Okay, well, I was waiting for more interaction from you guys, but I guess I'll just introduce the next phase of Derroda's orders and somehow work them in to what we have now. Expect that around early this evening.
I brought us to the tomb. I hope nobody minds. I'm sure we could have had some fun battling the armed marksman but I think the lull in activity is due to nobody knowing where to go. I decided for the revival of this story to just get us to the hidden passage so that we can continue.
I also left it open for someone to be creative on where the staircase is. Feel free to explore any option to getting us from the tomb down into the tunnel leading us under the wall.
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I think we just need more people to get this working better :/.
Seems the only reason it's going so slowly, is because there simply aren't enough people to post.
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Quote from "Sixen" »
"One in every 10 million people can potentially have a headache from this pill." God forbid she is the 0.000000001% of having a headache.
There are plenty of people. They just aren't posting
Any more people and it's just too much to account for- too many characters that have to be accounted for with each battle, whenever we have group planning, and so on.
So why is everyone posting here and not in the rp? I tired to get the story moving. All we need is for one person to "find" the stairs down into the tunnel and then we can go into the fortress.
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We are at the end of a long, dark, man-made tunnel. An archway leads down in to an abyss of some kind which we cannot see the bottom of. I'll leave it open for speculation and planning, if you want.
Now wait a minute, Junction3. You just God-moded another character in to a possible death. While there are obvious ways to fix the situation, please avoid doing that in the future unless you've discussed it with said person in advance (which you might have, I don't know).
yea sorry, i meant to post right after him last night but I fell asleep.
EDIT: I hope I didn't make my character too strong by casting all of those spells, I wanted to use magic more. I also had to save my own life and help everyone else get down safely. But I made myself to weak from everything that happened to heal myself.
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Well, there are some issues that immediately come to mind:
1) We were never going to go to the bottom of the chasm.
2) I really don't think it's realistic that you were even conscious to cast a spell, even with it being sand that you hit, although I did enjoy the quick decision making. You could make that characteristic.
3) I was going to draw it out longer to make this whole sideshow more worth the effort that was put in to arguing with it.
4) We can't possibly be in the fortress yet if we fell in to a natural chasm a measureless distance, I would argue we are still in some manner of subterranean area below the chapel (which is where we are coming out).
Numbers one and three, however, are based on information that you did not yet know, so I'll concede that. Even though it was highly unrealistic, it did add a bit of flavor, so I don't mind too terribly.
If you're going to try to pull something off like this in the future, though, please PM or message me, especially since I got a heads-up about an idea to resolve it from Jetrall ahead of time (see his above post) and nothing from either of you.
That being said, I'm willing to work with what you've come up with, but it's your decision
We can delete our posts and go with jetrall's solution. Junction and I were just trying to keep story moving forward. Just let me know and I'll delete my post.
Edit: post deleted. I'll wait for jetrall's post.
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I don't see why we can't go with your guys' idea. Just because mine is mine doesn't mean it's any better. Besides, there's still a post leading into it. If it's okay with Seth, I'll just restore that plotline. I mean, yes it has problems, but what are they but more problems for us to solve?
I just wanted to make sure you were okay with it since you said something publicly before this all went down. If you're fine with it, I agree that issues are things we can resolve through creativity. Go for it.
Now how are we going to get down?
Furthermore, I like the place you ended up now that I actually read the last two paragraphs of your post. I think I got part way through it and just replied here quick before I went off to market and forgot to pick it up.
Things I think we could consider with this:
1) Guards in a dungeon- wouldn't security be lax since most should be helping with the battle front above?
2) Am I to assume that the sand you created muted the sound of your fall?
3) How are the rest of us going to get down all the way and without making sound?
4) Would it be possible to do all this without using too much magic and thereby reducing its uniqueness?
Ah, I'm going to add a little to speed things up and make it so that we have no choice but to go forward.
I also left it open for someone to be creative on where the staircase is. Feel free to explore any option to getting us from the tomb down into the tunnel leading us under the wall.
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Seems the only reason it's going so slowly, is because there simply aren't enough people to post.
Any more people and it's just too much to account for- too many characters that have to be accounted for with each battle, whenever we have group planning, and so on.
I still think an extra 2 players or so would go a long way to solving inactivity.
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We are at the end of a long, dark, man-made tunnel. An archway leads down in to an abyss of some kind which we cannot see the bottom of. I'll leave it open for speculation and planning, if you want.
We'll be waiting
Now wait a minute, Junction3. You just God-moded another character in to a possible death. While there are obvious ways to fix the situation, please avoid doing that in the future unless you've discussed it with said person in advance (which you might have, I don't know).
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EDIT: I hope I didn't make my character too strong by casting all of those spells, I wanted to use magic more. I also had to save my own life and help everyone else get down safely. But I made myself to weak from everything that happened to heal myself.
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Well, there are some issues that immediately come to mind:
1) We were never going to go to the bottom of the chasm.
2) I really don't think it's realistic that you were even conscious to cast a spell, even with it being sand that you hit, although I did enjoy the quick decision making. You could make that characteristic.
3) I was going to draw it out longer to make this whole sideshow more worth the effort that was put in to arguing with it.
4) We can't possibly be in the fortress yet if we fell in to a natural chasm a measureless distance, I would argue we are still in some manner of subterranean area below the chapel (which is where we are coming out).
Numbers one and three, however, are based on information that you did not yet know, so I'll concede that. Even though it was highly unrealistic, it did add a bit of flavor, so I don't mind too terribly.
If you're going to try to pull something off like this in the future, though, please PM or message me, especially since I got a heads-up about an idea to resolve it from Jetrall ahead of time (see his above post) and nothing from either of you.
That being said, I'm willing to work with what you've come up with, but it's your decision
Edit: post deleted. I'll wait for jetrall's post.
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Now how are we going to get down?
Furthermore, I like the place you ended up now that I actually read the last two paragraphs of your post. I think I got part way through it and just replied here quick before I went off to market and forgot to pick it up.
Things I think we could consider with this:
1) Guards in a dungeon- wouldn't security be lax since most should be helping with the battle front above?
2) Am I to assume that the sand you created muted the sound of your fall?
3) How are the rest of us going to get down all the way and without making sound?
4) Would it be possible to do all this without using too much magic and thereby reducing its uniqueness?
Ah, I'm going to add a little to speed things up and make it so that we have no choice but to go forward.