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    posted a message on Returning Play with comments about group play.
    Quote from Zek»

    Mostly it's people who loot everything they see and then have to check one by one to see if any of it is good, then salvage and put it all into the stash, repair their gear, etc. Yes this can all be done quickly but people are just slow and indecisive. If you want them to pick up the pace, don't wait for them so long.

    Yep. Providing your character is strong enough, just jump right on in and they'll wrap it up pretty quickly.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on <dfans> recruiting
    Quote from Marcavelip»

    Are you still accepting people? Would love to join! getting back into the swing before 2.3

    I filled the last spot with a new-ish non-season player (they haven't accepted invite yet). Felt like we needed some new blood, as well as another NS player. Find us in-game by searching for our clan <dfans> and apply that way. If a spot opens up, I'll put you in first, since you used the forum to apply as requested.

    Leave your battletag here (forum) so I know who to look for, and I'll do my best.

    Just be patient everyone, and please don't take not getting in personally. If we could let everybody in, we would. 150 spots isn't as much as one might think for a clan with such exposure.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Fast Moving Classes
    Quote from wqwfst»

    There are some options to increase your movement speed. For example:

    • Belt: Krelm's Buff Belt (Gain 25% run speed. This effect is lost for 5 seconds after taking damage)
    • Wrists: Warzechian Armguards (Every time you destroy a wreckable object, you gain a short burst of speed.)
    • Gem: Wreath of Lightning (While under the effect of the Wreath of Lightning, gain 25% increased movement speed (Requires Rank 25))
    • Gem: Boon of the Hoarder (Gain 30% increased movement speed for 3 seconds after picking up gold. (Requires Rank 25)).
    • Paragon: Movement Speed

    Do any of these items make sure that you don't bypass vast mobs, leaving others to deal with them?

    I main an R6 Monk, so I can effectively teleport with more proficiency than any other class. But even with my mobility, I don't ditch my teammates and leave them to take out the trash. That's no fun for others, and isn't that why we play these games? Fun? You can put all those items on your WD and I'll blow you away with just my skillbar, leaving you chewing on my dust. But I don't play that way.

    Again, I'm saying there's a middle ground. Players should expect to bring some movement skills into t6 games. Players should not fritter around and hold the group up. Conversely, players should not behave so selfishly by ditching their group.

    My hope is that T10 suppresses much of this by offering a bit more stiffness to white mobs.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Fast Moving Classes

    Has anyone ever heard of a middle ground? People that run off like that are doing what I call reverse leeching, but many of them aren't aware that the multiplicative party bonus drops off by 10% for each party member out of range (not a huge range either).

    That being said, going too fast is as annoying as players going too slow. You know the types....the ones that ID legs in the rift floor. The ones that go off into the corner and wail away on a lone white monster when they could just keep up and tackle mobs, bypassing lone stragglers.

    All of this can be easily avoided with a little communication. It's amazing what a few words before starting the rift/grift can accomplish. If you don't like the responses you get (if you get any at all), find another group.

    This is far easier to accomplish in groups with friends/clan mates. A little communication goes a long ways, and if you're not communicating, you're as much in the wrong as that whirling, streaking barbarian.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Returning Play with comments about group play.

    It's hard to tell what people are doing, really. Some of them have issues with low materials, and perhaps after each run, they throw their new-found mats directly at their gear. You'll run into this more with either low para players, or players with new-ish characters that require more tweaking.

    I doubt very many people are playing around with Xmogs, however. I rarely see people doing that.

    The best approach is to relay your desire to start a new rift, and if nobody responds or they're otherwise taking too long, start a new rift and go on in. People hate to hear elites being aggro'd while they're in town. Think of it as a friendly kick in the rear.

    I know this much; aggro a goblin and they come running pretty fast.

    Public games; Though I enjoy doing them from time to time (a great way to meet new players and expose yourself to others), pub games can be (will be) a mishmash of all variety of players. From elite players to newbies, smart Diablo players with a high d3 acumen to actual, legitimately mentally disabled people, adults and children alike.

    If you're in a bad group, just kindly leave and find a new game. It never hurts to inform people that they're behaving badly or rudely, though be prepared to feel their wrath.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on <dfans> recruiting
    Quote from nograndplan»

    FIxed :) Yup there is an EU <dfans> clan

    Thank you Yso. You're a good dude.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on <dfans> recruiting
    Quote from celey»

    Blizzard should just allow larger clan sizes. Problem solved

    Hopefully we'll see that happen soon. 200+ would certainly be better.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on <dfans> recruiting
    Quote from Stealpulse»

    There does seem to be a bit of a disconnect between seasonal/non-seasonal players, a suggestion (feel free to reject it outright) would be to have two Dfans groups, one seasonal and one non-seasonal. I know other clans do this, and if the current clan is full that would free up a ton of room.

    The only issue that might come from that is; Some people may decide to sit out a season, or conversely, wish to try a particular season. This would mean we'd have an issue with people feeling like they need to change clans just to accommodate trying either season or non-season.

    The rub here is that the clan will always be full, and will not be able to accommodate everyone. What we don't want is to kick people who maybe have been on vacation, hard-pressed at work, having a baby, getting married, taking finals in school... or otherwise temporarily disposed. The clan shouldn't feel like a daily obligation, and people shouldn't be afraid to have some time off.

    I feel the best way to approach the season/non-season conflict is through roster balance. More people seem to play seasonal, so it follows that more members will be seasonal exclusive players. Far less people play HC, so it follows that the clan should have less HC players than SC players (but still enough to provide a good grouping dynamic during peak hours).

    Any ideas or suggestions are welcome, and this thread is a great place to put them.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on <dfans> recruiting
    Quote from celey»

    Ive just applied this morning. Mostly offline waiting for 2.3 and s4 to start. Hope youll have me in (eu server) looking for people level and play with.

    I main the barb class, swapped sc to hc in season 2. Hope to cu ingame. Paragon is 600+ current season

    It probably should've been noted in the OP that this clan is a (US) clan. I believe Dfans has a (EU) clan as well, not 100% sure about that though. I'll reach out to a staff member here and confirm.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on <dfans> recruiting

    The Clan is almost full as of now (1 spot remaining), and we have no plans to remove anyone until we get into Season 4 and see inactive members not logging on. We don't want to the clan to be a revolving door, constantly flushing out people who maybe take a break. What can be done to prevent yourself from being kicked is to communicate with an officer in-game, or simply send me a PM here explaining that you'll be absent for awhile.

    If anyone was removed and you feel it was wrong for you to be kicked, please post here or PM me and we'll see what we can do. We had some long time members get removed, and I'd like to remedy that as best as can be accommodated.

    We want to create groups for all types of players. We want players that prefer group play, but we don't want people to feel threatened for playing solo when they desire. We just ask that majority-solo players don't apply.

    Apply here in this thread. Tell us (briefly) your Diablo 3 experience, your Battletag, your preferred mode (Season, Non Season, Hardcore Season, HC NS). The purpose here isn't to weed out new players or "casuals". The purpose of the aforementioned is to help us create a more balanced grouping dynamic. Seasons are great, but the downside is that many NS players have been alienated. We want groups for NS players as well.

    As well, this clan isn't elitist, so if your relatively new or you don't push the leaderboards, don't be shy B) . Friendly, sociable, active players are what we want. People that don't stay away for long periods of time, people that answer questions, jump in and help out etc etc.

    Conversely, if you are a member and you don't plan on playing anymore, or much at all for some time, please be a good neighbor and clear your spot so others can jump in.

    Feel free to PM me here @Dfans if you have any questions.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 10

    posted a message on Disappointed with 2.3
    Quote from DTDuim»

    Play decent videogames is my hobbie. You are just a bunch of fanboys that dont admit that the game SUCKS right now.

    Cya !

    BNET Forum is that way >>>>>>>>

    Go take a shit in their toilet of a forum. Your "style" is far more fitting there. You'll find plenty of criticism here, but we tend to do so without getting drool on our shirts.

    PS: This is a FAN site. What the hell did you expect?

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Disappointed with 2.3
    Quote from DTDuim»

    You have 1000 legs, and 99% os the players will only use FURNACE, HEXING PANTS AND OBSIDIAN. The rest will be joke builds for "fun"

    You lack vision.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Disappointed with 2.3

    The game is really fun.

    Relax. Chill out. Play.

    I'm incredibly excited for 2.3, and the pulse of the players seems to reflect that.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on RG Spawn Location
    Quote from djonka»

    How can u die to a Dark Berserker's crushing blow...ffuksake its so slow and avoidable dude,come on play better next time :) RIP

    Ahhh...don't rub it in. The sting is still there. It took at least 2 minutes before I lifted my head off my desk.

    Ya see..... I hit that pack with my Shield Glare, and meant to just whack away at the helpless slobs. You can see in the pic clearly, the Berserker in the bottom/center of the pack was missed by the blind and I didn't notice. I heard the telltale sound of his hammer winding up and you can see my cursor pointing away as I tried to force-move away.

    My Iron Skin was even available for use, but the attack from the Berserker was a complete shock, I panicked a bit and....the rest is history (just like my Crusader).

    This is why I love the snap-shot that gets automatically saved when you die in HC. It allows me to sit and realize how much of a fucking idiot I was. As much as I want to slap you for saying what you did, you're absolutely right. I deserve the rotten tomatoes to be hurled. Hurl away :dead:

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on RG Spawn Location
    Quote from Wrathwithin»

    First of all RIP buddy, but to the point ... i had similar problems on the live servers but since patch 2.3 is on the ptr i did not have this happen and i did put ALOT of time on the ptr with almost every class. Hope that helps

    Thanks, and good to hear that perhaps some sort of tweak *may have been made.

    Don't feel bad for me. I've been telling people in the clan that my mission was to push HC Grifts to the point of suicide while awaiting the close of patch 2.2. Mission accomplished, I suppose.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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