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    posted a message on Legendary Drops /Unnecessary nerfs / State of the game so far
    Dear OP: You're playing on Torment 5-6? Congratulations, you've beaten the game! Of course you're not finding upgrades or meaningful legendaries anymore.

    Here are my thoughts: Anyone who plays Diablo 3 for 10 hours a day is clearly someone who doesn't know how to properly manage their time and, quite frankly, I don't want YOU playing armchair game-designer for a game that I play.

    Side note: I've been getting a lot of bad legendaries, too. It got to the point where I wasn't very happy with the situation, so you know what I did? I finished leveling my alt to 70 and started using some of the legendaries/souls on getting her geared. Bam, game became interesting again. Maybe don't invest hundreds of hours into one small aspect of the game in such a short time-span?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Playing T1+ since ROS, 4-10 hrs a day, ZERO set items!
    Quote from shaggy

    Can we make a sub-forum for people to whine about RNG and start infracting people for shitting up the general forums with their "I've gone X days without , game broke, feel sorry for me" shit posts? Please?
    I was just thinking this exact thing. This forum needs an RNG/Loot Complaints forum and, yes, infractions need to be given for people who post these kinds of complaints outside of it.

    If anyone else agrees, click the little "Feedback" tab at the bottom of your screen and suggest it.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Is this normal??
    No offense, but you know perfectly well that it's normal... just like everyone else on the forums complaining about RNG. RNG means that some players are going to have reeeaally bad luck, other players will have reeeaally good luck, and the rest of us will be somewhere in the middle.

    You saw clan mates getting the ring, so you know it's there. You know where it comes from and you just haven't gotten it yet. That's 100% normal and that's exactly the kind of game Diablo 3 is. Better luck in the future =/
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on question on drop loc
    By searching either these forums or google for "torment only legendaries".
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on If you having drop problems, I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems but a legendary ain't one
    I came in here expecting "I feel bad for you son." I am disappoint.

    edit: And then I looked at the full title of the thread and REJOICED!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Undocumented 1.0.4 Changes
    Quote from Boss_Hogg

    So I just spent 11 minutes of my life reading this thread, and I have come to the assumption that half the posts are from people who never bothered to read the patch notes. The name of the thread was:
    Undocumented 1.0.4 Changes
    Many of the changes listed in this thread were not included in the patch notes yesterday. The patch notes have been updated today to reflect these omissions.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on This Feels Backwards-But Necessary
    Quote from Nodnarb

    Quote from Kooqu

    Quote from Nodnarb

    Why do the general "entitlement thumpers" on here feel as if it is too much to ask for blizzard to remember how they got to where they are today? You do not build anything that lasts without sticking to the core values and loyal customers that stick with you through the ups and downs. I know this b/c I help run a family business that has been in business for over 20 years. Blizzard is a business and should be treated as one.
    Then treat Blizzard like a business: If their games are fun, buy them. Otherwise, don't.

    You seem to forget that you have already reaped the rewards of early adoption: You got to play and enjoy the game before the newer players. You got to accumulate gear before the newer players. Everything you have in game? You got it before the newer players. That is the benefit of supporting the game from the beginning.

    You haven't earned any special items or treatment. You paid $60, the same as everyone else. What makes you more special than someone who buys the game tomorrow? Playing the game is supposed to be its own reward, so why are you sitting here asking for more? What have you done that entitles you to better treatment than the newer players?

    Why are you asking for more when Blizzard has already provided you with patches, fixes, and a solid game?

    Again, what have you done that makes you deserving of more than the other players?

    Well, u make me feel like nothing I do makes me more deserving (i disagree). But, I will say this. Like it or not, my feedback is just as important as someone who feels the opposite as I do. I dont think I am a minority here either. So let me put the shoe on your foot. What can I do so that my opinion holds as much weight as yours? Or do you feel like anyone expressing their opinion on here if not positive is a waste of time? I have been constructive in past post with suggestions as to how to quiet some of this calamity, and I have agreed and disagreed with good and bad ideas alike.
    Feedback is fine. Asking for handouts is not.

    The premise of your thread is that the "newer you are to the game the better off you are." This premise is demonstrably false. If someone were to purchase the game today, they'd start off at level 1 with no gear and no idea how any of the classes work. I, on the other hand, have been playing since the first week. I have a decent set of gear (for my time played), I've cleared inferno, I have some resources (gold and mats) saved up, and I know how to play my class and what stats are desireable for my class. I am clearly better off than a new player. So, why is it that you suggest otherwise? Because they don't have to deal with the harder version of inferno? Because they will never have a pre 1.0.4 legendary drop and know how worthless it is? Have you forgotten that the earliest adopters are, generally speaking, the ones that made tons of gold selling inferno gear to the people that hadn't yet reached/made progress through inferno?

    All I see you asking for are free benefits. You want them to scrap the legendary buffs because then noobs have a chance at getting a better item than you have? Uh, how about the fact that pre-1.0.4 legendaries are terrible? Do you really think such a major issue with the game should be left intact just so that "noobs" can't get them before you do? And why should you be given perks for past time spent playing? Did you not enjoy that time spent? Have you never considered that, if they gave you credit for that time, botters would all start off at paragon level 100?

    Why do you have a problem with new players benefiting just as much as old players? They still have to work to hit max level, they still have to work to acquire gear, and they certainly have to work a hell of a lot harder than YOU do to take advantage of the 1.0.4 changes.

    So, again, feedback and opinions are fine. Asking to screw over new players is not fine. No one should benefit from new players being screwed over -- that's bad design and a horrible way to treat new potential "loyal" fans.

    You mentioned that you help run a family business. Think about this: What if a new customer walked into your business and stood in line behind a regular customer. Let's say they were both buying the same item. Let's say you charge the regular $10 for the item, but you charge the new customer $12. Do you think that new customer will ever want to visit your business again? Congratulations, you just lost a potentially loyal customer.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo III is dead.
    The only thing dead, OP, is the horse you're beating.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on So i just got banned...
    Quote from mekanykl

    Quote from Kooqu

    Quote from mekanykl

    Is it not enought that people are quitting Diablo 3 in packs due to the lack endgame content, troubleing itemization and rubberbanding every other minute , they also ban the few remaining ones.
    I really wish we had an option to hand out negative reputation to posts like these.
    Why do you think this is a bad post ?
    1. There isn't a lack of end-game content -- you're just not satisfied with what there is. That tends to happen when you spend 200+ hours on a game. Diablo 2 was a similar situation for the first year, at least.

    2. Itemization is fine at this point in the game. Not every item is supposed to be fantastic. Expansions and content updates will improve it further. This is something that most people fail to realize about Diablo 2 -- It was a very different game at launch, so comparing itemization between the two isn't very useful (I realize you didn't directly compare it to anything, but it's pretty much accepted that everyone's complaints about D3 are inspired by their love of Diablo 2).

    3. We have no proof that they've banned anyone for any illegitimate reasons. The Linux complainers were apparently cheating/botting. The OP in this thread may be the same -- he's certainly not going to admit it. Perhaps his account has been compromised. He may be telling the truth, but automatically assuming that his complaint is 100% legitimate is silly considering that no other ban complaints have been confirmed as legitimate. In other words, you'd be a fool to trust every random "I got banned for nothing!" post. It's also foolish to suggest that players are leaving the game in droves. D3 has an active, large player base and this will continue for a long time.

    In short, I thought your post was bad because you're complaining about end-game content, which will be improved upon as the game progresses (just like Diablo 2), you're complaining about itemization, which will be improved upon as the game progresses (just like Diablo 2), and you're complaining about false bans when there's no legitimate reason to suspect that any such bans have taken place. You're also spreading the misconception that the game is rapidly dying. It's not.

    I have no issue with your rubberbanding complaint, but the rest of your post was awful. That's why I want the ability to neg rep it.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on So i just got banned...
    Quote from mekanykl

    Is it not enought that people are quitting Diablo 3 in packs due to the lack endgame content, troubleing itemization and rubberbanding every other minute , they also ban the few remaining ones.
    I really wish we had an option to hand out negative reputation to posts like these.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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