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    posted a message on Putting skill point in passive skills
    Quote from st0rmie»

    Quote from iorik9999»

    I don't see why not. That's how skill worked back in D2, you don't get to maximize all the skills you want because there is not enough skill points. And there are some skills where partial bonus is more enough.

    So take Pound of Flesh as an example...

    Right now the skill gives you 50% additional health from globe... well, personally I don't feel I need that much, so I can maybe just put 3 points in there so I gain only 30% bonus and I can put these 2 skill points in other passive skills..

    My memory of D2 was that there were certain skills you wanted to pump to 20, and certain skills which you would put only 1 point in (because they had diminishing returns, or because you only wanted them as prereqs) and maybe pump with items.

    I don't recall any significant amount of decision making going on beyond "all in" or "just the one".

    And that Pound of Flesh example.. I still think some Barbs would go 5/5, some would go 0/5, and nobody would actually go 3/5. They'd look at it, look at the other passive they were considering putting some points in.. and go 5/5 on one and none on the other.

    Yuck, you seem to have been brainwashed by the modern insanity of cookie cutter.......

    Unlike the videos you watch, well over 50% of the D3 population is already trying random new and intricate things for the sake of trying them. We are sick of doing "the best" thing, and want to do "the fun" thing.

    Introducing some manner of buffing passives is certainly an entertaining idea!

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on World First Drop! Death Prophet‘s Gift! China Realm

    I like the idea of an item adding a socket to the rings and ammy's.

    Instead what I want however, is the ability to actually customize our gear to our liking. Drop rates are ridiculously stupid now, farming complete sets in little under 15 hours of gameplay, and near ancient sets in 30-40 hours of gameplay aside from 3-4 pieces. I think we need to lower drop rates substantially, give us back that HOLY SHIT feeling when a legendary item drops. Along with this, allow us to re-roll EVERY AFFIX on the item! But make the cost to do so extremely high. For instance, in order to unlock rolling 1 attribute on an item, you must pay 50m gold, and this increases to 100m, 150m, 200m, etc. Not sure I am fond of the gold idea, but if we all put our heads together we can think of something.

    I get that the Dev crew wanted RNG to be the mainstay, but I think it is time to face the piper and understand that RNG is flat out terrible, things like Ramaldni's Gift give you huge amounts of power, yet you have some people Para 500 who have not seen one, and some people Para 100 who have 10-15 of them, that should never happen with an item so essential to max progression! Some extent of RNG is okay, like the stat rolls on the item, but at some point people need to realize that RNG is PICKING AND CHOOSING WHO IS SUCCESSFUL, not just playing ability!

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Just rolled this hellfire amulet. Advise before I reroll it..
    Quote from CrayZ1430»

    Mainstat is almost never better than another offensive buff, socket included.

    Max is 1000 Dex on an Ancient Amulet. Say you have 10,000 Dex without the Ammy. Improving it would 11,000. The upgrade would be a 10% increase in Damage. The best Gems are infinitely upgradeable and usually far exceed this at Rank 25. Elemental buffs go up 20% on Amulets, bracers & SoJ. Even stacked the 3rd time, even with diminishing returns, it's better than a 10% increase. Crit at 100% CHD would increase by the product of 100% * %CHC. So at even at a low %age of 40%. this is 40% increase. My character has over 60% CHC. So 100% CHD would be an increase of over 60% Damage.

    The only time you keep Dex on jewelry is when you have Vit or any other defensive skill to roll off in it's place.

    Sometimes Dex is preferred for HC members as the armor can be essential for gearing, but optimal end game gearing it is usually dropped. This needs to be pointed out.

    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on Just rolled this hellfire amulet. Advise before I reroll it..

    You need to make sure you hit 8500+ with your main stat, this usually is achievable through ancient items in your body slots, leaving your ring1, ring2, and neck open for ele damage, CC, CD, and Socket.

    See some people trying to roll around with 7500 str and no str on their ammy or rings, and I just giggle. The Crit damage is multiplied off your damage, which is increased by your main stat or %Damage affixes.

    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on More Arcane Dust

    In the past crystals was problem ... they fixed it. But now we have lot of crystals and dont have arcane dust :/

    Need balance!

    I am so sick of this qq need everything attitude.

    In the past you got 2 crystals per 5 dust for a 2:5 ratio

    They did nothing to arcane dust, nor should they have, in my eyes they simply have a bad ratio of yellow to blue drops currently in game, and this would drastically fix the crafting material disparity.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard announces "biggest presence" ever at gamescom 2015, but no Diablo III
    Quote from Tooly»

    I am sure Blizz already returned money spent on D3 development and maintenance. So:

    1) Make D3 Free To Play

    2) Implement microtransactions (storage, cosmetics) but nothing related to receiving advantage.

    3) Issue microtrasaction points/goodies to those who have purchased D3 already.

    Blizz/D3 - constant money income = profit. D3 players - constant goodies and improvements in game.

    Look at other games, FTP + Crowd Funding is the way to go.

    To be honest i am really amused why Blizz and/or D3 dev team are so blind and still did not do that.

    Quite simply they do not want to be like everyone else, because they are the king, why stoop to the lower standards of other companies when you are the market setter?

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard announces "biggest presence" ever at gamescom 2015, but no Diablo III
    Quote from Nereus»

    Quote from Tooly»

    I am sure Blizz already returned money spent on D3 development and maintenance. So:

    1) Make D3 Free To Play

    :o Had no idea D3 had a sub :/

    F2P and subs are not related in his context. As of right now D3 is B2P(Buy to Play) not a free play instant download off a website.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Blizzard announces "biggest presence" ever at gamescom 2015, but no Diablo III
    Quote from soulzek»

    Quote from zultore»

    they are probably holding the big expac announcement for blizzcon this year.

    'big expac'?

    new act

    new class

    new areas

    new items

    Bored Since '12

    So quit?

    From what I hear we are getting 3 new classes, one of each main attribute, as well as 1 act with multiple avenues that make it feel like 2-3 acts in itself. We are getting reworked and new items, as well as 10 more levels, and possible a revamped paragon system.

    That is just the surface, the Dev crew is working on so much more, and hoping for a release come end of this year or early next year.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Powerful & consistent GR 50+ 5WW/3IK 2.2 barbarian build
    Quote from arandan»

    if you read my argument with comprehension you maybe would've understood it and answered on topic, but yeah what should I expect...

    So to repeat myself, if you build around a certain passive and then throw away its benefit completely on a rift boss, which is where you need damage the most as a barb, then you've essentially wasted that passive slot, haven't you.

    If you want to build around life per fury spent then by all means go that way, but building around both does not make any lick of sense.

    Get it now?

    Also... life per fury spent is negligible at best, especially at higher levels, the amount of hp you recover is simply too underwhelming. Would be safe to also mention that he kept spamming serk rage even when at full hp, so yeah...

    Have you cleared GR50-60, yeah, thought so......

    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on Keystone of Trials No Longer Dropping?

    It is pretty much 100% (T6), 90% (T5), 80% (T4), etc... going 15 runs without one is quite a bit ludicrous, even for RNG standards.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Goblin Farming In 'Queen's Dessert' Bounty (Video)
    Quote from h0axed»

    Its even faster to check the road down to skeleton King. Roughly 75% spawnrate.

    Curious as what you mean by the "road down to skeleton King." Do you mean just the port to him, or the actual dungeon preceding him as well? (The Cathedral?)

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Rollbacks? Im curious!
    Quote from nisk0»

    Ok so i went to watch Datmodz, and his title is "rollbacks are happening". Can anyone clarify as what this means? i wasn't updated!

    Basically, any player that has exploited certain bugs within the game broke rules specifically stated by Blizzard and their Dev Crew.

    So, a rollback essentially is going to take these accounts, and roll them back to the initial day of seasons, or the 1st known day of the Blood Shard exploit.

    Lesson here, do not cheat, nothing good ever comes from it.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Trials will be removed!
    Quote from Gorok»

    Should be nice to exist in some capacity in the game, I am mostly thinking about an easy lazy exp farm (granted, an easy fix for any bot). People have already proposed a PVE/PVP type of dungeons similar to the tower defense games, where waves of monsters come towards you and they get increasingly harder. This however adds another fragmentation to the game, which exists even now with the rifts vs. grifts, but seem connected due to the existence of legendary gems.

    I voted that I don't care, because as I said in the past, most of my gems are level 0. I see no attraction in a dungeon run where you get no loot, and you are forced to do it under a limited timeline, which is alongside NOT trading, a thorn of shame in the Diablo franchise back.

    I would actually love a firestrike mode similar to this where we just get bombarded with waves of monsters that increase with difficulty, and say every 5-10 waves we face a boss. Have specific rewards that are earned per tier (boss kill) that you survive.

    My goal would be to allow them to chose lets say 1 set piece of the IK set, but we get a random piece of the set, and the stats obviously random as well. Essentially, I want a way other than dumb founded gambling to get my sets.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Trials will be removed!

    I think they need to keep them, but adjust them, and I am pretty sure that is what Wyatt will do, as he hinted in the tavern talk.

    The goal is to have you do trials, but once you unlock say GR25, you can then use your trial keystone and turn it into any GRift 1-25 without running the trial.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on General getting geared question.
    Quote from Azith28»


    I've played D3 since it was released, have the xpac and all, but ive never really been a full time player, topping off at soloing T3 or so.

    This season i started playing with some friends, got to 70, picked a spec to shoot for and started grinding. What facinates me is how quickly some people have already managed to find the gear they need, whereas in the past multi years of playing on and off again, There are many items i have yet to see while others are constantly repeating. I realize some items only drop in certain T levels but generally unless this is prominently mentioned in the official items comments section, I am presuming it is full on Random luck if you will ever see the items. Is there some secret spreadsheet or database location that lists the best place to farm each piece of gear?

    Nope, the game is completely RNG based everything from the item that drops to the stats it rolls are decided by a pair of dice that roll in the background once the game dings a legendary drop for you.

    The only thing needed is to run T1(or higher) if you want your set pieces to drop when grinding.

    More often now however, people just speed farm T1-T6, whichever they can spawn and kill the RG in 5-7 minutes. The goal for this is quick Trial Keystones, and a few legs along the way. Greater Rifts seem to have the best drop:time ratio, so many people love grinding them for their gear, and using the blood shards at Kadala for that piece that keeps evading them.

    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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