Unexpected twists. Speaking of which, I am thinking of my character declining the whole secret entrance thing. I'm a big fan of realism in fiction and, to be honest, I can't realistically see my character just agreeing to this so quickly and rashly. It's not her style.
Yeah... I was contemplating this as well.
Not because it isn't his style, he'd more or less agree to anything if he felt confident that he could kill any traitors, but it's more or less because we all just met, and now we're murdering the count together.
Perhaps we could bring you along with us to the cathedral then with the intentions of leaving you near the outskirts of town or something, and your character gains trust for the rest of the group on the way?
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Quote from "Sixen" »
"One in every 10 million people can potentially have a headache from this pill." God forbid she is the 0.000000001% of having a headache.
Unexpected twiSpeaking of which, I am thinking of my character declining the whole secret entrance thing. I'm a big fan of realism in fiction and, to be honest, I can't realistically see my character just agreeing to this so quickly and rashly. It's not her style.
What?! I gave you a whole motivating speech.
Beside that, think about this circumstance realistically.
You have already joined thousands in the rebellion. You want to kill the count. With the situation we are in, hundreds are already dead and dying. There was no formal plan, at least that we know of, with any chance of successfully killing the count. Now, you are pinned in a house with arrows still falling and gautds approaching. A few guys are grouped together with te same intentions and want to stay groupped to increase their odds of survival and success. I know your character lacks trust but seriously? She's not stupid.
She doesn't want to group even though she has joined the rebellion.
She already almost died on her own and wihiut this group, would have died.
She would rather go back out there alone? Than why did she wait for the rebellion?
If you don't go along, what are you going to do?
I just think given the situation, realistically, there is no way you wouldn't take help no matter how untrustworthy you are.
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Unexpected twists. Speaking of which, I am thinking of my character declining the whole secret entrance thing. I'm a big fan of realism in fiction and, to be honest, I can't realistically see my character just agreeing to this so quickly and rashly. It's not her style.
How could the situation be bettered? There's always the option that we could split up, but that might get confusing as far as linear posting goes. We could always scale the wall, as I had planned from the beginning, or go in the front gate, but it would be interesting to see how we'd discuss all of it out after everything already said. You should have said something earlier, though, it would have made it easier I'm getting bored of sitting around and discussing plans. It's like the stagnation we all had in KotBB when we were in Tappas.
EDIT: You know what, I'm not going to lecture you guys on how I feel here. That's a dick move on my part. Point is that I feel awkward about it, but I'll end up going with the group anyways because I understand that it could potentially cause problems with the RPs integrity. Still, I feel that this is a pretty unrealistic, unbelievable turn of events. People's faults don't actually usually miraculously disappear after the appearance of a shaky plan and a little motivational speech. Just my opinion.
Well how, in your opinion, would the situation be made better? That's all I'm asking. We barely know your character so we can't anticipate realistically how she is going to behave or why she is behaving that way. We've barely started the RP. It's not even the first threshold yet.
If we were carelessly brandishing our lives, we would be doing something blatantly idiotic like rushing in the front gate, in which case we would be overwhelmed and die. We're taking a back entrance to avoid that.
In your character bio you were supposed to state a reason for undertaking the initial journey, which I laid out the basics of well before the RP started. If you don't feel that your own ambitions are enough to drive your character to want to undertake what our end-goal is, that isn't something I can fix.
Are you asking something else and I'm simply missing it?
Still, I feel that this is a pretty unrealistic, unbelievable turn of events.
Then actively make suggestions to make it better.
People's faults don't actually usually miraculously disappear after the appearance of a shaky plan and a little motivational speech.
How would you like it to be resolved? The shaky plan is shaky because I want to make sure I'm not a dictator in this RP. I'm doing my best to work other people's ideas in to it. If you have better ideas just say so
People's faults don't actually usually miraculously disappear after the appearance of a shaky plan and a little motivational speech.
Actually I would assume in the face of life or death, that is when one will overcome their adversity. Maybe this whole incident is the change she needs to learn to trust people again. Keep in mind that your character is in the middle of a war zone.
I'm not saying that your character doesn't have her uniqueness but I'm with Seth. What would your character do on her own? What was her plan during this revolution? Your character has already shown her hesitance but at a time like this I don't think she has a choice.
I'm not trying to attack you personally. What are some of your ideas?
I also do not think that it is good for the RP if the group splits.
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EDIT: You know what, I'm not going to lecture you guys on how I feel here. That's a dick move on my part. Point is that I feel awkward about it, but I'll end up going with the group anyways because I understand that it could potentially cause problems with the RPs integrity. Still, I feel that this is a pretty unrealistic, unbelievable turn of events. People's faults don't actually usually miraculously disappear after the appearance of a shaky plan and a little motivational speech. Just my opinion.
I get where you're coming from, but as Seth has clearly said, your character should have some driving reason to join the revolution, and to get vengeance/closure/what have you.
True, it is rather odd for a random group of people to meet up and forumlate a plan to kill the count, but do people not work together when it can further their own goals?
We all have the same goal, or so we should, so what is the reason not to work with like minded individuals, aside from personal insecurities and distrust.
As Scyberdragon has said, would your character rather wander the streets alone and unprotected, or be with a group of people who can work together for a common goal?
And as Seth has suggested, don't sit there and complain about how it doesn't work, make it so it does work. Make suggestions, plans, or whatever.
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Quote from "Sixen" »
"One in every 10 million people can potentially have a headache from this pill." God forbid she is the 0.000000001% of having a headache.
We all do and I miss having him around more. I just want to make sure if people have questions, ideas, and/or issues, they are answered, heard, and/or resolves. If I came off harsh, which I probably did since I was pissed off (not at you) when I was replying.
If I came off incompetent, well, I'm not one of you smart actor people that know how people should behave, so... Input is appreciated.
@Seth: how dare you call us out in our bunny hopping through the window.
I figured the door would've been in the line of fire, whereas the window would not have been since the door was getting shot by arrows earlier. Plus what Turmobil said:
I think you guys are mistunderstanding what I was getting at with my posts. I'll try and make it clear (since I have a way of making this convuluted and confusing).
While I feel like this series of events was pretty strange and not particularly realstic, I do currently intend to follow along with them.
I was only thinking about the possibility of my character not joining the group and was, in no way, decided one way or the other. Additionally, the reason I did not make a better suggestion was that I did not have one (also why I am still going along with this plan).
So why didn't you suggest something here so that you would have a better alternative? That's what I've been asking and you aren't really answering it. If you don't like the way it's going suggest something else.
Seth, quick question, religion exists within the town, yes?
Just double checking, I remember you saying something about an abandoned cathedral, which leads me to believe that religion no longer applies to Aboron.
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Quote from "Sixen" »
"One in every 10 million people can potentially have a headache from this pill." God forbid she is the 0.000000001% of having a headache.
Yes! Absolutely correct. There was, at one point, a highly organized religion embedded in to the social fabric of Aboron, but that was before the... Well, I can't take about that yet
Suffice to say, "gods" do exist in Amyorne, and Aboronians of old worshiped them (the Asrai observe more gods than typical humans), and there are some that do not like this for their own reasons which I'm not going to state yet.
What do you all value in a villain?
Not because it isn't his style, he'd more or less agree to anything if he felt confident that he could kill any traitors, but it's more or less because we all just met, and now we're murdering the count together.
Perhaps we could bring you along with us to the cathedral then with the intentions of leaving you near the outskirts of town or something, and your character gains trust for the rest of the group on the way?
What?! I gave you a whole motivating speech.
Beside that, think about this circumstance realistically.
You have already joined thousands in the rebellion. You want to kill the count. With the situation we are in, hundreds are already dead and dying. There was no formal plan, at least that we know of, with any chance of successfully killing the count. Now, you are pinned in a house with arrows still falling and gautds approaching. A few guys are grouped together with te same intentions and want to stay groupped to increase their odds of survival and success. I know your character lacks trust but seriously? She's not stupid.
She doesn't want to group even though she has joined the rebellion.
She already almost died on her own and wihiut this group, would have died.
She would rather go back out there alone? Than why did she wait for the rebellion?
If you don't go along, what are you going to do?
I just think given the situation, realistically, there is no way you wouldn't take help no matter how untrustworthy you are.
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How could the situation be bettered? There's always the option that we could split up, but that might get confusing as far as linear posting goes. We could always scale the wall, as I had planned from the beginning, or go in the front gate, but it would be interesting to see how we'd discuss all of it out after everything already said. You should have said something earlier, though, it would have made it easier
Turmobil, are you already leaving the building?
If we were carelessly brandishing our lives, we would be doing something blatantly idiotic like rushing in the front gate, in which case we would be overwhelmed and die. We're taking a back entrance to avoid that.
In your character bio you were supposed to state a reason for undertaking the initial journey, which I laid out the basics of well before the RP started. If you don't feel that your own ambitions are enough to drive your character to want to undertake what our end-goal is, that isn't something I can fix.
Are you asking something else and I'm simply missing it?
Then actively make suggestions to make it better.
How would you like it to be resolved? The shaky plan is shaky because I want to make sure I'm not a dictator in this RP. I'm doing my best to work other people's ideas in to it. If you have better ideas just say so
Actually I would assume in the face of life or death, that is when one will overcome their adversity. Maybe this whole incident is the change she needs to learn to trust people again. Keep in mind that your character is in the middle of a war zone.
I'm not saying that your character doesn't have her uniqueness but I'm with Seth. What would your character do on her own? What was her plan during this revolution? Your character has already shown her hesitance but at a time like this I don't think she has a choice.
I'm not trying to attack you personally. What are some of your ideas?
I also do not think that it is good for the RP if the group splits.
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I get where you're coming from, but as Seth has clearly said, your character should have some driving reason to join the revolution, and to get vengeance/closure/what have you.
True, it is rather odd for a random group of people to meet up and forumlate a plan to kill the count, but do people not work together when it can further their own goals?
We all have the same goal, or so we should, so what is the reason not to work with like minded individuals, aside from personal insecurities and distrust.
As Scyberdragon has said, would your character rather wander the streets alone and unprotected, or be with a group of people who can work together for a common goal?
And as Seth has suggested, don't sit there and complain about how it doesn't work, make it so it does work. Make suggestions, plans, or whatever.
sorry for all of the "bashing". :_ (
@Seth: how dare you call us out in our bunny hopping through the window.
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We all do and I miss having him around more. I just want to make sure if people have questions, ideas, and/or issues, they are answered, heard, and/or resolves. If I came off harsh, which I probably did since I was pissed off (not at you) when I was replying.
If I came off incompetent, well, I'm not one of you smart actor people that know how people should behave, so...
Oh, come on, you knew we had a door
While I feel like this series of events was pretty strange and not particularly realstic, I do currently intend to follow along with them.
I was only thinking about the possibility of my character not joining the group and was, in no way, decided one way or the other. Additionally, the reason I did not make a better suggestion was that I did not have one (also why I am still going along with this plan).
I hope that clears things up for people.
And how on earth did you manage to edit my post?
thing. I didn't have a better suggestion to give, so how could I give one?
Also, I have mod rights still in the RP forum only (like Elfen) so that I can run KotBB.
Just double checking, I remember you saying something about an abandoned cathedral, which leads me to believe that religion no longer applies to Aboron.
Suffice to say, "gods" do exist in Amyorne, and Aboronians of old worshiped them (the Asrai observe more gods than typical humans), and there are some that do not like this for their own reasons which I'm not going to state yet.
Working on specifics with the gods, though.
Thanks for the heads up man ^^.