels, when asked about it, he avoids the subject, simply replying, "Damn window was open, never heard them come in. Crafty little bastards."
Personal History: Born into a somewhat poor family, Ignis had to quickly learn how to get by with less than his friends. His childhood consisted of bullying by the richer children, which led him to develop a quick wit, and equally quick reflexes, as he was not the strongest child. He would often rely on dirty fighting, and speed to defend himself from the children who harassed him. Despite the rigors of school, he still managed to get by with above average grades. His home life however, was a different matter entirely. His father had recently taken to alcohol to lessen his stress, and his clothing business began to suffer. His mother had to take a job as a barmaid to help support the family. Both parents now occupied, Ignis was often left to his own devices, or in the company of his drunken, off-work father.
Near the age of 10, his father now a full-fledged alchoholic, ran his business into the ground, leaving Ignis's mother as the sole provider of the family. Ignis knew his mother could not support the family alone, and began making small bets with his schoolyard peers. Often, they were small things, like "who can run faster", or "who can jump higher". Even when he lost a bet, he often managed to pick the coinpurses of the other children, gaining back his losses as well as their coin, leaving them none the wiser. Ignis soon realized he had a knack for making bets, and began teaching himself the art of cards, which was the next logical step in his eyes. Ignis practiced whenever he could, be it alone, with friends, or with family. Soon enough, he felt confident enough to take his new found skills into the world, and went with his mother to the tavern one day to try his hand at poker. After that first night he was absolutely beaming, 4 gold richer.
At the age of 19, he had ensured his parent's financial stability, and turned towards accumulating his own fortune. Taking a dive back into his childhood, he began picking pockets once more. He easily regained his knowledge of the craft, but picking pockets could not sustain his growing sense of adventure. He began breaking into houses at night, taking anything and everything that wasn't nailed to the floor. The thrill of not being caught was a rush for Ignis, just as much as that first hand of poker had been all those years ago. He soon balanced out the two hobbies, and began amassing a substantial amount of money.
This fortune would not come without enemies. All the money he was gaining had to come from somewhere, or specifically, somebody. Ignis was unaware of how many vengeful thugs were on his trail, seeking their lost money, and lost pride. One night, it finally became apparent to Ignis that with his lifestyle, came danger. He was sleeping in his house, a modest shack near the dock district of town, when he heard frantic yelling outside. He could not make out exactly what was being said, but he knew that the victims of his luck had finally caught up with him. He then heard a crash, and bolted out of bed to grab his weapons. He strapped on his 2 knives, and carried his wakizashi in his right hand, as his Katana was too long to use indoors. He heard footsteps, and judging from them, figured 5 or so men had come for him. He crept out of his room, and hid in the bathroom, waiting. Mere seconds later, he heard the men crash into his room. They sounded confused, wondering where Ignis had gone. They decided to split up, and Ignis knew his luck had not failed him.
He waited until the footsteps dispered, and peeked outside of the bathroom. There was still a guard waiting outside of his room. He quickly dispatched him with a thrown knife, rushed to his room, grabbed his leather armor and cloak, as well as his money, and vaulted out of his window. After this incident, Ignis knew that he would have to refine his sneaking, evasion, and even infiltration abilities, since apparently garden variety thugs could find him. He also knew he would have to practice with his blades, since all the stealth in the world would not save him once his enemies were at his door. He spent the better part of a year "practicing" with the local guard, both legally and illegally. Once he felt confident in his abilities, he was able to go back to the lifestyle he knew and loved. The thieving he did during his time a was able to sustain him, but he knew that gambling was where he would get ahead. He went back to his preferred line of work, and since not many people knew or remembered him anymore, had a substantial advantage over them. At first he was somewhat rusty, and suffered some setbacks, but his previous fortune served as a good cushion to help him get back to his previous level of skill. It came back quite naturally after he had lost several games, and he began amassing his gains once more.
It seemed as if he was on the top of the world, nothing could bring him down. But all good things have to end, and end it did. His fortune was washed away in one stroke of bad luck, landing him on the streets stuck with a substantial debt, and enemies in the wrong places. Broke and jaded, Ignis had to go back to his old stomping grounds. The taverns here in the slums were not as wealthy, but they were the only places he could go. One night however, turned him towards a different walk of life. Ignis struck up a conversation with one of his poker opponents, and the chatter quickly turned towards a mercenary corporation the man was making : The Knights of the Burning Blade.
Ignis was filled with that familiar sense of adventure once more, figured he would try his hand at adventuring (After all, he heard it pays well), and joined up with this new mercenary group.
Special Training: Extensive skill at picking locks and sneaking around, also has basic training in throwing weapons as well as melee weapons.
Weaponry: A katana and a wakizashi : the pride and glory of his thieving days, stolen from a long retired warrior from the far east. Also carries 4 knives he keeps for "peace of mind", 2 of which are tucked in his boots, the other 2 being strapped to his forearms, hidden under his sleeves.
The 2 knives within his sleeves are strapped in such a way as to allow them to fly loose with specific arm movements, allowing quick throwing without having to take them out.
Armour: Basic cloth and studded leather armor, dyed maroon in remembrance of his father's former glory. Wears a red cloak as well, which his mother gave to him when he helped her get back on her feet financially.
Goals and Ambitions: To get out of debt, and following a misguided sense of adventure.
Will no doubt be doing some editing later, gotta refine this and such.
It's fine to edit our characters up until the game starts, right Jetrall ?
Huzzah, may have it down to the final edit.
Willing to edit it down, if need be though, it is pretty lengthy :/.
Character Name: Buliwyf
Playby: Vladimir Kulich
Age: 32
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 195 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blonde
Build: Average/Muscular
Gender: Male
Distinctive Characteristic(s): Somewhat stoic demeanor, optimistic
Personal History: Born in a small outlying village in Westmarch, Buliwyf and his brother Jamis grew up listening to grand tales of heroic exploits, these tales compelled the brothers to do all they could to master weapons skills and combat skills. Where ever he travelled in the world his brother was always close behind. The presence of his brother always pushing him to excel in all that he does. Together they began recruiting like minded people to join their cause, and in so doing so founded the Knights of the Burning Blade. Always a stern believer in the principle of 'who lives by the sword dies by the sword'. Never willing to back down from a challenge, yet rarely will he relish in the fight, taking little pleasure in it. He views fighting and battles as a necessity required to see his goals achieved.
Special Training: Training with swords and axes, basic field medicine knowledge.
Weaponry: Claymore, throwing axe, shield
Armour: Basic plate / chainmail combination
Goals and Ambitions: Establish the Knights of the Burning Blade as a large and serious mercenary organization, to reach a level of infamy like that of heroes of the tales from his childhood.
[[[[[I may extend this at a later point]]]]
Age: 27
Weight: 200
Eyes: the colour of the sky
Hair: Brown, long, bearded
Build: Muscular, Athletic build, Warrior build
Gender: Male
Distinctive Characteristic(s): Rather Die like a man than live like a coward
Personal History: Was taught how to build muscle/ work-out doing mans work from his father and taught how to fight from his mother. As soon he was 14 he joined the militia, Now he has joined forces with a new found mercenary group - The Knights of the Burning Blade, and is doing what he does best. Grind meat.
Special Training: Rage, Intense physical, axe, bow, swords, knives, polearms.
Weaponry: Longbow/ 40 bronze arrows, 2 Handed battle-trophy Sword, and 13 throwing knives
Armour: short chain mail, Chain/ leather shoulders, Battle helmet, leather gloves, and leather shoes.
Goals and Ambitions: To Fight for whats just in his eyes and to rip evil doers to shreads, death is the ultimate adventure.
Age: 17
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 132 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Medium Long Black. No facial hair.
Build: Fit, Athletic.
Gender: Male
Distinctive Characteristics:
Personal History: An orphan until the age of six, then adopted and raised by the "Brotherhood of the Talented" when the orphanage started reporting mysterious things happening around him.
Now at the age of 17, studying the arts of magic and learning to control the elements with his mind and hands only. His mentor decided it was time for him to take care of himself, leaving him only a note for some sort of group known as the Knights of the Burning Blade. Kamrad went off to seek this group, spending days looking for the one named Jamis. Just as he thought all hope was lost, as he never found this man, he went to the local tavern in the near by city. He over heard some people talking that mentioned Jamis. Kamrad walked over to these people, asking them what they know, realising one of those people is Jamis's brother, Buliwyf. They were glad to accept Kamrad into their group.
Special Training: Elemental Magic and Healing.
Weaponry: Basic Battle Staff and Short Sword.
Armour: White robe, trimmed with red.
Goals and Ambitions: To find out who his real parents are, and why they left him.
Character Name: Mordwythe
Playby: (See above image.)
Age: 21
Height: 5'9''
Weight: 145 lbs.
Eyes: Golden orange.
Hair: Dark brown/ shoulder-length.
Build: Slim.
Gender: Male.
Distinctive Characteristic(s): At times very passionate, calculating, reserved, and a strong sense of moral balance. At times this can give way to power obsession and an unforgiving demeanor and mindset.
Personal History: At a very young age, it became clear to Mordwythe's parents that he had been born with the gift of sorcery. His eyes burned with an endless glow at times, he, himself, given over to strange fevers and ill-temper. This did not stop his boundless curiosity, however, when he came to the knowledge of the world of Sanctuary as a world of magic, good, bad, and in-between. It was not long before his curiosity carried him away with the changing times, and many such times he arrived back at the doorstep of his familiar birthing-home to a frustrated mother and distanced father. Tension continued to grow between them, his own passion and guile lending him to a life outside the home many times, until at last his parents had had enough. That very night, a Vizjerei, the Mage Drognan, found him, tipped-off by some of the villagers that had been on travel, and swept him away in to a life of study as his apprentice with little resistance from his parents.
Soon enough, Mordwythe had had enough of the life of a student, his mind filled to the brink with all manner of arcane knowledge that Drognan could cram in to his brain. The Vizjerei had found that the young man had a vast potential in the area of pure pyromancy, the art of fire-conjuring, one of the base elements as observed by many mages and sorcerers. He believed, even more so, that it had been part of him as a child. The mage had taken to turning every tome and ancient scroll he had to discern the source of the odd gift and, after many months, decided finally that Mordwythe was somehow conceived from an Elemental. That had, in turn, led to his questioning of the parents, as Drognan's mind was boundless in hunger, and had led to his discovery that the Mr. of Mordwythe's parents was not his true father. Indeed, that had been why his father had been so distanced from his adopted son for as long as he could remember. His mother, it so happened, had had a romantic escapade with a being from the Elemental Plane of Fire.
Tired of being examined and cross-examined as if he were some manner of specimen, Mordwythe left Drognan's care in Lut Gholein after nearly a decade, taking with him only a short staff he had rummaged from the mage's sale wares and the clothes on his back. He left because it was in his nature, because it was how he had been even when he had a modest family and home to live with. He left because he realized that within him was a burning desire since birth to expand his power, awaken the imprisoned half of his being, however chained it was to his mortal form, for he was just as much human as Elemental and was, as such, subject to all the mortal world's shortcomings: grief, pain, suffering, sadness, and death, and was still subject to a completely human body and mind.
This realization only fueled his desire to unlock his gift his absent, true father left him. It was only weeks later that the oddity that was Mordwythe, half human and half Elemental, found himself in the company of the Knights of the Burning Blade, seeking to hone his skill further and, if the opportunity should ever present itself in his work and travels, discover his father.
Special Training: He trained as a Vizjerei, although not officially accepted as one, and has proficiency in the control and summoning of the element of fire.
Weaponry: A short staff.
Armour: Travel-worn robes covered by a cloak and a belt about his waist.
Goals and Ambitions: Vaulting ambition to master his power.
Jetrall, Elfen: Sorry, I hope this will qualify. I tried to stress that he's completely subject to all the trials of humanity and is completely human in all regards except for his eyes. I'll fix it if it doesn't suit the bill.
Character Name: Kira
Age: 19
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 135 lbs.
Eyes: blue
Hair: long brown
Build: lithe
Gender: Female
Personal History: At an early age Kira's parents could tell she would excel in all she set her mind to, but she was a little to impatient, always pushing herself too hard and not listening as well as she should. While training she would get angry at herself for not being able to best her two friends, she did not like being third. Her friends tried to convey to her to slow down and take everything in and be aware of her surroundings as she fought. Then they started their bow training and here is where she was finally able to excel over them. She could hit the targets better than they could, while riding, running or at any angle she could usually hit her mark.
Eventually she was given position of aiding in the trade ship guard. She loved traveling to the different lands and meeting new people. While at port, if there were trouble around she would help out the local officials. At one port, after she aided another warrior in capturing some criminals and he commented on her skills and told her of the Knights of the Burning Blade and how she could put her skills to use with them. She said she would take it into consideration and sailed back home. She had decided that the next time she went out she would seek out the knights and ask for acceptance into their group. She just had to explain it to her mother. She got up the courage and presented herself to her mother, who reminded her that she still needed to work on her sword and combat training, that I was still too impatient but she saw that I really wanted to go out into the world and she gave me her blessing.
Since I forgot the name of the city that the warrior told me the group was located in I was forced to inquire at every port we landed at if the Knights of the Burning Blade were there. Eventually I found the right city and approached them. I spoke with one of their leaders and he was a bit skeptical about letting me join because of my youth, so I asked for a test to prove my skills which he set up. Even though I did miss one target I still impressed him and was allowed to join.
Special Training: Trained to be warrior from childhood to protect our trade ships using bow and sword. Can perform light magic to aid in illuminating foes and lowering their defense.
Weaponry: Bow and short sword & shield
Armour: Studded leather armor
Goals and Ambitions: Cleanse the evil doers from this world
Folks will always come and go, so enjoy them while they're meant to be in your life.
Character Name: Adhaburefu Kifu
Playby: Blizzard's Witch Doctor
Age: 64
Height: 5'2
Weight: 95lbs
Eyes: Grey
Hair: None
Build: Skin and Bones
Gender: Male
Distinctive Characteristic(s): Kifu may look small, old and insignificant but he uses this to his advantage to strike unsuspecting enemies. He also mumbles to himself and laughs a lot, I mean a lot.
Personal History: Living in the Torajan jungles is not an easy nor posh life. There is constant war amongst the Umbaru people over land, pride, and worthy sacrifices. The clan of The Five Hills and the clan of The Seven Stones were constantly at war with each other.
The Leader of The Five Hills was named Epesi Kali meaning quick strength. Epesi's tribe was known for using brute force and fire to overcome their opposers. Epesi's wife Mdhibit Kali gave birth to their son and rightful heir of the Five Hills Clan. Much to Epesi's dismay, their son was a "puny little runt". This greatly bothered Epesi and he ordered his wife to kill their son so that they would not be shamed by his small stature.
Mdhibit would not kill her own son so instead she went into the Seven Stone's territory where she had a childhood friend, an elder who kept to himself in his older age, avoiding the conflict between the two clans. She gave her son to him where he could stay protected and unnoticed by Epesi and the members of the Seven Stones. Hodari Mzee took in this child as if his own and promised Mdhibit that he would protect him as long as he lived.
Being a founding member of the Seven Stones Clan, to which he had no affiliation with anymore, Hodari was the most gifted Umbaru when it came to poisons and the Ghost Trance. He had decided since size was no matter with these techniques he would teach the child all of his knowledge. He named the child Adhaburefu Kifu meanig slow painful death. Kifu began his training with poisons. He would be injected with small amounts of different poisons to slowly increase his own body's resistance to them. After this, Hodari taught him how to use these poisons with other objects to be able to inflict his enemies with the poisons. After 15 long years, Kifu had finally mastered all there was to learn about posions.
The next step in his training was the Ghost Trance. The Ghost Trance was the most complicated and powerful technique an Umbaru can learn. The Ghost Trance is the ability to cross over into the Mbwiru Eikura or the "unformed world". This is where the Umbaru drew all of thier power from. It was a difficult and daunting task. He sarted with a 30 day fast. During this time Kifu sat alone in a room in complete silence, channeling spirits and crossing over to the unformed land. He would repeat this process fro the next 20 years, fasting and meditating with very little interaction inbetween. He was now able to cross over to the "unfomred land" bringing back zombies of all sort to do his bidding. He was also able to see other souls of people who have passed and could drain the souls from the living.
Once his training was complete, Hodari had told Kifu his ture origins and that Epesi Kali was actually his father. He had told him his father wanted Kifu killed because he was to small and that his mother had brought him here for protection. Later that night a groud of the Seven Stones clan came to Hodari's house. They had found out that he was not only protecting but teaching the rightful heir to the Five Hills clan. As they broke through the door, Hodari had told Kifu to run and that he would hold them off. Kifu ran as far as he could but not knowing where he was going to. He had decided that he would return to the Five Hills Clan. He had figured that now that he was so powerful that his father would respect him and welcome him back. Much to his dismay, when he had arrived at Epesi Kali's house, Kali was not excited about his return. Kali was not impressed with Kifu's skills, he still saw him as a puny little runt. He turned Kifu away still embarassed by him and his small stature. He had told him that he could never be the leader of the Five Hills. Kifu fled the Torajan jungles ashamed of what his father had said and made his way to Lut Gohlein.
Kifu spent most of his time in Lut Gohlein fasting and meditating. Often he would find innocent children who needed help and he would aid them. He would help them get food and water and find shelter much to the sacrifice of his own food and housing. He would also have to hide or disguise himself from the general public. Many people's preconcieved notions of the Umbaru were that they were Evil people themselves. They did not like the fact that the Umbaru would bring back their loved ones to do their own dirty work and the idea of sacrificing humans did not sit easily with them either. Kifu spent the next 30 years of his life living in obscurity. Constantly on the balance on life and death.
30 years of solitude, hunger, no sense of purpose, and no home had taken it's toll on Kifu. He had started going mad. Laughter would pour from his mouth anytime someone would try to talk to him, scaring off the children he use to help, increasing his despair even more. On the verge of death, lying in the streets of Lut Gohlein, Kifu was meditating when Hodari had spoken to him in the "Unformed Land". He had told Kifu about a group of people known as the Knights of the Burning Blade. They were a group of mercenaries who sought out demons and planned to destroy all that was evil in the world. Kifu thought that if he could join this group he could not only restore confidence and the strength needed to reclaim his land but he also saw it as an opportunity to prove to everybody what the Umbaru were capable of and what they stood for. He sought out the members of the Knights of the Burning Blade and one by one proved himself worthy of them through ability, teamwork and willingness for self-sacrifice for the greater good. He had joined the ranks of the Knights of the Burning Blade and was on his way to reclaim what is rightfully his.
Special Training: Kifu is well trained with both poisons and his ghost trance.
Weaponry: Sacrificial dagger, ceremonial staff and ingredients needed for his spells.
Armour: Most importantly is his mask that he uses to taunt his enemies. He also wears leather straps around his wrists and ankles and wears a decorated loin-cloth.
Goals and Ambitions: Both to earn his Father's respect and become rightful heir to his land and restore the reputation of the Umbaru people.
Sorry about the image size. I have tried resizing it 4 different ways and nothing seems to be working.
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Character Name: Donsro
Age: 24 Years
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 165 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Medium Length and Black
Build: Average
Gender: Male
Distinctive Characteristic(s): You will never see him coming.
Personal History: Ever since a child Donsro has always been wrongfully mixed up in the heat of battle. It wasn't until one particular night when he decided to take up the offensive rather than hiding. Donsro was quivering in a small hut in his tiny southern village as he heard weapons clashing and screams of agony that seemed to be coming closer. Curiosity forced him to peak outside the door to see what was happening. He was terrified to see his parents both hanging from the tree out front. Donsro ran, but he ran in the wrong direction. His running halted when he came face to face with an axe-wielding demon. The demon lifted his axe, Donsro closed his eyes, Gash. He opened his eye and there is a spiked warhammer in the demon's head. The man who killed him took Donsro to live and train with him until he turned 18. As a parting gift he gave him his spiked warhammer. Along his travels Donsro heard rumors of the Knights and decided to investigate, until he eventually became part.
Special Training: Donsro was well trained in stealth and heavy weaponry.
Weaponry: Spiked Warhammer, and a small poisoned dagger.
Armour: Mostly steel plated armor with some leather artifacts.
Goals and Ambitions: Avenge his family and protect the world
Character Name: Jethera
Age: 38
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 197lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long dark brown hair with goatee.
Build: Thin/muscular
Gender: Male
Distinctive Characteristic(s): His knowledge of history and locations of interest.
Personal History: As a young boy, Jethera was an egger warrior wanting to rid the lands of the demons that crossed it. As he grew up he was showing strength in many areas that would prove him to become successful, but one day he had a dream. A voice talked to him, telling him that he should seek out a man, a man by the name of Deckard Cain. That morning Jethera went out on his journey from that night's dream.
After a five solitary days of search he came across an encampment. He was greated with open arms by an elderly man wearing a gray robe and brandishing a gnarled walking stick.
"Ah, yes, my son, what brings you from far lands?" asked the man.
"I'm here in search of a man named Deckard Cain. He spoke to me in a dream," replied Jethera.
"Jethera then, I presume?"
"Yes, do you know where I can find him?"
"Come with me son, I'll show you," the man told him, leading him aside.
The man then reveiled himself to Jethera as Deckard Cain and told him he had been watching him. Deckard Cain didn't deny that Jethera had extrordinary powers as a warrior, but that his abilities could be put to other usage. Jethera enquired deeply as Deckard Cain continued his speech. He told him of the powers of being an Archivist, he told him about uses knowledge as a weapon, he told him that if he controlled his powers behond believe he could achieve unimaginable things. Deckard Cain finished his story with tales from history, about seeing many fall to the demonic wrath and how he and Jethera should work together to help the travelers prevail against the legions of darkness.
From that day on Deckard Cain trained Jethera on the arts of becoming an Archivist. Jethera became a great Archivist, learning to manipulate enemies minds to become allies, learning to use pages from his scrolls and tomes to create deadly whirlwinds with them, and the explosive technique of silence.
Special Training: Trained with staves and ability to use tomes and scroll as weapons of knowledge.
Weaponry: Tomes, scrolls, staves.
Armour: Green robe, redish brown shoulder cloak. A green scroll bag and a brown tome satchel.
Goals and Ambitions: To battle along-side young travelers using his knowledge and his unique Archivist abilities to defeat evil that stand in their way.
Age: 16
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 95lbs.
Eyes: Violet
Hair: White
Build: Fragile
Gender: Female
Distinctive Characteristic(s): Quiet, speaks few words. Always wearing black and purple cloaks and robes.
Personal History: Būti Atsakingu is the lone child of a wealthy couple whose faith is solely focused on The Balance. From birth, Būti Atsakingu carried the heavy weight of expectations from her parents to be a great follower of The Balance and to spread it's influence in hopes to keep both the High Heavens and Burning Hells from having too much influence on the mortal plane.
Before she could even talk, the teachings had been drilled into her head, and when she grew older, it was no surprise she followed them to the dot. Due to this, she lived in social isolation, speaking with few people outside of her own family. When she reached the age of 10, her parents decided that she should learn to defend herself, as well as kill others if the situation ever called for it. For this, they had hired an ex-mercenary, one renowned for his abilities in the art of the assassinations and swordplay. However, after two years of training with him, she grew disinterested in the primitive way of swords and axes. She considered them weapons of the poor and unsophisticated.
After his departure, she focused her training on other aspects of killing. She began to follow the path of spellwork and toxins. She created her own scythe, where the handle consisted of deathly-white bone, and the blade an ominous shade of black obsidian. She attached magically-strengthened ribbons to the end of the handle, allowing her to fight where she prefers to - from a distance. She focused more on concocting new toxins and poisons to use, rather than train herself more in the way of bone-based spells.
When she reached the age of 16, she grew impatient with the stagnant lifestyle around her house, and she began looking into ways of spreading faith and her protection from those beyond the mortal plane. She had considered travelling Sanctuary as a lone wanderer, but realized it may be too risky, and her parents did not want her to be alone in the world, at such a younger age. She had found out about the Knights of the Burning Blades from her visiting uncle (who lived in one of the major port towns). At first, she had felt sickened and was revolted by the idea of joining "knights", but soon realized it was a mercenary group consisting of a variety of fighters. She decided it was best to join them and see where it led her. In her departure from her family, they had given her their family heirloom, kiso, a short sword that was awkwardly bulged and a deformed handle. They were well aware they went against her way of fighting, but their family had considered it to be a 'good luck charm'.
Special Training:Trained in the way of instant annihilanation, and toxin/poison usage, with a small extent into the Bone-related spells.
Weaponry: Her main weapon is her Scythe, "Zudo", and her backup weapon is her sword, "kiso". Her sword can be seen in the picture provided. Her scythe can be seen here:
Armour: Very little protection offered up by her light-weight robes and cloaks.
Goals and Ambitions: To create new followers of The Balance, and help protect Sanctuary from both Angels and Demons.
note: Guys, if anyone has a problem, please PM me about this. Also, sorry for any spelling mistakes, this computer doesn't seem to have a spellchecker on it. Also, the names used in here are Lithuanian. Her name translates to "To Be Responsible For", her Scythe's name translates to "Kill" and her sword translates into "To Poke (in/into)".
One becomes strong when they are fighting to protect someone close to them... - Shiro Haku
Age: 29
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 160
Eyes: Grey
Hair: mid length / grey hair
Build: average build
Gender: Male
Distinctive Characteristic(s): Devout following of a higher authority.
Personal History: Viktor grew up in a world full of torment. Beat by his Father at a young age Viktor turned to a higher authority for guidance. Every time his drunk father would return home, Viktor would hide under his bed clutching his book and reciting verses from it. Running away from home when he was only 14 Viktor found solace around people who needed guidance. Viktor spent the next 5 years of his life helping other people the only way he knew how, through faith. When Viktor turned 20 he decided to venture off into the world to see what other "good" he could do. Along his travels, Viktor ran into a blacksmith in need of help. the black smith had lost his family to demons that over ran his home. The blacksmith was on the verge of taking his own life when Viktor had intervened. He had shown the black smith the light of purity and discouraged him from his gruesome ending. Thankful for his help, the blacksmith fashioned two weapons for him. First was a mace in the shape cross and the second was a crossbow designed in a similar style. The black smith had told him once again how grateful he was for Viktor's guidance and had told him that he hoped his weapons would help him through his travels and possibly save more people like him, lost in the dark.
While traveling for many years, Viktor had heard stories of demons coming from hell itself and infesting them upon Sanctuary. Viktor had eventually made his way to the city of Tristram where he saw the demons damage upon the world first hand. Outraged by the thought of this viktor vowed to vanquish all signs of evil from Sanctuary. While talking to the villagers in New Tristram, he had heard of a group of mercenaries who sought out evil and destroyed it. Viktor eagerly found this group, the Knights of the Burning Blade. He immediately joined them on their adventures offering hope and faith when there was little to be found.
Special Training: Mostly relying on his faith to vanquish demons, Viktor has learned how to cast holy spells to destroy the enemies in front of him. When Faith is not enough, Viktor is also well versed with his mace and crossbow.
Weaponry: A mace and crossbow with fashioned in the shape of a cross.
Armour: Leather armor covered by his classic black robe.
Goals and Ambitions: To vanquish all that is unpure in this world.
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Age: 29
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 160
Eyes: Grey
Hair: mid length / grey hair
Build: average build
Gender: Male
Distinctive Characteristic(s): Devout following of a higher authority.
Personal History: Viktor grew up in a world full of torment. Beat by his Father at a young age Viktor turned to a higher authority for guidance. Every time his drunk father would return home, Viktor would hide under his bed clutching his book and reciting verses from it. Running away from home when he was only 14 Viktor found solace around people who needed guidance. Viktor spent the next 5 years of his life helping other people the only way he knew how, through faith. When Viktor turned 20 he decided to venture off into the world to see what other "good" he could do. Along his travels, Viktor ran into a blacksmith in need of help. the black smith had lost his family to demons that over ran his home. The blacksmith was on the verge of taking his own life when Viktor had intervened. He had shown the black smith the light of purity and discouraged him from his gruesome ending. Thankful for his help, the blacksmith fashioned two weapons for him. First was a mace in the shape cross and the second was a crossbow designed in a similar style. The black smith had told him once again how grateful he was for Viktor's guidance and had told him that he hoped his weapons would help him through his travels and possibly save more people like him, lost in the dark.
While traveling for many years, Viktor had heard stories of demons coming from hell itself and infesting them upon Sanctuary. Viktor had eventually made his way to the city of Tristram where he saw the demons damage upon the world first hand. Outraged by the thought of this viktor vowed to vanquish all signs of evil from Sanctuary. While talking to the villagers in New Tristram, he had heard of a group of mercenaries who sought out evil and destroyed it. Viktor eagerly found this group, the Knights of the Burning Blade. He immediately joined them on their adventures offering hope and faith when there was little to be found.
Special Training: Mostly relying on his faith to vanquish demons, Viktor has learned how to cast holy spells to destroy the enemies in front of him. When Faith is not enough, Viktor is also well versed with his mace and crossbow.
Weaponry: A mace and crossbow with fashioned in the shape of a cross. He also always carries a book of verses which he uses to aid his faith.
Armour: Leather armor covered by his classic black robe.
Goals and Ambitions: To vanquish all that is unpure in this world.
Character Name: Atrion Galoszen
Playby: James Callis
Age: 46
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 160 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Build: Slim / Muscular
Gender: Male
Distinctive Characteristic(s):
Personal History: Atrion is the Commander of the Bramwell Guard and Military Advisor to King Mentaeus, serving in his court for almost twenty years. He was raised, along with his three brothers, to be a military-minded man. His younger brothers left years ago in pursuit of glory and fame while Atrion remained, aiding a (then young) Mentaeus establish and maintain his new rule over Bramwell.
Not much is known of Atrion's personal life (a fact which he is no doubt responsible for), though it is publicly understood that he does have a wife and daughter at home and that he would give his life in defense of his town and, thereby, of them.
More will become clear of Atrion's history and motivations as the story progresses.
Special Training: Training with blades and polearms, horsemanship, basic knowledge of bows, basic knowledge of field medicine
Weaponry: One claymore, one dagger
Armour: Chainmail augmented with plate shoulder and chest protection
Goals and Ambitions: Not yet apparent