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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Player Earns More Than $10,000 Through RMAH
    Quote from zach3427

    don't know if I have brought this up yet, but isn't this guy abusing the tos which clearly states you cannot use the rmah as a investment engine?

    Erm, exactly how did you come to the conclusion that he was using this as an investment engine? "Making lots of sales" is not indicative of investing - not even close.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 is a very good game
    Quote from ruksak

    Quote from InfidelMan

    This is something, wow.... Do you know what a trade-off is? When you have a charm, you benefit from it's augmentation. The trade-off is your inventory space. Just like something that is better quality costs more, most of the time. So I don't get why you're so upset by that. And charms were very useful, especially the ones with +x to all skills, or +x to a specific skill or a specific skill set. Or the ones that increased certain stats, you could use that to compensate for not wasting level up stats on dex and str most of the time.

    Charms are required for D3 to break free of it's current state of ball'n'chain itemization.

    Resistances. We are slaves to this affix. I have experimented with trying to sell otherwise decent items, only they have no resist. People won't buy them, not even for 5k. A belt with 190 str and 165 vit 5% life +165 armor (410 armor)....no one offered so much as even 5k for it. I had it up for 10 k once, and then 5k. Not a single person would pay even a pittance for it.

    Resistance charms would alleviate the absolute need to have resistances bound to each and every piece of armor.

    "But they fill up my inventory".......impose a limit on the amount that can be carried (i.e. anihilus...gheeds etc) ....there done, problem solved.

    I honestly wish they had a resist cap like in D2 so that this issue with absolute requirement for resist would stabilize. People aren't talking about this issue with resist enough. It is seriously wounding the games customization capabilities.

    Charms are the absolute worst way to fix the problem with required stats. That just makes charms required items - you trade one problem for another.

    A better solution (or at least part of a bigger one) is to effectively reduce the soft cap on required resistance - make each point of resistance more valuable, that is - meaning you are more apt to swap in other affixes where an AR affix would have otherwise used the budget. This provides for far more variety in itemization of characters (since you can now put your "cap" AR anywhere you want, allowing for specific slots to be utilized more efficiently, especially on the lower end of items), and brings AR and everything else back to a more level ground as far as market valuation goes.

    Charms fucking sucked, please no.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 is a very good game
    Quote from shaggy

    That's absolutely ridiculous.

    D2 had stats, except that the only right way to spend your stat points 99% of the time was get enough str & dex to use the gear you wanted then dump the rest into vitality. There was no choosing, your choices were an outright illusion.

    As for talent points those were again canned. Pick a few abilities you felt you wanted to max, pick a main damage spell and max it. It became even less of a choice when they introduced synergies because you basically picked a main damage spell, maxed it, then maxed any abilities with gave a synergy to it. That's not choice. That's not difficult.

    D3 is dumbed down because it doesn't have scrolls? Really. That sounds like you're grasping for straws. What measure of complexity or difficulty did carrying 20 scrolls around in a tome add to the game that wasn't completely outweighed by the fact that between Identify and Town Portal tomes you wasted 4 slots in you inventory? What was so awesome about that mechanic?

    As for D3 being a game that even grandma can play, my guess is that grandma would have a far easier time making a toon that can farm for gear in D2 than in D3. Did you know that D2 was actually so easy that they actually had to buff monsters at least once? Check out 1.10 patch notes. D2 took about the same mental power as that of a grasshopper to play, yet it was still a goddamned awesome game that tons of people played for an absurdly long time. Yet, somehow while having a huge hardon for what D2 was you're going to sit here with a straight face and attempt to tell me that games aren't good unless they're complex and difficult. Final Fantasy VII was not exactly that difficult, yet it remains one of my absolute favorite games ever. Super Mario 64 wasn't exactly complex, but I still replay that game with great joy. I seriously wonder how Nintendo ever made money based on your standards.

    You clearly love Path of Exile. I hear Kripparian has a man-crush on the game too. Maybe you can go annoy them instead of trolling. You are here holding D3 to standards that you'd never hold any other game to, and you're entirely misinformed about the Diablo series. You make statements that no one in their right mind could agree with because it's simply a skewed view of reality.

    But, hey, I hear that picking +10 to a stat or +6% attack speed in Path of Exile are the MOST EXCITING CHOICES EVER. Oh wait, the only exciting choices in their talent system are the 1-in-100 interesting choices that aren't some flat modifier to a stat or attack speed or damage with <weapon type>. Sounds absolutely exhilirating. Hypocrite.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Banned from D3 forums on bnet
    The irony of this post...

    Creates spam thread to whine about being unjustly banned for creating spam threads.

    I detect a pattern here...
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 is a very good game
    Quote from Zergie

    Games with no end game that took a single play through to beat weren't good games in the 90's.

    Still aren't.

    Subby is confusiong good engine with good game.

    People with absolutely zero concept of context or genre were boring and stupid in the 90's.

    Still are.

    Poster is confusing ARPG with a different genre.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 is a very good game
    Quote from ruksak

    I never claimed to be a spelling aficionado.

    I know, but it was too good of an opportunity to pass up, especially since any other response to that particular post would have been "agreed." Gotta keep myself amused at work.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 is a very good game
    Quote from Sikk

    Either way, it's a known fact that this game is far from very good.

    Opinion invalidated. Please insert coins to try again.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Lack of news, what's going on?
    A whole week without an update from the people who have been constantly chastised by an overly-aggressive player base for not working hard enough? Oh woe is us!

    Seriously, this isn't the 11 o'clock news - we're not going to get daily updates, especially when every update is a giant lambaste session from people who have made a profession out of bitching about everything under the sun.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on This will make you want to play the Wizard
    Quote from Visioned

    This does not make me want to play my wizard, or the game any more. The game is still boring.

    Insightful, comprehensive, and all-around informative post right here. Thanks!

    In other news, I'll have to check this out when I get home. Been playing my DH and Barbarian a lot, and really wanted to play some melee wizard variations (because they just have such a unique feel from anything else so far). Thanks! (for real)
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on D3 "DEAD" in 2-3 months
    Quote from sifuedition

    @ LDVvinci

    Nice job ignoring his entire point AGAIN. An analogy has to be a relative comparisons and those analogies were horrible ones. He was right.

    If you want to make an analogy to a job in the real world, how about this. You can come to work for me. I need you to work 50+ hours a week. At the end of the week, I'll sign a check to you. It may or may not have any value. You should want to work for the extremely rare chance that it could be a large check. In short, there is no guarantee to any reward for your effort becuase that would make you an entittled dbag.

    That is more the feeling this forum is trying to impose on anyone who prefers the reward systems of the previous titles in this series. But no, you'll slippery slope that into "I want free purples for logging in".

    Speaking of absolutely fucking terrible analogies...

    Are you rolling a god damn dice to decide his paycheck? Is the job sitting on your ass watching TV? What if you're doing a job you expected to pay to do in the first place, and now you've actually made money from it?

    Seriously, stop trying to give others shit for something and then do a piss-poor job of yourself.

    You two can +1 eachother and circle-jerk to until your heart's content, but you're still sounding like entitled brats. There's no slippery slope here (so stop using it, because you sound ridiculous). He very clearly stated he DOES want rewards at an expected point in time (whatever his subjective idea of "reasonable" is), which is exactly what this series has never offered. He's already made money for fuck's sake, but that's not enough "reward." He wants more. Entitlement. Gratification. Get a dictionary, both of you.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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