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    posted a message on 768.6 DPS Wand with 508 LoH/108 Intelligence/50 Strength
    If you don't state a minimum bid or price range, you get what you get
    Posted in: US Servers Trading
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    posted a message on only 24% vote that they like 1.03 in official diablofans poll
    Quote from Raphaei

    Quote from Tyraen
    Now, thanks to mindless repetition of game series like CoD and Halo and MWx, people are so used to always getting exactly what they expect (because the games never truly change) that anytime a game comes out they don't like, they go running off raging. EA made it that much worse when they caved regarding the end of ME3. Players didn't make they game, they play it. EA screwed developers by setting the precedent that developers are just slaves to players now, and meant only to generate profit. And thanks to them and players like the ones that overpopulate these forums, you can expect the quality and uniqueness of games to deteriorate going forward. Because only the independently wealthy studios will continue to be able to make games as they want. The rest will be relegated to spamming out clones for the mindless drones this new generation of gamers has become.

    For every person who does this - I hope life takes something away from you unfairly, to teach you some perspective. And maybe make you mature a bit.

    EDIT: clarity, maths
    Did you play ME3? You spent hundreds upon hundreds of hours making choices, reveling in the beautiful universe they created? Were there nights you went to sleep wondering if you made the right call on something? Did you take a ride on the emotional rollercoaster that this masterpiece of a trilogy was? Did you laugh and cry within moments of each other? Seethe? Did you scream and plead at the monitor as cutscenes played before you? ME1, ME2 and ME3 are the three best games I've ever played, and the ME3 ending is the worst ending in a game I've ever experienced (I never played Katana).

    In a trilogy made for making choices, where all colorblind players are handed the exact same ending regardless of life-and-death choices made the past four hundred hours /played in the previous games, is ill-thought through. And if you've actually experienced the ME3 ending first hand, you know it suffers from incredibly bad writing. Incredibly. Bad. Bang head against desk bad. I shiver at the thought it made its way into an AAA game. Truly. I wrote a book when I was 12. Halfway through the first page your eyes begin to bleed. That book was on par with the writing of the ME3 ending, and I'm not saying that to make a point. It's actually that bad.

    But even if you're of a different opinion, that gives you no right to type that ending of the post that I bolded. Ten years ago, thanks to an accident, the sport I loved the most (I even played in the national team) was taken away from me. The notion of putting my sport on the shelf was much worse than the pain of the actual accident (you really don't want to know). I've had relationships ending bad (at gunpoint, you just don't mess with some fathers), and I've had to suffer through three motorized vehicle thefts. I've had burglars break in and mess the place up. They were even in my own bed, the place I should feel safe in at night. I've had police breaking the law and trash the entire apartment looking for a sub-machine gun (I was 13 at the time, and I was an obvious mama's boy; I had done nothing wrong, let alone illegal), all based on a hunch. The list goes on (frankly, it does). What has all of this taught me? To just let go, and move on. That's the adult thing to do. On that I agree with you, you don't stay and bitch and moan about something if you want to be taken seriously.

    But the ME3 ending was bad. It was extremely bad. Making the calm, rational, and intelligent decision of instant-uninstalling-type-of-bad. When they announced that they wanted to remake the ending (as I understood it, they'd basically "word it differently") I was okay with that, since the presentation sucked majorly. But the damage was done. Bioware was put off my instant-buy list. Yes, just like that. And no, not just like that. Confused? In order to understand, you need to be able to view things from more than just one perspective. Putting Bioware off my instan-buy list made me sad. Very sad. I've enjoyed Bioware games since Baldur's Gate (and btw, DA2 ending wasn't bad, regardless of what the whiners say).

    I could make a flash animation (I've never even done one!) with a unicorn, a rainbow, Spock and Spiderman where they beam up on the moon through a bicycle, tie them to the ME universe somehow, and that would make more sense than the ME3 ending. I didn't partake in the flame fest that raged through the internet after ME3 was released, but I agreed with (close to) everything that was said. Asdfmovie5 by TomSka makes more sense than the ME3 ending.

    And since I don't want an entire post to be completely off topic, this patch didn't make me stop playing. I quit before it. D3 made me take Blizzard off my instant-buy list. Yes, just like that. And no, not just like that.

    I still have it installed though. I'm forever the optimist.

    Bolded, underlined the part where you make his point with the last line. You matured from those events. Does that mean you have to agree with his point? No, but the point appears at least a little valid.

    The newest generation of gamers ('90s kids and up) are generally spoiled and entitled. Sure, there are exceptions, and there are plenty of those type in the older generation, too (along with some who just can't adapt at all, and hate everything new). Those people can use some maturity, which most often comes from life events that put things into perspective. They teach you to let go, to not sweat the small stuff, to have a little patience and see the forest through the trees. That was the point, as harsh as it came off.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Player Drop. O.O!
    Quote from SmitherPoop

    Quote from AudioCG

    Players 130,000

    So....... less then 1% of the total user base?

    Seriously, if I have to explain to anyone the flaw in these stats........
    Just a quick statistical tidbit. Accurate surveys are not based on total population percentage but statistical formulas. Therefore a sample size of 100,000 is more than enough, overkill even, to gauge the trend of a 7,000,000 person population depending on confidence intervals and what not.

    That would also assuming the statistic being used is accurate in the first place. Xfire is hardly a great source for getting any idea on anything,
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Rare, Legendary, Crafting recipe trolling :(
    Speaking of crafting patterns - has anyone confirmed a drop of the higher level patterns (fine, grand, legendary, etc) from Act 1 yet? Act 2 has seen Fine and Grand at least, but nothing on Act 1.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Selling UNIDED ilvl 63 and ilvl62 rares!
    Quote from XDrizztPwnsX

    Hey all, just as the post says, selling UNIDED rares for the first time. Below are the prices but since it's my first time will sell 50k below the posted price for ilvl 63 weapons, 25k below for ilvl 63 armor, and 10k below for ilvl 62(all). Will also give discounts for multiple purchases of anything ilvl62!

    PM xdrizztpwnsx#1466 if interested!

    list updated 1125pm PST 6/25/12

    ilvl 63s!

    1 x 1H Crossbow - Exorcist - 900k
    2 x 1H Fist - Heaven's Hand - 800k
    3 x 2H Mace - Doom Hammer - 600k
    1 x Boots - Archon Greaves - 275k
    0 x Pants - Archon Faulds - 275k

    ilvl 62s! (300k for any weapon, 200k for any armor/offhand)
    2 x 2H Axe - Galraki
    2 x 2H Sword - Oni Blade
    1 x Slag Hammer - 2H Mace
    1 x Behemoth - 2H Mighty Weapon
    2 x DH Offhand - Sanctified Quiver
    0 x WD Offhand - Kurastian Asp
    1 x 1H wand - Strike Wand
    1 x 1H fist - Golden Talon
    2 x Boots - Sovereign Greaves
    1 x Chest - Sovereign Mail
    1 x Wiz Helm - Wizard Hat

    Ilvl 62 weapons can be crafted for half of what you want in this post. Might lower your prices to be in line with in-game crafted items if you want inquiries.

    Ilvl 63, despite being higher quality, also seem pretty high given the probability of rolling a decent item (consider that an item worth 900k+ is a pretty small fraction of total items ID'd).
    Posted in: US Servers Trading
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    posted a message on Blizzard limiting Itemization
    Quote from Monstah

    Oh My God! This is world breaking!! If this keeps happening and blizzard doesnt listen to us people the world is going to end sooner rather than later!! I dont know what to do.

    You mean the Mayans were wrong, and we're all going to die before December 21st due to Blizzard's ineptness at catering to the loudest forum trollers?

    Quick, alert the presses!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Is magic find even worth it.
    Quote from akmrgreen

    Im not saying at all that NV is working "Not as intended" I'm saying that MF as a stat on gear isn't worth it. Just my opinion tho, and people are more than welcome to keep stacking the MF on their gear.

    Edit: When I wear my MF gear it takes to long to kill packs and im not makeing "good use" of my time. IMO. Mabey this has to do with my MF gear being sub-par. Packs do drop more loots! But if a pack takes me 1-3 minutes to kill that IS NOT a good use of time in game =D

    You're interpreting "stacking MF" as "tanking DPS and survivability stats," which is exactly the opposite of what should be done.

    "Stacking MF" means finding items with equivalent stats and MF (IE a better rolled item, where MF takes the place of something less useful, like damage on hit, or life per second, etc).

    Your gear is probably not a great roll if you're sacrificing a bunch of stats for MF.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Is magic find even worth it.
    Quote from AudioCG

    Quote from akmrgreen

    The problem with MF, is that if you have 75 with no NV stacks a pack doesn't guarantee a rare drop. But if you have ZERO MF and you 5 stack NV(this gives you 75 MF) you are guaranteed a rare off a pack. If I'm 5 stack NV some packs will drop 2-3 rares, but with 75 MF and no stacks there is slim to NO chance of a rare.....WTF blizz is all I have to say.

    Its a specific bonus to NV, to encourage you do actually kill the champ/elite packs.

    Working EXACTLY as intended.

    This ^.

    NV has specific, hidden "bonuses," to encourage farming multiple champion packs. MF and NV, while inter-related, are also separate mechanics. On that note, MF is absolutely worth it in the long run, assuming you aren't gimping stats (and as a result your farming times and efficiency).
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Diablo 3 off Top 10 List at Gamespot.com
    For people whining about replayability:

    If you put in 100 hours of play, you've paid approximately $0.60 per hour for entertainment. For comparison's sake, you pay ~$3.00 or more per hour for a movie. Jack that even higher for bigger events like live shows, carnivals, etc.

    More reality checks at 11.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Players quitting after 1.0.3
    Quote from FuriousBalls

    People are not leaving the game because of attack speed or any damage nerfs, you got it a bit wrong.

    People are leaving the game because of simple things they got bothered with :

    1. Drop rate is ruined and game is completely broken now. Farming is completely useless now, unless you want to vendor everything you get.


    No hyperbole here folks. Every single player has quit because it is 100% broken; unplayable; useless; trash; garbage; throw-it-away-right-now-never-work-again-pile-of-poop.

    Farming is useless, you heard it here first. All those items on the AH right now? Figment of your imagination. They were actually bought off of random vendors, not farmed for. Because that doesn't work anymore, remember?

    Quote from FuriousBalls

    2. People are annoyed with RMAH and AH. I personally don't have anything against those but it would be better without them probably.

    Definitely better without them. That way people could create games without titles hoping someone randomly joins them to have manual trades with bartering in chat. How efficient that would be!

    Quote from FuriousBalls

    3. There are so many broken classes, broken skills and so many bugs.

    So completely true. I mean, what with this game being out for over a month now, everything should be working perfectly. Flaws just don't happen in IT-based systems, because this is the 21st century gosh dang it!

    Quote from FuriousBalls

    4. There is no end game for hard core players. This is not D2, this is not time of gaming from 1999. This is 2012 and people like challenges, end game content and rewarding system.

    Whew, you got something right. This isn't D2. It's D3. But don't let that stop you. Let's pretend we know what everyone wants, and what the primary vision for this game is (probably something very much akin to what you've already played for years, because we all know something different is bad. Very bad! (Please ignore the huge population of players who continue to play despite this lack of content - they're a statistical anomaly)

    Quote from FuriousBalls

    So once again, there are many issues with the game and damage is the last problem. I m personally still playing game even tho I cleaned entire content 3 weeks ago. Loot is currently broken as long as many other things. I m not a flamer, QQ'er or anything like that.

    I m not fan of blizzard nor any other gaming company. I play games I like, I don't care who made them. Be realistic and don't look at the game subjectively.
    I hope blizzard will fix this game soon cause game itself has a lot of potential to rock and roll.

    Have fun

    Oh, I'm glad you cleared up that you weren't a flamer or QQer, I was really beginning to wonder. You're still playing, so I must assume that the majority of your above points aren't deal-breakers, and you were just exaggerating for giggles.

    Maybe you can take your own advice after this and "have fun," eh?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Kripp tips @Blizzard

    YES!! Finally, some uses "effect" correctly! This is the best day of my life.

    I knew using the wrong word would affect someone's sanity ;)
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Kripp tips @Blizzard
    Quote from OneTwoSC

    I dislike posting this because I'm bumping... but I'm now pretty sure it's either him or a hired goon that goes onto every forum when he is doing something or releasing a video, making threads like these to pool viewers and generate ad money.

    At least he's more respectable than Athene though.

    Athene, outside of video games, actually does productive things that have an effect on millions of others. His gaming persona is entirely that: a persona for gaming. If you're taking his videos personally, or seriously, you've been trolled successfully.

    What does Kripp do that's so much more respectable? Live with his parents?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Legendary Drop rate increase?
    I had 4 Legendaries drop yesterday in a 6-8 hour period of time. Two were the exact same item less than 15 mobs apart (first from a champion pack, the second from a random trash mob).

    It's all RNG. My total Legendaries found is somewhere around 8, and yet others I know are still at 0 (some with less time played, others with more).

    Nothing but anecdotal evidence and confirmation bias to see here, folks.

    Edit for typing fail.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Crafting FREE for DiabloFans Legendary Seven Sins Shoulders
    Quote from Junbo1918

    Quote from Zakaz

    Quote from Junbo1918

    Server: US
    Fees: No charge, just add me and pm me anytime. Junbo#1918 Any tip is appreciated but not necessary.
    Materials: 82 essence, 30 tears, 2 brimstones, 8 tomes of secret, 136,136 gold
    Ground rules: If I'm set to busy, then that means I'm not crafting at the moment, if I'm not then its all good!

    My previous thread: http://www.diablofan...313#entry931313

    I crafted many nice ones for fellow DiabloFans members including +200 Dex/+180 Vit, +60 all resist with MF. Feel free to read through my previous thread for customer feedback!


    A quick note: Your original post had it correct, but it appears you have accidentally noted 2 fiery brimstone per craft in this post.

    With that said, I'll look you up this weekend!

    Good eye! Blizzard increased the brimstones to two with the 1.0.3. patch. I guess they realized all the Legendary Seven Sins was rolling in good stats!

    Anyway! It may be best if you leave your battletag here or PM me because I didn't realize I don't get friend requests once my list is full! Please feel free to continue to try and reach me and I will eventually get to you!

    It figures they would up it when I'm looking to have some made!

    I'll put 3 crafts into your queue when you've got time and find me - Zakaz#1226
    Posted in: US Servers Trading
  • 0

    posted a message on Crafting FREE for DiabloFans Legendary Seven Sins Shoulders
    Quote from Junbo1918

    Server: US
    Fees: No charge, just add me and pm me anytime. Junbo#1918 Any tip is appreciated but not necessary.
    Materials: 82 essence, 30 tears, 2 brimstones, 8 tomes of secret, 136,136 gold
    Ground rules: If I'm set to busy, then that means I'm not crafting at the moment, if I'm not then its all good!

    My previous thread: http://www.diablofan...313#entry931313

    I crafted many nice ones for fellow DiabloFans members including +200 Dex/+180 Vit, +60 all resist with MF. Feel free to read through my previous thread for customer feedback!


    A quick note: Your original post had it correct, but it appears you have accidentally noted 2 fiery brimstone per craft in this post.

    With that said, I'll look you up this weekend!
    Posted in: US Servers Trading
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