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    posted a message on is Blackthornes set WAY to common?
    Remember: Legendary drops are weighted. Blackthorne items have the same drop chance as other "common" legendary items for the various slots. It is, therefore, expected that you will see them drop more often than other set items and about as often as most regular legendaries.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on 90% all Resist with best in slot gear and getting crushed on still.
    You know, threads like this are starting to make me wonder if the Diablo 3 community is becoming more toxic than the WoW community. I mean, I can't recall ever seeing a WoW player make a thread asking for help and advice and then trashing and ignoring those that try to help. It's like this game just brings out the douchebags.

    OP asked for advice, was given advice, and anyone can look at this character link and see that he didn't change a single damned thing about his gear, even on pieces that he could've easily changed (like his shoulders). Then there are threads where people say, "I get 4-5 legendaries per day farming 30-40 Torment 6 rifts" and people responding, "then maybe you should farm 100 Torment 4 rifts instead" and the OP replies saying, "hey, don't tell ME how to play just because you can't handle Torment 6."

    I mean, come on guys, this shit needs to stop. If you're going to ask for advice, take it. If you're going to complain about your lack of drops, listen to the points people are making about how to fix that problem. If you're going to post just to whine, then whine to mommy and daddy instead, because no one here cares. We'll give you advice, but we won't hold your hair back while you vomit in the toilet because you drank too much.
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on Reaper's Fear farm-able yet?
    Quote from Artemissed1268
    Quote from Belloc

    Yes, but the post you quoted explains how to get around that issue by having a second player preserve that waypoint, thus returning you to a point before the post-Malthael checkpoint.
    Then I obviously do not understand. The Waypoint doesn't go away, what is the point of having someone 'preserve' it? I guess if they stake out that immediately pre-Malth Checkpoint, you can get one more fast run out of it, but it doesn't seem anywhere near comparable to the previous method's efficiency.

    Do I just need coffee? (yes)
    As it is now, if you kill Malthael, you have to set your quest back to a point before Malthael (or, if doing adventure mode, you have to start a new game) if you want to kill him again, right?

    Well, using the instructions that you quoted, you don't have to do that anymore. You get two people to Malthael and have one leave game and then start a new game to kill Malthael, still following me? After you kill Malthael, you join your friend's game and, bam, you're at the portal right before Malthael. In other words, using this method, you can kill Malthael over and over and over again without having to run all the way through the Pandemonium Fortress again and again. Does it make sense now?

    TL;DR: 2 people get to the Malthael portal and one leaves and creates his own game, still at the portal. That player kills Malthael, leaves game and joins friend's game. Leaves game, creates game, kills Malthael.Joins friend, leaves game, creates game, kills Malthael. Keeps repeating the process until they've gotten what they want, never has to kill any trash after the first time they kill Malthael. Takes literally like 30 seconds between each Malthael kill.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on is it Just me?
    Quote from GamerDanCam

    People love to fall back on "rng" BS. I have over 100 hours /played just on my WD since RoS, and believe me when I say I've had days where it has rained loots (good loots), and other days where I could play for 3 hours straight and maybe get a soul or two.

    I very, highly, seriously doubt that their RNG generator truly works right. I've never believed it did.
    But... you just described exactly how RNG is supposed to work. How is it that people don't understand this? RNG means that you will have good days, bad days, and mixed days. I mean, seriously, you have two polar opposite experiences and you can't figure out how that relates to proper RNG?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Loot tip of the day !
    Doesn't work for ANYONE. OP: This is another example of RNG.

    How do I know this? Well, I logout of the game for about 10-12 hours every non-weekend and, sure enough, I will often not see a single legendary within the first hour of play. There is no logout legendary timer. The only legendary timer is the bad-luck protection and it is only active while you are in combat.

    Please, no more BS RNG loot theory threads.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Anyone else tired of blizzards "ask the audience" approach to new content/fixes?
    That's funny, because it seems to me like they're actually interested in our thoughts on improving the game. Indeed, one of the biggest complaints from the community is that "Blizzard never listens!" or "Blizzard never talks to us!" Well, looks like they're listening and asking for our thoughts now, so... I guess it's time to complain about that, too!

    Personally, I think it's probably one of the best moves they've ever made. I'm not surprised that you made a thread to complain about it, but I am sincerely disappointed.

    P.S. You might want to look up the definition of "slander."
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on The game thinks my Wizard is a Demon Hunter
    80% of drops are supposed to be smart loot. You got two that weren't. OMG LET'S MAKE A THREAD!!!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Legendary Drop Rate - different mechanics (hours and hours of testing)

    This link will explain EXACTLY how the legendary drop system works. Yes, I realize that Magic Find's usefulness has changed, but the information in that section of the guide has not.

    No more theories, please. The above link is all ANYONE needs to know about the system and it's the only reliable, accurate information available.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Crafting Question - Wall of Man
    Quote from Victaarion

    I think crafting it at 60 will craft a level 60 shield (so lower stats).
    False. Crafted items are always crafted at the level of the pattern. If Wall of Man is a level 70 crafting pattern, it will always result in a level 70 item with level 70 stats.

    OP: Your level 60 Barbarian will be fine for crafting the shield. Hell, you could craft it on a level 1 barbarian and get the same results. Go for it!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Changing skills element... Why?
    ^ Pet peeve of mine. It's going to take you just as long to find the blue post as it would take anyone else here.

    That said, I decided not to be a dick and found the blue post for you.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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