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    posted a message on BP (Broken Promises) Testing

    I've been rolling with U6+BP monk this season. At first I like it but eventually I came to realize that the 5% base CHC really annoys me. I simply crit way to much for BP to be reliable, which is sad because it's a really cool item. It's a very frustrating item as well with the baseline crit^^

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Is anything being done for Whirlwind fury regen and damage in next ptr patch

    Could ju briefly explain the issue? I don't play barb myself but would like to know!

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on PTR 2.4 Item Mechanics - Endless Walk (Video)
    Quote from Misiaczek»
    From what I remember, procs do not trigger procs, so no endless casting loop here ;)

    I know, but thorns shouldn't bug out as it has, could be fun if it do work and see it in action before they fix it :P

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on PTR 2.4 Item Mechanics - Endless Walk (Video)

    Nice video. Since you're going to do a separate video about the offhand I'd like to ask if:
    Etched Sigil

        • New Legendary Source
            • Your Arcane Torrent, Disintegrate, and Ray of Frost also cast your other damaging Arcane Power Spenders every second

    Triggers the other "triggers". If you cast AT while having Disintegrate and RoF on your bars, will Etched cast Disint and RoF and will their damage be increased by:


      • New Legendary Sword
          • While channeling Arcane Torrent, Disintegrate, or Ray of Frost, all damage is increased by 75-100%

    And do they bug out casting each other in an endless loop?

    Keep them videos coming, they're very interesting!

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo III [Urban]Dictionary

    Awesome write up indeed! Very nice!

    Might want to add:

    LoN - Upcoming change to Legacy of Nightmare set will surely make this show a lot.

    F&R - Focus and Restraint, ring set.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on How To: Fix stash space issues [A suggestion]
    Quote from Shapookya»

    While being a nice QoL feature, it's really not that relevant. Your "I have so many items which I want to cube in my stash but I have no mats" problem can easily be solved by just playing the game and doing bounties. It may be even better if it stays like it is or else people would only cube those legendary powers which they need at the moment and keep everything else locked. The way it is right now, with the limited space, it gives more of an incentive to do bounties.

    Because if you take away the incentive to do bounties and remove grift keys (another popular request), the only thing that's left in the game will be doing grifts.

    Sure, you add incentive to do bounties if that's the sole reason you save things. I save shit loads just because they have good stats, works for another build or I want back up gear if I die (playing HC). I also have three monks with full gear for different roles because bank space is messy!

    OT: I think it's a nice idea and wouldn't mind it being implemented. However, I can't say that I would prioritize this over balance, UI improvements or new content.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Soft- and Hardcore, could they play together?
    Quote from Bleu42»


    Get boosted by a SC character that can go ham and doesn't care if they die. So there will have to be some sort of confusing iteration like you can't play with SC until you're max level, or a certain Plvl ect.

    HC wouldn't play together at ALL if they could play with SC. A full HC run would actually be sub-optimal to the point where anyone trying to rank up wouldn't do it. Why have a full group that can die permanently when you can have 3 other people tanking the mobs without a care. It would turn into a 4 man with 1 HC character in the back, while the rest push the Grift without a thought for safety.

    The two modes need to continue to stay seperated, it just waters down what HC mode is all about.

    That's a good point. I'd love to play with my friends but I don't want to go SC, I guess it's back to the drawing board :(
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Soft- and Hardcore, could they play together?

    Sure they have different mindset, that's why you'd have to make an active choice weather you want to play with them or not. Not so different from making a decision if you want to play with a para 356 or not.

    Quote from Fitsu»

    A lot of people would exploit it, getting the SC character to check the area beforehand, play the more dangerous roll etc. It would remove some of the threat of playing HC and to that end I say no.

    Yeah, exploits are very true, which is very sad. However, that scenario might be some kind of exploit though it wouldn't matter for leader boards because you'd fight for a spot on the SC leader board, where people can check stuff anyway. I'd say it ain't that game breaking, would be worth. You could also increase the death timer cap to 60 sec. Would bring it more in-line with cheat death mechanics which HC very often play around anyway.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Soft- and Hardcore, could they play together?
    Quote from Shapookya»

    I think it should stay separated. HC should be always threatening. You shouldn't be able to push the GRift limits without the fear of permanent death. And if perma death is still a thing, you'll spoil the experience for SC players, who can't finish that grift because a player "left the game".

    Only exception are the set dungeon, where death is not permanent and that's ok, because those are personal challenges, which play with death as an objective. And you don't get any loot in there.

    HC would still mean permanent death if you die with a HC character while playing with SC players. I agree that it shouldn't be forced but rather be a choice available for players. It could be a simple checkbox when opening a game to public such as: "Allow HC characters to join" (if you're SC) or "Allow SC characters to join" (if you're HC).

    Forming a group is still up to you, you decide whom you want to bring and what type of "core" they're playing. You'd also see if the person is HC or not via the standard "skull" symbol.

    It would just give us more of a choice and it would be easier to play with friends who don't dare adventure into the realm of permanent death.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Soft- and Hardcore, could they play together?

    As I hardcore player I've noticed the tremendous increase of available players in games when creating a character on softcore. It pains me a little that the difference is so noticeable but it pains me more when I hear my HC friends saying that they'll roll SC when the new season hits. Why? Because they have more friends playing SC then HC.

    I kinda like the smaller HC community but must it really be so split up when playing? Would it be bad if you can play with your SC friends as HC? I'm the one risking my characters life when playing with "reckless" softcore players. If you progress in GR with at least one SC character in your group then you progress on the SC ladder, even though you're HC.

    The pros and cons as I can see:


    - Play with whoever you want

    - Larger pool of players for HC players to fill spots with

    - Shift focus a bit from "sc" vs "hc", in favour for "we"



    As you can see I've some problems with the cons. I don't consider development time, coding, testing and stuff like that a "cons" since that also applied to the current system. What's your opinion on this?

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Legacy of Nightmares theory craft builds
    Quote from Geisza»

    You forget that F&R: 1000*1,5*1,5 = 2250 should be multiplied by the set bonus for the skills they use, for example Heltooth

    so it's not 2250 but 20250

    Didn't think of that, no. Then again, the maths were about LoN vs F&R only, so even if I did think about set multipliers I wouldn't have taken them into account :P
    Number wise though, 14k vs 20k seems quite fine considering that 14k works for everything. Imagine a dashing monk with LoN vs Raiment+F&R or U6+F&R. Raiment's main damage comes from dash and U6's main damage is Exploding Palm which each set increase damage to. Thing is, you've complimenting ability's such as generators and Seven Sided Strike. With LoN you could potentially go with the same setup (though you've to adjust to the lack of set powers (ex: U6 with triggering EP on SSS)) but since LoN's dmg increase is global your side skills will do as much increased damage as your main skill.
    100% seems like a quite good spot but time will tell off cause!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Legacy of Nightmares theory craft builds
    Quote from Shapookya»

    No, I made a mistake. The correct math is

    LoN: damge * (1 + 1 * ancients)

    it's 100%, not 10%^^

    Ah, lol, should've seen that... was a pretty obvious mistake :P This means with 1000 damage and 13 ancients:
    LoN: 1000*(1+1*13) = 14 000
    F&R: 1000*1,5*1,5 = 2250
    Which makes LoN a tiny bit better then the previous maths :D

    Aiming for a balance for T10 seems like a waste of potential though, obviously it is up to us to push with it but still, I hope the set, in it's final form, will be usable for GR60+ at least.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Formating your post seems buggy

    I've noticed some minor things about formatting your post which is quite annoying but possible to live with. For instance, if you link something you've a choice to have the link opened in a new window which seems to not be working. If you start of with a quote you can't go out of it, instead you start with two enter then quote on the first line followed by typing an answer on the second line.

    Stuff like this is just annoying but gives the site a negative vibe of frustration from time to time. Would love if the formatting could be improved with quality of life changes/fixes!

    Would also be nice if the "Recent posts"-area updated when you refreshed the main page. As it stands, when you post something new it'll take some time until it show up in that area.

    Anyone else who've noticed this?

    Posted in: Site Feedback
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    posted a message on Legacy of Nightmares theory craft builds
    Quote from Shapookya»

    Can you guys also give a source for "LoN is additive". Because as far as I know, it's not additive.

    It's additive in itself, meaning every ancient increases the multiplier by 100%, but the buff itself is multiplicative, while F&R is two separate buffs which are multiplicative with themselves.

    edit: or in maths:

    LoN: Your dmg * (1 + 0.1 * number of ancients)

    F&R: Your dmg * 1.5 * 1.5

    With that maths it seems to me that LoN is underpowered? Say that you've 1000 damage and 13 ancient then you would get:

    LoN: 1000*(1+0,1*13) = 2300
    F&R: 1000*1,5*1,5 = 2250

    Which isn't very balanced considering F&R doesn't stop you from having other sets active. Given, F&R must be activated and maintained but it's quite easy, which is why I have neglected it.

    Or do I oversee some factor?

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Down with procs!
    Quote from TheParasites»

    Let me show you why procs will never proc other procs.
    good day to you sir

    That shit is glorious! So sparkly!
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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