(All of these news updates are posted on the [URL="http://daysofamyorne.host56.com/index.php"]home page[/URL] of the website and can be viewed from the [URL="http://daysofamyorne.host56.com/show_cat.php?catid=1"]news section[/URL].)
The Story Thread for Volume I: Revolution is now up- see [URL="http://www.diablofans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22120"]here[/URL]!
Quote from September 27, 2009 »
The story has begun. Take careful note of where we are all starting, the steppes before the fortress, where many of the nobility's homes are placed. There is a great distance between us and the walls of Nyord Sardi.
We have not yet come together. How it happens is to be organic and is up to all of you. Make it believable, passionate, and true to your characters, they are depending on you to tell their tales.
Quote from name="September 24, 2009" »
I'm happy to announce that today I have launched RPM v1.5. New features that you might find amusing are the site statistics in the left sidebar, the heavily-renovated Members List, also located as a link in the right sidebar, and a new self-registration page, again, the link is located in the right sidebar. New planned features are an age calculator for the denizens of Amyorne and improved member profile options.
Quote from name="September 23, 2009 »
I have gone and updated the Unemasulti with some theory that some of you may find interesting to think about and which may subsequently appear along the story line. You can take a reading of it [URL="http://daysofamyorne.host56.com/show_art.php?artid=12"]here[/URL'].
Quote from September 20, 2009 »
Over the last two weeks I have been working on RPM v1.2. The site has undergone some aesthetic changes and new functionality has been made. Regular users are now able to be registered and comment on articles (if you would like an account, contact myself or another DoA staff member on the DiabloFans forums), and all users may now edit their passwords and user names via the Edit Profile link under Member Options in the right menu bar when logged in.
Also, this has been in the RPM for some time, but, the following tags, when put in a comment or new article body area, will format your text (replace curly brackets with squared brackets): {b}bolding{/b}, {i}italicize{/i}, {url=full URL here}link title{/url}, {st}section title{/st}, {img}full image URL{/img}, and {quote=name}quoted text{/text}. Additionally, when logged in, you may automatically have the system set up a quote of a comment by clicking the Quote link on the bottom-left corner of any comment. If you own the comment, you may edit (or delete) it by clicking the Edit button in the bottom-right corner of your comments.
I hope everything so far is working well for everyone. The design may look kind of wacky in Internet Explorer. Jetrall might have a new design ready in the future.
If you find any bugs, please contact me.
Quote from September 17, 2009 »
I have updated the Old Religion section with a bit on the Unemasulti, a prime book in the theory of Spellcraft. Please take a good read over it if you are confused about how magic works in Amyorne. If you have any questions, please contact me on the forums and I will both address your question and update the Unemasulti for future reference.
It is not done yet, but the bare bones provided should be a good common ground to start thinking about magic in Amyorne. Enjoy.
Quote from September 12, 2009 Update »
Update: The RP now has a name- Days of Amyorne. This will make more sense, hopefully, as the story progresses. The site is also now up [URL="http://daysofamyorne.host56.com/"]here[/URL]. See the news post on the home page for what I have done so far and what I have planned so far. (I realize the layout is ugly- I am not a designer, lol.) (Yes, the entire website is completely database-centric.)
Anyway, the basics of what the first volume will cover are laid out [URL="http://daysofamyorne.host56.com/show_art.php?artid=2"]here[/URL]. I'm working on race pages and other such things, but I can't put too much up yet or the surprise element of some of it will be ruined.
The age is one of conflict and upheaval. In the County of Aboron, the line of royalty is nearing its height of terror. Count Reithwayr Aboron III, ruler of the local land, has committed countless atrocities against his own people and anyone unfortunate enough to cross his border. He has annihilated whole cities and villages of unique peoples, culturally and racially, without mercy or pity. The time of revolution is at hand. The capital, Nyord Sardi, is to be sieged and cast back in to the mountain that bears its master's ruling tower.
The adventure is planned to span the surrounding lands, some very secretive and magical, others vivacious and thriving, some no more than no-man's lands. There are only two races to develop a character from, humanity and the ancient Asrai, a vanishing people of mythic and elusive background.
It will be played identically to the current rules for the Knights of the Burning Blade (in posting nature). I am wanting a max of seven other people to participate in this, which would make a total of eight players (including myself). There will be cultural limitations on initial character creation (for instance, lack of Asian influences, because that is not currently planned to be worked in), an array of, I hope, unique and fearsome monsters and adversaries, a clear and concise storyline, and memorable and diverse areas.
The premise is that the denizens of Aboron are finally prepared to overthrow the Count and his family, so all players must be somehow for this motive. Characters that have descriptions or stories that I deem unfitting will be outcast from play. I am hoping that if this does happen, players will seek to develop their characters, not just use them to hack things to pieces. Grammar, diction, and such will be heavily important to maintain understanding.
For more on Volume I: Revolution's adventure, click [URL="http://daysofamyorne.host56.com/show_art.php?artid=2"]here[/URL].
So, anyone interested, post. A max of seven. I will base entry on how you act on the board and/or how you carry yourself in other RP's in this forum. If you do not make first cut (if a lot of people want in), people may become inactive or drop out as time goes along, or there may be a time in the future when more are allowed to come in.
Click [URL="http://daysofamyorne.host56.com/show_art.php?artid=6"]here [/URL]for more on the Asrai.
On the Old Religion: The Old Religion is based heavily on the Binding, a philosophy that states that immortality and mortality are reciprocal of each other and are only made complete in their union (they are "bound in fate" to interplay until the last day). It states that magic, as a study and means, is a branch of immortality that is touched when mortality unlocks a bit of its ephemeral power. This is done by way of ancient rites, symbols, and words, which are most ably studied by the Asrai, since it is part of their heritage and culture.
Click [URL="http://daysofamyorne.host56.com/show_art.php?artid=12"]here [/URL]for more information on the Old Religion via the Unemasulti, spellbook of Unem, descendant of Apuethe.
Click [URL="http://daysofamyorne.host56.com/show_art.php?artid=10"]here [/URL]for information on the Darka'Numi.
The Blackweaves (Darka'Numi)are not fully developed yet. They will be fairly predictable in most cases, I have them appearing in the storyline a few times so far, but I have not written much about them as extensively as the Asrai.
I would like to play (as I have already made clear).
I'm not sure whether or not I will choose Human or Asrai as both are tempting choices. Perhaps I can talk with you more about the mythical beings and determine whether or not they'd be a race I'd want to play or not.
If anyone is concerned about the length, nothing is official yet, but I am aiming for a day or two for each (what I consider) "chapter" of dynamic story change. From the first three "books" I have finished (which are what each chapter and its notes sort in to), it looks like about a month of material is already prepared, and no, it's not done yet. So this could be somewhat long. If at any point you want to quite, just tell me and I will kill your character off or something.
I'm updating the OP with information on the Asrai, but it will be somewhat difficult because I don't want to give too much away.
I'm intersted and would like to be in another that I can make sense of. Your plan seems pretty smooth and it's good to have one before you start or else it gets rough.
Edit: There are many other great rpers that surpass me, so I won't feel bad not getting picked. =)
Hmm, I'm definitely down with this one :D.
Hope this doesn't conflict with KotBB though, seems people have been posting less lately.
Oh boy, get to think up a new character :D.
I love making up characters, seem to have more fun making than playing lol.
I'm thinking on making a mentalist, like a mage who uses mental powers instead of elemental, or arcane. Will be fun ^^.
And btw, you should send that Archie guy a PM. He was tripping balls about getting into the KotBB RP for a while, this would be a good outlet for him while he waits to get into it.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Quote from "Sixen" »
"One in every 10 million people can potentially have a headache from this pill." God forbid she is the 0.000000001% of having a headache.
Well I guess my guy technically won't be using magic...
So... huzzah, loophole!
And I'm probably gonna go with a plain ol' human.
edit: Whoa Jetrall, back to the waving bear?
Nice sig btw, so far I liked that one with the spartan looking guy the most. Dunno why but it like... demanded to be looked at.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Quote from "Sixen" »
"One in every 10 million people can potentially have a headache from this pill." God forbid she is the 0.000000001% of having a headache.
I think it's because Jetrall is looping back in to his congenial personality
(JK, dunno.)
Magic won't be unavailable to any character. How it functions is what is going to be limited. I want to write a whole post devoted singularly to how it should work and what needs to be typed. I'm really fondling a few different ideas and I think I may just do all of them to a degree to make each post a little different depending on the magic used. I'm going to write some ideas down while I'm on one of my long breaks at college tomorrow, I think, and try to get back on this tomorrow evening.
So far, I've only gotten to writing down here that it will be focused in the Old Religion, a focus of the Asrai and Darka'Numim in particular, but practicable by all. The Old Religion is not so much a form of worship as a means to an end, studied more for its practical purposes than its spiritual presumptions. So, magic will obviously be a huge part of any character (player or non-player) that is heavily in to it. But, like I said, it's only a means to an end, so it is still practicable outside of the Old Religion, but the same, or similar, means need to be used to use magic.
One of the main focuses I want to do with it all is that magic needs to be potent, unique, and rare. It was done well in the Lord of the Rings, I believe, because we didn't see it flying everywhere all the time, but when you did see it, it was awe-engendering and powerful in nature.
Seth, you're closer than you might think. I'm tired of the Eye of Ra and the "all-seeing overlord" sort of feel it was giving off. Time for a change. What better change than back to my old cuddly waving teddy bear avatar? (Awww, Michael Shanks + Teddy Bear)...
Anyways, sounds good, man. Magic that is rare and not all "look at my ice beam fly through the air!" is good.
The ideas on magic sound pretty good so far, and it's good to know you're really putting a lot of work into preparing this. Hopefully we get enough people so that your work isn't in vain.
Anywho, would you be ok with me using a psionics type of character?
Wouldn't really be focusing on how magic is commonly defined in most RP's, but more like inborn psychic abilities.
So I guess it wouldn't really be using the old religion magic type that you're making, I'd be sure to try to adhere to how you wish things to be cast though, even though it technically isn't even magic.
BUT ANYWHO! Will be willing to switch to a magic oriented character if you want me to, or we can discuss this out if you want.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Quote from "Sixen" »
"One in every 10 million people can potentially have a headache from this pill." God forbid she is the 0.000000001% of having a headache.
The Old Religion is a specific way of studying and understanding magic. There are other ways of viewing it, but they all must maintain similar basics. The magic you are describing would fit under the Force element (there are three elements- Natural, Spectral, and Force). If you want explanations of that:
Natural- this includes all nature-born forces, like fire, lightning, water, wind, regeneration of physical things (like bodies and broken objects- I have some theory written down on this if you'd like to read it), and so forth. The Asrai believed that all natural forces, forces of nature, are interrelated and thus inseparable.
Spectral- this includes other-worldly forces, such as any power or force that sustains the dead after their rightful ending, inflicts damage on the soul, or controls will. Anything not physically representable- where the infinitely complex mind and soul are concerned.
Force - this will apply to any force that does not fit under the other two elements- meaning that it has no physical representation, goes against the natural laws, and that it does not affect the will or essence of mortality/immortality. This would include your basic telekinetic, telephonic, and so forth aspects. This realm of magic was created after the Coming of Consciousness, meaning it is an invention of the man-like races and is specific to them (this cannot be used by any non-humanoid being).
There are two other levels, one lower and one higher, which determine the use and incantation of magic, but it might get a bit complicated, and so I'm working on something that will automate the process.
Edit- Here it is: http://thespellmaker.vndv.com/IncA.php. I think I might put some more stuff on there, too. (Forgive me, it looks ugly. I just used a quick Dreamweaver layout to save time.) Play around with it, you can get some interesting spells. (If anyone really wants to know, those are based on some of the root combining forms of Asrilli, as well as one prefix, de', which means anti-. It will make sense if you think in context.)
It should be easy to figure out, and I didn't put a guide up, but essentially... Well, take the following example:
You want a spell that will summon a barrow wight against a foe. So, you would select "Summoning", "Spectral", and "Enemy", resulting in "Fethala cleyide'cera."
Fethala is the first-person directive form of "Fetha", which would literally mean "to conjure". Fethala strictly translates to "[You,] conjure yourself!" - that's an understood "you". So, what we have here is a directive calling at the element, Spectral- "[You,] conjure yourself[,] ghost[,] [against my] anti-friend." I realize that's a lot of understood punctuation, a possessive word and relational word, and an understood you (which we have in English), but otherwise spells would just be a mouthful to say, and by then you would most likely be dead, if you were trying to defend yourself.
Now that I think of all of that, though, I realized that I didn't conjugate all of the words correctly except for that one, so I'm going to need to fix that tomorrow some time. It also looks like the menu background image doesn't show up in IE correctly, although everything else seems fine... I guess I'll just go with something simpler tomorrow. It just needs to work, is all.
Of course, you don't need to know any of that to use it. Just copy the resultant phrase from the IncA in to speech and go on to describe whatever marvelous effects it engenders. There is another way right now to invoke an incantation without actually saying it, but I'm saving that as a plot point, at the moment.
Update: The RP now has a name- Days of Amyorne. This will make more sense, hopefully, as the story progresses. The site is also now up here. See the news post on the home page for what I have done so far and what I have planned so far. (I realize the layout is ugly- I am not a designer, lol.) (Yes, the entire website is completely database-centric.)
Anyway, the basics of what the first volume will cover are laid out here. I'm working on race pages and other such things, but I can't put too much up yet or the surprise element of some of it will be ruined.
My external CSS looks like crap and it isn't well-commented, but if you want to, I would appreciate it heavily I'd just have to update the footer with credit to you for the layout whenever it's ready. I guess the easiest thing would be to PM you the FTP details?
There are now officially seven players (excluding myself) professing interest. At this moment, new applicants are not being made. I will be sending PM's to those who have professed interest and if anyone is not interested anymore it will be opened back up.
The Story Thread for Volume I: Revolution is now up- see [URL="http://www.diablofans.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22120"]here[/URL]!
The age is one of conflict and upheaval. In the County of Aboron, the line of royalty is nearing its height of terror. Count Reithwayr Aboron III, ruler of the local land, has committed countless atrocities against his own people and anyone unfortunate enough to cross his border. He has annihilated whole cities and villages of unique peoples, culturally and racially, without mercy or pity. The time of revolution is at hand. The capital, Nyord Sardi, is to be sieged and cast back in to the mountain that bears its master's ruling tower.
The adventure is planned to span the surrounding lands, some very secretive and magical, others vivacious and thriving, some no more than no-man's lands. There are only two races to develop a character from, humanity and the ancient Asrai, a vanishing people of mythic and elusive background.
It will be played identically to the current rules for the Knights of the Burning Blade (in posting nature). I am wanting a max of seven other people to participate in this, which would make a total of eight players (including myself). There will be cultural limitations on initial character creation (for instance, lack of Asian influences, because that is not currently planned to be worked in), an array of, I hope, unique and fearsome monsters and adversaries, a clear and concise storyline, and memorable and diverse areas.
The premise is that the denizens of Aboron are finally prepared to overthrow the Count and his family, so all players must be somehow for this motive. Characters that have descriptions or stories that I deem unfitting will be outcast from play. I am hoping that if this does happen, players will seek to develop their characters, not just use them to hack things to pieces. Grammar, diction, and such will be heavily important to maintain understanding.
For more on Volume I: Revolution's adventure, click [URL="http://daysofamyorne.host56.com/show_art.php?artid=2"]here[/URL].
So, anyone interested, post. A max of seven. I will base entry on how you act on the board and/or how you carry yourself in other RP's in this forum. If you do not make first cut (if a lot of people want in), people may become inactive or drop out as time goes along, or there may be a time in the future when more are allowed to come in.
Click [URL="http://daysofamyorne.host56.com/show_art.php?artid=6"]here [/URL]for more on the Asrai.
On the Old Religion: The Old Religion is based heavily on the Binding, a philosophy that states that immortality and mortality are reciprocal of each other and are only made complete in their union (they are "bound in fate" to interplay until the last day). It states that magic, as a study and means, is a branch of immortality that is touched when mortality unlocks a bit of its ephemeral power. This is done by way of ancient rites, symbols, and words, which are most ably studied by the Asrai, since it is part of their heritage and culture.
Click [URL="http://daysofamyorne.host56.com/show_art.php?artid=12"]here [/URL]for more information on the Old Religion via the Unemasulti, spellbook of Unem, descendant of Apuethe.
Click [URL="http://daysofamyorne.host56.com/show_art.php?artid=10"]here [/URL]for information on the Darka'Numi.
The Blackweaves (Darka'Numi)are not fully developed yet. They will be fairly predictable in most cases, I have them appearing in the storyline a few times so far, but I have not written much about them as extensively as the Asrai.
I'm not sure whether or not I will choose Human or Asrai as both are tempting choices. Perhaps I can talk with you more about the mythical beings and determine whether or not they'd be a race I'd want to play or not.
Find any Diablo news? Contact me or anyone else on the News team
I'm updating the OP with information on the Asrai, but it will be somewhat difficult because I don't want to give too much away.
Edit: There are many other great rpers that surpass me, so I won't feel bad not getting picked. =)
Hope this doesn't conflict with KotBB though, seems people have been posting less lately.
Oh boy, get to think up a new character :D.
I love making up characters, seem to have more fun making than playing lol.
I'm thinking on making a mentalist, like a mage who uses mental powers instead of elemental, or arcane. Will be fun ^^.
And btw, you should send that Archie guy a PM. He was tripping balls about getting into the KotBB RP for a while, this would be a good outlet for him while he waits to get into it.
Also, I think I will be an Asrai (assuming that's okay with you, Seth).
Well I guess my guy technically won't be using magic...
So... huzzah, loophole!
And I'm probably gonna go with a plain ol' human.
edit: Whoa Jetrall, back to the waving bear?
Nice sig btw, so far I liked that one with the spartan looking guy the most. Dunno why but it like... demanded to be looked at.
(JK, dunno.)
Magic won't be unavailable to any character. How it functions is what is going to be limited. I want to write a whole post devoted singularly to how it should work and what needs to be typed. I'm really fondling a few different ideas and I think I may just do all of them to a degree to make each post a little different depending on the magic used. I'm going to write some ideas down while I'm on one of my long breaks at college tomorrow, I think, and try to get back on this tomorrow evening.
So far, I've only gotten to writing down here that it will be focused in the Old Religion, a focus of the Asrai and Darka'Numim in particular, but practicable by all. The Old Religion is not so much a form of worship as a means to an end, studied more for its practical purposes than its spiritual presumptions. So, magic will obviously be a huge part of any character (player or non-player) that is heavily in to it. But, like I said, it's only a means to an end, so it is still practicable outside of the Old Religion, but the same, or similar, means need to be used to use magic.
One of the main focuses I want to do with it all is that magic needs to be potent, unique, and rare. It was done well in the Lord of the Rings, I believe, because we didn't see it flying everywhere all the time, but when you did see it, it was awe-engendering and powerful in nature.
Anyways, sounds good, man. Magic that is rare and not all "look at my ice beam fly through the air!" is good.
Anywho, would you be ok with me using a psionics type of character?
Wouldn't really be focusing on how magic is commonly defined in most RP's, but more like inborn psychic abilities.
So I guess it wouldn't really be using the old religion magic type that you're making, I'd be sure to try to adhere to how you wish things to be cast though, even though it technically isn't even magic.
BUT ANYWHO! Will be willing to switch to a magic oriented character if you want me to, or we can discuss this out if you want.
Natural- this includes all nature-born forces, like fire, lightning, water, wind, regeneration of physical things (like bodies and broken objects- I have some theory written down on this if you'd like to read it), and so forth. The Asrai believed that all natural forces, forces of nature, are interrelated and thus inseparable.
Spectral- this includes other-worldly forces, such as any power or force that sustains the dead after their rightful ending, inflicts damage on the soul, or controls will. Anything not physically representable- where the infinitely complex mind and soul are concerned.
Force - this will apply to any force that does not fit under the other two elements- meaning that it has no physical representation, goes against the natural laws, and that it does not affect the will or essence of mortality/immortality. This would include your basic telekinetic, telephonic, and so forth aspects. This realm of magic was created after the Coming of Consciousness, meaning it is an invention of the man-like races and is specific to them (this cannot be used by any non-humanoid being).
There are two other levels, one lower and one higher, which determine the use and incantation of magic, but it might get a bit complicated, and so I'm working on something that will automate the process.
Edit- Here it is: http://thespellmaker.vndv.com/IncA.php. I think I might put some more stuff on there, too. (Forgive me, it looks ugly. I just used a quick Dreamweaver layout to save time.) Play around with it, you can get some interesting spells. (If anyone really wants to know, those are based on some of the root combining forms of Asrilli, as well as one prefix, de', which means anti-. It will make sense if you think in context.)
It should be easy to figure out, and I didn't put a guide up, but essentially... Well, take the following example:
You want a spell that will summon a barrow wight against a foe. So, you would select "Summoning", "Spectral", and "Enemy", resulting in "Fethala cleyide'cera."
Fethala is the first-person directive form of "Fetha", which would literally mean "to conjure". Fethala strictly translates to "[You,] conjure yourself!" - that's an understood "you". So, what we have here is a directive calling at the element, Spectral- "[You,] conjure yourself[,] ghost[,] [against my] anti-friend." I realize that's a lot of understood punctuation, a possessive word and relational word, and an understood you (which we have in English), but otherwise spells would just be a mouthful to say, and by then you would most likely be dead, if you were trying to defend yourself.
Now that I think of all of that, though, I realized that I didn't conjugate all of the words correctly except for that one, so I'm going to need to fix that tomorrow some time. It also looks like the menu background image doesn't show up in IE correctly, although everything else seems fine... I guess I'll just go with something simpler tomorrow. It just needs to work, is all.
Of course, you don't need to know any of that to use it. Just copy the resultant phrase from the IncA in to speech and go on to describe whatever marvelous effects it engenders. There is another way right now to invoke an incantation without actually saying it, but I'm saving that as a plot point, at the moment.
I want this RP to go beyond its predecessors.
Anyway, the basics of what the first volume will cover are laid out here. I'm working on race pages and other such things, but I can't put too much up yet or the surprise element of some of it will be ruined.
There are now officially seven players (excluding myself) professing interest. At this moment, new applicants are not being made. I will be sending PM's to those who have professed interest and if anyone is not interested anymore it will be opened back up.
(Although you are free to still discuss in here.)
First post updated.