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    posted a message on Is this a new way of saying "Invulnerable Minions"
    Quote from Number1337

    No its not a Photoshop, just a regular old Print Screen. The main mob was a super-unique or whatever they call the purple ones. This may be something only he has, and it was from last night, so its 1.03, hence why i ask if its new.

    I ran into several packs of elites and rares last night that didn't display any affixes on their status bar (that was fun to figure out initially!). Likely a display bug on both accounts.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on [GUIDE] How to become a sucessful and exceptional barbarian on inferno difficulty
    Quote from Gulaji

    I agree with bokchoykn. This should be unpinned as it portrays this as the "only way" to play a barbarian. I came on here today to see what other people were saying about builds similar to mine (see: http://www.diablofan...sker-whirlwind/) only to find NOTHING because you all think that you absolutely have to be a revenge spammer with tons of resist and use frenzy with LoH etc.

    Seriously, people, play the game. Try out new shit. Don't rely on other people's ideas. Take bits from their ideas and come up with your own! I'm not so arrogant to think my build is the best. In fact, I'm nearly certain that there are other builds that could be made to work. Mine might not be as good as some I haven't seen on here or thought of myself, and maybe it's not as good as this one, but FOR ME it's way more FUN. Plus, it still works... so quit flinging about this nonsense "you have to use this spec".

    An important line you apparently missed when reading the OP:

    Here are the abilities that I recommend using and that I find best. Of course a lot of things depend on your play style and personal preferences, hence I will later list other viable skills that you might choose to use.

    So yeah, this isn't some "this is the only way to play" guide - it's quite literally an introduction to the inferno barbarian for those aren't necessarily veterans of Diablo or gaming in general. Just because you're well enough versed to make your own viable build doesn't mean everyone is.

    This guide does exactly what you try to offer up as sage advice in your own: take bits and pieces and see what works for you.

    Seriously, a little reading comprehension goes a long way.
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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    posted a message on The Truth Behind 1.0.3 - Hidden Footprints!
    The tl;dr version of the OP:

    A small percentage of people were farming the hardest content because they got stupid lucky with drops, put in tons of hours early on, or are relatively talented compared to the player base at large (or a combination of the three), and as such were raking in hundreds of millions of gold at an alarmingly fast rate.

    Meanwhile, the other 95% of the playerbase was farming for what amounts to a pittance of the necessary currency and gear to progress beyond Act 4 Hell and Act 1 Inferno (even if you are a very skilled player) because the economy was in absolute shambles thanks to gold being nearly worthless from the aforementioned farming class raking in the dough.

    So what did patch 1.03 do? It allowed the vast majority of the playerbase to actually have a chance at moving beyond the same content they've been grinding for weeks because it was incredibly difficult, aside from winning the loot lottery, to move beyond that content. The other side-effect? The "elite" group of players who got stupid lucky in the first two weeks of release crying about how they actually have to share the spoils now; how, heaven forbid, anyone else has a chance to play the same content in the same gear as they do
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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