All those narrated books in D1 somehow managed to be one of my favorite features. The voice for it was just perfect. And it alluded to something so grand. Everything in Tristram seems somewhat like an isolated incident. But when you hear snippets of the Sin War and the Great Conflict, you wonder if you're playing a critical part in something much larger at stake.
Probably Farnham's ramblings, or getting my ass handed to me by the butcher for the first time :D. After opening that door, you just KNEW the game would be good.
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Quote from "Sixen" »
"One in every 10 million people can potentially have a headache from this pill." God forbid she is the 0.000000001% of having a headache.
I never got to exprience the butcher kill me ever.... Everytime I start a game I never get the mission the first time :/ I always restart and kill him in a few hits because I am level 20..
ahhh, The Butcher and I must say, till now, i missed the soundtracks of all levels.
suit very much with the ambience of the unholy places we are fighting..
anyone here could convert dungeon's soundtrack into a ringtone ? I love it.
The thing that i really liked about Diablo I is the tristram soundtrack that is playing while you are in town. I used to just walk around to listen to the music...
And ofcourse i can never forget the first time the butcher pwned me xD
For me it's gotta be the atmosphere, primarily the music. The Tristram music was simply beautiful, and the dungeon music combined with the dark, scary feel of the catacombs WAS Diablo 1. Oh how I wish I could feel that again in Diablo 3...
For me it's gotta be the atmosphere, primarily the music. The Tristram music was simply beautiful, and the dungeon music combined with the dark, scary feel of the catacombs WAS Diablo 1. Oh how I wish I could feel that again in Diablo 3...
100% agree. If they could make d3 with the envirment d1 had...I would bow down and worship blizzard untill I die damn it!
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If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
The Butcher. "Ah, fresh meat" I remember when I way like 13 and I first got Diablo I, I was scared of The Butcher.
I still remember setting foot into that room, all bloody and so many bodies, which might have contributed to my fear of The Butcher.
Apocalypse was just a crazy imbalanced ability. And most people couldn't even use it much unless they had a hacked staff or something.
Some of my favorite moments include any time I used the infravision spell to see shitloads of infrared monsters on the other side of the wall patiently waiting for me.
You can get the non hacked staff with just 15 charges. (Lazurous left the one I saw) Only high levle sorcerer's could use it though.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack for all your Trans Siberian Orchestra listening pleasure
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
Apocalypse was just a crazy imbalanced ability. And most people couldn't even use it much unless they had a hacked staff or something.
Some of my favorite moments include any time I used the infravision spell to see shitloads of infrared monsters on the other side of the wall patiently waiting for me.
actually the arch angel's staff of apoc wasnt a hacked staff lol
you had to be at least like lvl 32 to get it though and just keep visiting adria like 500 billion times xD
but i found it countless times =3
it wasnt all that imbalanced either
it took a kinda long time to charge it to use and didnt do a whole lot of damage but it stunned and damaged every enemy on screen and did physical damage xD
but considering on hell diff apoc doesnt do a whole lot of damage and the enemies can kill you nearly instantly its not that imbalanced
it was just one of the only possible spells to do runs with in diablo 1 xD
the arch angel's staff of apoc was a warrior staff with 255 charges
and that is the only one i have ever seen for that amount of charges
so if there are any others its probaly hacked lol
it also added plus 2 to all skills =3
the only things id actually say are hacked would be diablo's set from diablo 1 which was so damn hard to get you had to hack cuz noone has such patience to grind till you get it xD
only the ppl who were legit lvl 50 probaly have that patience xD
A Diablo 1 momment that I remember was when me and my cousin were playing, and suddenly the light went off(blackout) and my cousin yelled: "The Skeleton is gonna eat me!" it was about 1998, and we still laugh at that.
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"Eternal suffering would be too brief for you, Diablo!"
First time I used infravision outside the chamber of bone, scared the SHIT out of me.
Though, I was pretty young when I first played it, actually went and got my dad to come kill all the skeletons for me.
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Quote from "Sixen" »
"One in every 10 million people can potentially have a headache from this pill." God forbid she is the 0.000000001% of having a headache.
Descending into the Catacombs for the first time. The music, the narrow, claustrophobic passageways, and seeing the goatmen for the first time all convened to create a palpable sense of absolute isolation from anything remotely friendly. I could almost smell the dry, musty corridors.
The goatmen were big for me, psychologically. It was obvious that something most unpleasant had befallen someone to turn them into these entities, and it was like "Oh man, these guys are serious."
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"I fight for a better tomorrow not because I believe one to be necessarily forthcoming, but because I believe a better tomorrow is worth fighting for."
There is new lore for the Goatmen, though I'm not particularly fond of it. I liked thinking of them exclusively as creatures of Hell. But it now turns out they were regular mortals to begin with.
There is new lore for the Goatmen, though I'm not particularly fond of it. I liked thinking of them exclusively as creatures of Hell. But it now turns out they were regular mortals to begin with.
Yeah, it kind of eliminates some of the mythos surrounding them.
On the other hand, it kind of "brings it home" to be able to relate with them on the level of humanity. Knowing that we came from common stock, and then seeing how they got altered. I had a similar experience in RE4 in the biochem area, with the regenerators and iron maidens. I was like, "Dude. These were humans at some time."
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"I fight for a better tomorrow not because I believe one to be necessarily forthcoming, but because I believe a better tomorrow is worth fighting for."
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Siaynoq's Playthroughs
suit very much with the ambience of the unholy places we are fighting..
anyone here could convert dungeon's soundtrack into a ringtone ? I love it.
The thing that i really liked about Diablo I is the tristram soundtrack that is playing while you are in town. I used to just walk around to listen to the music...
And ofcourse i can never forget the first time the butcher pwned me xD
100% agree. If they could make d3 with the envirment d1 had...I would bow down and worship blizzard untill I die damn it!
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
I still remember setting foot into that room, all bloody and so many bodies, which might have contributed to my fear of The Butcher.
i liked killing lazarus and his two succubi and his weak little knights XD
i also liked teleporting right into diablos little bone cage and blowing up everything in there with apocalypse
i enjoyed the equipment in d1 they werent too strong but not too weak where you couldnt beat hell
i like the depth of strategy you could implement (mainly for a rouge or sorc lol) unless you got apocalypse xD
i liked beating diablo with a lvl 29 golem xD
Be my Buddy =^.^=
Some of my favorite moments include any time I used the infravision spell to see shitloads of infrared monsters on the other side of the wall patiently waiting for me.
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
actually the arch angel's staff of apoc wasnt a hacked staff lol
you had to be at least like lvl 32 to get it though and just keep visiting adria like 500 billion times xD
but i found it countless times =3
it wasnt all that imbalanced either
it took a kinda long time to charge it to use and didnt do a whole lot of damage but it stunned and damaged every enemy on screen and did physical damage xD
but considering on hell diff apoc doesnt do a whole lot of damage and the enemies can kill you nearly instantly its not that imbalanced
it was just one of the only possible spells to do runs with in diablo 1 xD
the arch angel's staff of apoc was a warrior staff with 255 charges
and that is the only one i have ever seen for that amount of charges
so if there are any others its probaly hacked lol
it also added plus 2 to all skills =3
the only things id actually say are hacked would be diablo's set from diablo 1 which was so damn hard to get you had to hack cuz noone has such patience to grind till you get it xD
only the ppl who were legit lvl 50 probaly have that patience xD
Be my Buddy =^.^=
"Eternal suffering would be too brief for you, Diablo!"
Though, I was pretty young when I first played it, actually went and got my dad to come kill all the skeletons for me.
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
The goatmen were big for me, psychologically. It was obvious that something most unpleasant had befallen someone to turn them into these entities, and it was like "Oh man, these guys are serious."
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
Yeah, it kind of eliminates some of the mythos surrounding them.
On the other hand, it kind of "brings it home" to be able to relate with them on the level of humanity. Knowing that we came from common stock, and then seeing how they got altered. I had a similar experience in RE4 in the biochem area, with the regenerators and iron maidens. I was like, "Dude. These were humans at some time."