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    posted a message on Variable Legendary Drop Weights
    Here's one problem with your suggestion:

    Class set items recently had their drop weight increased so that they are relatively common. Set items, of course, are highly desirable. Let's say I want to get my 6-pc bonus and I want the items to actually be good. With your system in place, I'll get my first set shoulders, they'll be crap, and then I'll have to deal with other drops increasing in weight and being more common than my set shoulders (because, remember, many legendary drops share the same weight. If I get my set shoulders, the other common drops become more common than the set shoulders).

    I certainly don't like the sound of that.

    Rare items are supposed to be rare. That's the design that Blizzard has chosen. We don't need to further complicate the system by having variable drop rates. It's not a bad idea, but I don't think it's a good idea for Diablo 3.

    edit: I know that a lot of my posts are me saying that I don't like the suggestions being offered. Honestly, I think a lot of the suggestions being made are by people who aren't really interested in making Diablo 3 a better game. This idea, for example, will get people their ultra-rare drops earlier than intended and then what happens? Well, you've got your BIS items now, so what point is there to continue playing?

    Indeed, that's my problem with a lot of ideas for Diablo 3. Diablo 3 is supposed to be a game that you play and play and play and, well, never stop playing... but most of the ideas I see are people trying to reduce the time requirement -- to get them the items they want instead of the items they don't want. These ideas shorten the lifespan of the game and that's obviously detrimental to the game's survival.

    I like ideas that make our characters more powerful, but I don't like it when those ideas are attached to gear acquisition. Yes, I think we should be more powerful. Hell, I'd be fine if they increased the difficulty ceiling by giving us a few more Torment levels in exchange for making us a bit more powerful by default... but making it easier to get the items that everyone wants? I don't think that's good for the game.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Free, Efficient, Quality T6 Uber Carry 24X7
    How about this: I've farmed plenty of keys and killed plenty of uber bosses... but I've never killed them on Torment 6, nor am I geared enough to. If I saved up those keys and joined this guy's group, I'd be killing them on Torment 6, which I am not capable of doing on my own.

    He'd be helping me kill them on the highest difficulty and, in return, he gets another shot at Uber drops. That's called "mutual benefit." Just because you and your friends wouldn't benefit from this arrangement doesn't mean that there aren't thousands of other players who would benefit from it.

    If you can kill stuff on Torment 6 then do so and let other people who have less gear/skill enjoy this guy's service. It's not leeching. Get a clue.

    All that I'm getting out of your post is that you're an entitled whiner who can't consider things from other people's perspectives. You might want to fix that before you chime in, next time.

    edit: P.S. I perfectly understood everything you tried to explain to me. I know how RiF works and I know that the most demanding aspect of Uber bosses is farming the keys. This is all very obvious and you must have a hugely over-inflated opinion of your own intelligence if you think I need it explained to me.

    P.S.S. I also understand that the concept of team-work doesn't apply to solo-players. I tend to play solo, but I would happily join a group if it meant that I could be killing Torment 6 ubers instead of Torment 3-4. It's not leeching if we're both receiving benefit. But, go ahead, keep telling everyone how they're getting screwed over -- we're clearly not smart enough to decide that for ourselves.
    Posted in: Looking For Group [NA]
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    posted a message on Free, Efficient, Quality T6 Uber Carry 24X7
    Quote from erav2000

    do you also open portals (ref. to "free" in thread title) or just leech on naive users ?
    Excuse me? You do realize that he's offering people Torment 6 clears of Uber bosses, right? The vast majority of players can't even kill T4-T5 Uber bosses and these guys are doing T6. Even if they did require people to provide infernal machines, how exactly would that be "leeching"?

    Do you not understand how services work? They provide you something, often in exchange for something else. In this case, players aren't paying anything more than they would have to pay to do it solo, so there is no loss to the people taking advantage of this service.

    To suggest that they're "leeching" off "naive" players shows that you're the naive one. This service is 100% positive, so don't ask backhanded questions like that.

    (and, no, I haven't taken advantage of their service. I'm not sitting here championing them because it benefits me. I'm doing so because that question was incredibly rude.)
    Posted in: Looking For Group [NA]
  • 3

    posted a message on RELIC OF AKARAT Templar - How does it work?
    I see where you confusion comes from, its worded really terribly, when you have a follower at max level you already have access to all thier skills, so how does this relic give you even more access to the skill set then what you already have?

    What it should really say is "Enables all follower skills" cause thats what it really does it lets your follower use every skill they haver rather then you speccing them.
    It's worded perfectly fine as it is. If someone can't infer that it's referring to follower skills, then they should probably stop playing video games and go back to middle school.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on I got 5 RORGS with very minimal effort and so can you!!
    Quote from ffilps

    Quote from Suriel666

    it was confirmed by some blue that chances rise for all legs, also cache-only by the Torment scaling
    what you said is invalid until you link us the source.
    It helps to read the whole thread... or, at least the next post... which is where the source was posted.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Ramalandi's Gift: Counter-intuitive?
    Quote from futility
    Quote from Ashy_Larry

    Unreal, people... who cares if items are rendered useless after the gift is implemented... its designed to make a shitty item with no socket useful... you're using your current weapon now, right? Who cares if you already rolled a different stat? In 2 months after the patch hits its not gonna matter. New items drop every day. *wait for it* work for a better weapon, what's the problem? You wanna know a solution to this? Save weapons that roll well minus a socket, and has a stat you can roll to whatever you want. There are no 'problems' with this item. You people need to wake up and stop complaining about having to work to get things.
    What makes you think nobody worked to get the weapons they currently have? *wait for it* Maybe that's why people are upset the weapon they worked for will be rendered useless.
    I'm getting reaaaally sick of arguments like this.

    Here's a piece of advice: If you don't want your items to be "rendered useless" (aka, slightly less useful than other items but still as useful as it was before the patch), then maybe you shouldn't play an online game that is regularly updated with improved items and functionality.

    OMG: My hammer jammers are USELESS because the new version has a better secondary. OMG: My thunderfury is USELESS because it came with a socket and I already enchanted another stat. OMG: I can still use all of my items and they're just as useful as they were pre-patch, how USELESS!

    Seriously, don't play online games if you want everything in-game to stay the same forever. If you're going to play Diablo 3, accept that new items will arrive, old items will be improved, and AWESOME CHANGES like Ramalandi's Gift might make newer weapons better than the weapons you already have. Understand, please, that adding an item that improves weapons does not make your current weapon useless. It works for you right now, right? Well, guess what: It's still going to work in 2.1.

    This community is turning into a bunch of whiny bitches who can't even accept good changes, changes that we specifically asked for, without complaining about it. In fact, if you're going to complain about Ramalandi's Gift, which, by the way, is Blizzard giving us exactly what we asked for,like, literally, word-for-word, then maybe you don't deserve to be playing games like this.

    "Blizzard, we want an item that adds a socket to our weapons." "Okay, here you go!" "WTF, Blizz? Now all my old weapons SUCK!" Just stop fucking posting if that's how it's going to be.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Only One that wants trading?
    If they add trading into the game, they might as well bring back the auction house. It's basically going to turn into a repeat of the Diablo 2 unofficial market, where all the best gear gets sold.

    Trading isn't coming back.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Unity "Fix" or not
    I still don't get how some of you think that this is anything but intended. There are so many "OP" combinations in this game that were obviously designed that way. Even the linked stream flat out states it: Blizzard expected us to use Unity rings with our followers.

    Here's a tip: If it's well-known in the Diablo 3 community and Blizzard hasn't fixed it within one patch cycle, it's probably working as intended. Unity has been around since RoS launch, so... 3-5 patches now? Yeah, clearly working as intended.

    This community has a really big problem with people thinking that Diablo 3 is THEIR game and that it should be played the way THEY play it. I'm going to point out that the vast majority of players and posters don't give a shit about how YOU play the game. Don't like people using Unity? Think it's a crutch? Shut the fuck up! Don't like split-farming and think that it's unintended? Shut the fuck up! Don't like Rift It Forward and think that it needs removed? Shut the fuck up! If you're going to bitch about "problems," then bitch about problems that actually matter, not just problems that make you feel butthurt because you aren't willing to indulge in them.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on IMO dex needs major revision...please add comments!!!
    Quote from sOFrOsTy

    I agree that Dex is awful. However there are now multiple builds monks have posted in these very forums showing 6-10 minute T6 clears. So Monk is not the issue, the player playing it is.
    Wrong. Monk IS the issue. In order to be T6 viable, you have to either farm up enough gear with the same single-resist (usually lightning) to make OWE worth using OR you have to stack defensive stats and use a group-only build (zDPS monks).

    It shouldn't take 5 to 10+ times the amount of play time of other classes for a monk to be viable at that level. In fact, the OWE talent basically completely breaks Monk balance. I wouldn't be at all surprised if that talent was the sole reason that Monks are such a shitty, extra time-demanding class. That talent definitely needs to be reworked or removed.

    Don't get me wrong -- I love my Monk. I have a lot of fun playing her in at least a couple different specs. But I've still got another 200+ hours to put in before my Monk will be viable for T6. In fact, I basically have to replace every piece of my gear, even the great ones, just so I can get better single-resists. That's broken and it's the reason I've more-or-less stopped playing in the last few days. The carrot is just so far out of reach that I no longer see the point.

    Also, Blizzard has already stated that they're going to improve Dexterity as a stat in 2.1. With any luck, those changes will make my Monk and DH a lot more enjoyable to play.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on patch 2.05 the end of RoS
    But, I thought 2.0 was the end of Diablo. Or 1.X. You know, basically every patch ever.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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