I remember now a momment, I was playing the first levels(when a child I remember I was really scared to go further than the Butcher quest), and got the poisoned water quest, I got into the cave, and as incredible as it may sound I got lost, I didn't know how to turn up the minimap, oh man, what a bad momment, I remember that I stopped playing for a while because of that.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Eternal suffering would be too brief for you, Diablo!"
1st off: playing the Diablo Spawn instead of the actual game, because i didn't realize that Spawn was not a expansion/sequal, but just a much shorter version of the game...
2nd: Playing Multiplayer, Never before, and Never again will any Game-Producing company ever accomplish full-scale cooperation in a game, like Blizzard had in Diablo. Sure you could've got a lvl 50 to join your game, and carry you through, but that was boring.
The funnest and Most memorable moments of Diablo have been going from lvl 1-16 in 1 night, with a good party of 4.
- Butcher, run around and hope you don't get hit.
-Leorick, Run around even faster.. and pray you don't get surrounded by skeletons.
-lvl 13 in general (the one with the succubi(topless ) shooting pink shit at you)
-somewhere in there... getting really happy at the thought of killing topless succubi who shot shit at you....
-Diablo.... Lmao... this was just stupid chaos, run don't get killed, and try to kill stuff all at the same time.
-Entering the Main Chatroom at the end of a very long night of Demon-Slaying, /w xslayerx2 Did we just kill diablo?
/w blackula Good GAME MAN!
indeed, Very good game. i think i'm gonna go play some now =], and hopefully i won't encounter too many mods that brought that game, and it's multiplayer-ability down quite a bit.
oh yah, just like last year (i'm 17 now) i whipped out the old CD KEY and diablo disk, and was playing through the early Cathedrals... and i had the surround sound turned up a bit, so you hear the moans and whispering and eerie sounds, and unending torture of the dungeon music...
So, i'm just walking through it with my rogue, and i see a couple of zombies "twang twang" i take'm out no prob... and i'm really getting into the Sound effects... And as soon as i start to really believe im in this Dungeon...
I hear the sound effects whisper my name....
Shake of the head... uhh.. Wow i'm really really really starting to get into this game, and i ask myself "if you've gone insane how do you tell if you really are insane?" Shake it off... keep exploring... heading down to lvl 4... skeletons everywhere...
The game whispers my name again... or so i thought... it is late... i'm just hearing it... after all the surround sound is quite loud and graspfull... The game whispers my name again... OKAY... I immediantly look up from my screen and around my shoulder! ... nothing... uh oh... So i sorta get up from my chair... and peer into the kitchen, the stove says it's 12:34... everyones asleep... no noise except for the muffled diablo background.. I turn around and peak into the living room... nothing, i can hear the snoring from my mom's room... but nothing, no ones here.
ehh... uhh... i'll keep playing. So i sit once again at my chair, at my desktop, and stick my face into the screen again... the background sounds really get to your head, when you're alone... and you can literally get into the game.
The game whispers my name again... I hit ESC, I get up from my chair, and turn around..... Nothing.
I stand there for a while, in the dark, only the dim light from the monitor reflects any light at all. I listen intently... the background music is not as loud, now that the game is paused.
The game whispers my name once again.... This time it comes from the window, and not the game itself! I run to the window TYLER YOU ASSHOLE! scared the shit outta me...
I hear small chuckles from my friend, whose face is barely visible outside in the night.
it was just a friend, who gets his kicks outta scaring skinny white kids... -.-
God forbid anyone ever be locked in a completly dark room, with a surround sound system playing the background sounds and music to Diablo.... they will go insane from the sights and other sounds their minds create for them.
One that has not been mentioned here, but i'm sure will be after i post about it.
Gharbad the weak was one of the most awesome quests, he was so funny, and would give you a completely 100% random item, and then later drop another one, because it was "too good for you!" apparently.
I've had him drop an incredibly nice (for my level mind you) breast plate for my warrior on the first part.
The second part which he fights you for, dropped me a friggin club of draining or something, not sure of the stats, all i knew was that it either sucked or was detrimental.
Oh Gharbad, how i miss you so D:
Other best moment now that i look back: I didn't know unique items deleted themselves at the start of a new game / difficulty. I was using probably 3 or 4 uniques the first time through, and when i restarted...well....you know. Rage for a bit. gooood times.
I used to go to my uncles house when i was in about 3-5th grade and he would have 3 computers all set up together. me, my cousin(same age as me) and my uncle would play diablo all night. One of the first times we played i was a warior, my uncle was a sorcerer and my cousin a rogue. we got to the butcher and opened the door. my cousin just took off in fear and me and my uncle were left to kill it. after we kill it my cousin ran in and took everything! i remember that memory so vividly, good times. then we started doing the same for diablo II too, hopefully for 3
nice, thread dedicated to d1 moments, i have a few to share if u guys dont mind
1. butcher
2. butcher
(referenced so much here its like a cliche)
ok some of u guys maybe wondering "y list butcher twice?', wat happened was...
1. getting freaked out by "AHHHH FRESH MEAT!", panicked and killed by butcher several times, one day someone mentioned using firewall or weapon of the bear, i went to level 3 church, got myself firewall spell, but past experiences scared me so i had a cousin to cast the firewall instead LOL
2. cleared lvl 1-4, started new game, this time i did something 'heroic', using my sorceror instead of repeating the firewall trick against butcher, i used butcher's cleaver that i got from previous game (see above), put on some mail of protection (-2 dmg), and TANKed the butcher this time, and no i had no idea wth 'mana shield' was, i managed to take him out after using 4x full health potions
(beating it with its own weapon, any1 tried? its very satisfying)
3. moon clans (those dudes with mace that spins around)
a. got killed by those in poisoned water supply quest, so i developed fear for them, which applies later...
b. first time i actually got killed by garbhad the weak! (feel free to laugh) further develop fear for those goat men (although 2nd time i killed him and got unique flail 'celestrial star', which then i got shadowhawk (unique broadsword) from snotspill from same level
c. nighthorn brightmace (is that how its spelt?) found him and was scared, casted like 10 guardians and still died, changed tactic later on and beat it easily, ended my fear of goat men (thank stone curse)
4. harlequin crest - took me completing the quest twice before i realised u can give the sign to odgen instead for a unique instead of the back-stabbing bastard snotspill
5. soulpus, first time i fought him i was like "OMG wtf how much hp does he have??" doesnt do a lot but took ages to kill him even with a morning star, which was annoying
6. messerschmidt's reaver! i was given this baby in battle.net, used it on warrior and it was like 'free crack', started doing crazy stuff like run around getting 30+ monsters following me and then let them surround me, then i started clicking like mad and slaughted the entire army of evil monsters, almost got killed in nm mode doing this though, so dont try this at nm + hell dudes
definitely the totality of the experience defined Diablo for me. The graphics at the time, incredible. The music, both in town and in the dungeons, atmospheric. The scope, personal and yet epic at the same time.
You've returned to Tristram after some time away, now a warrior of sorts only to find your favorite town in shambles compared to its former self. Only a handful of residents remain, some are dead, others fled. And all the while a mournfully creepy ballad is strummed and piped out on guitar and flute.
What was better than that?
But to put it into a single moment, I'm going to go with the first time I was PK'd, revived, PK'd again, then PK'd in town and then BSOD'd.
One that has not been mentioned here, but i'm sure will be after i post about it.
Gharbad the weak was one of the most awesome quests, he was so funny, and would give you a completely 100% random item, and then later drop another one, because it was "too good for you!" apparently.
I've had him drop an incredibly nice (for my level mind you) breast plate for my warrior on the first part.
The second part which he fights you for, dropped me a friggin club of draining or something, not sure of the stats, all i knew was that it either sucked or was detrimental.
Oh Gharbad, how i miss you so D:
Haha, Gharbad has actually helped shape the names of many of my characters or accounts over several games. I was playing D1 with a friend (Single player, taking turns playing) and Gharbad dropped The Executioner's Blade as the first item. The damn sword was so awesome looking (and not bad for level 4!) that we just kinda became obsessed with it, and made a new character called "The Executioner." In almost every game I've played ever since, I've had a character or account named something along the lines of that sword. I was kind of sad when it returned in D2 as only a base exceptional weapon.
Oh yea, the sword dropping from ghar is actually my top D1 moment as well
Yeah, the towns in D2 are actually spotless compared to the litter found in D1. I always had so much crap scattered all over the place. Especially blue items I bought from Griswold.
The epic music when you first enter the Cathedral <3
still chills me to the bone, these days
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
add me if you want to^^
Europe non ladder and ladder player
I'm gonna put my highrune in your socket
flyarion, flyarion_third, flyarion_fourth, flyarion_fifth
Yes! People talk about the Catacombs music the most I think, but the Cathedral is an incredible track. It feels like such a prelude to the horror you're about to be exposed to.
Hell's music was, seriously, so fucking creepy. I'd say it's equally as creepy as the Catacombs but just different. I loved how D1's Hell was all about blood and gore and there wasn't actually any fire or brimstone anywhere. And big sharp bones jutting out of the ground.
The world may never know...
"Eternal suffering would be too brief for you, Diablo!"
1st off: playing the Diablo Spawn instead of the actual game, because i didn't realize that Spawn was not a expansion/sequal, but just a much shorter version of the game...
2nd: Playing Multiplayer, Never before, and Never again will any Game-Producing company ever accomplish full-scale cooperation in a game, like Blizzard had in Diablo. Sure you could've got a lvl 50 to join your game, and carry you through, but that was boring.
The funnest and Most memorable moments of Diablo have been going from lvl 1-16 in 1 night, with a good party of 4.
- Butcher, run around and hope you don't get hit.
-Leorick, Run around even faster.. and pray you don't get surrounded by skeletons.
-lvl 13 in general (the one with the succubi(topless
-somewhere in there... getting really happy at the thought of killing topless succubi who shot shit at you....
-Diablo.... Lmao... this was just stupid chaos, run don't get killed, and try to kill stuff all at the same time.
-Entering the Main Chatroom at the end of a very long night of Demon-Slaying, /w xslayerx2 Did we just kill diablo?
/w blackula Good GAME MAN!
indeed, Very good game. i think i'm gonna go play some now =], and hopefully i won't encounter too many mods that brought that game, and it's multiplayer-ability down quite a bit.
oh yah, just like last year (i'm 17 now) i whipped out the old CD KEY and diablo disk, and was playing through the early Cathedrals... and i had the surround sound turned up a bit, so you hear the moans and whispering and eerie sounds, and unending torture of the dungeon music...
So, i'm just walking through it with my rogue, and i see a couple of zombies "twang twang" i take'm out no prob... and i'm really getting into the Sound effects... And as soon as i start to really believe im in this Dungeon...
I hear the sound effects whisper my name....
Shake of the head... uhh.. Wow i'm really really really starting to get into this game, and i ask myself "if you've gone insane how do you tell if you really are insane?" Shake it off... keep exploring... heading down to lvl 4... skeletons everywhere...
The game whispers my name again... or so i thought... it is late... i'm just hearing it... after all the surround sound is quite loud and graspfull... The game whispers my name again... OKAY... I immediantly look up from my screen and around my shoulder! ... nothing... uh oh... So i sorta get up from my chair... and peer into the kitchen, the stove says it's 12:34... everyones asleep... no noise except for the muffled diablo background.. I turn around and peak into the living room... nothing, i can hear the snoring from my mom's room... but nothing, no ones here.
ehh... uhh... i'll keep playing. So i sit once again at my chair, at my desktop, and stick my face into the screen again... the background sounds really get to your head, when you're alone... and you can literally get into the game.
The game whispers my name again... I hit ESC, I get up from my chair, and turn around..... Nothing.
I stand there for a while, in the dark, only the dim light from the monitor reflects any light at all. I listen intently... the background music is not as loud, now that the game is paused.
The game whispers my name once again.... This time it comes from the window, and not the game itself! I run to the window TYLER YOU ASSHOLE! scared the shit outta me...
I hear small chuckles from my friend, whose face is barely visible outside in the night.
it was just a friend, who gets his kicks outta scaring skinny white kids... -.-
God forbid anyone ever be locked in a completly dark room, with a surround sound system playing the background sounds and music to Diablo.... they will go insane from the sights and other sounds their minds create for them.
=] <3 diablo none the less.
Gharbad the weak was one of the most awesome quests, he was so funny, and would give you a completely 100% random item, and then later drop another one, because it was "too good for you!" apparently.
I've had him drop an incredibly nice (for my level mind you) breast plate for my warrior on the first part.
The second part which he fights you for, dropped me a friggin club of draining or something, not sure of the stats, all i knew was that it either sucked or was detrimental.
Oh Gharbad, how i miss you so D:
Other best moment now that i look back: I didn't know unique items deleted themselves at the start of a new game / difficulty. I was using probably 3 or 4 uniques the first time through, and when i restarted...well....you know. Rage for a bit. gooood times.
1. butcher
2. butcher
(referenced so much here its like a cliche)
ok some of u guys maybe wondering "y list butcher twice?', wat happened was...
1. getting freaked out by "AHHHH FRESH MEAT!", panicked and killed by butcher several times, one day someone mentioned using firewall or weapon of the bear, i went to level 3 church, got myself firewall spell, but past experiences scared me so i had a cousin to cast the firewall instead LOL
2. cleared lvl 1-4, started new game, this time i did something 'heroic', using my sorceror instead of repeating the firewall trick against butcher, i used butcher's cleaver that i got from previous game (see above), put on some mail of protection (-2 dmg), and TANKed the butcher this time, and no i had no idea wth 'mana shield' was, i managed to take him out after using 4x full health potions
(beating it with its own weapon, any1 tried? its very satisfying)
3. moon clans (those dudes with mace that spins around)
a. got killed by those in poisoned water supply quest, so i developed fear for them, which applies later...
b. first time i actually got killed by garbhad the weak! (feel free to laugh) further develop fear for those goat men (although 2nd time i killed him and got unique flail 'celestrial star', which then i got shadowhawk (unique broadsword) from snotspill from same level
c. nighthorn brightmace (is that how its spelt?) found him and was scared, casted like 10 guardians and still died, changed tactic later on and beat it easily, ended my fear of goat men (thank stone curse)
4. harlequin crest - took me completing the quest twice before i realised u can give the sign to odgen instead for a unique instead of the back-stabbing bastard snotspill
5. soulpus, first time i fought him i was like "OMG wtf how much hp does he have??" doesnt do a lot but took ages to kill him even with a morning star, which was annoying
6. messerschmidt's reaver! i was given this baby in battle.net, used it on warrior and it was like 'free crack', started doing crazy stuff like run around getting 30+ monsters following me and then let them surround me, then i started clicking like mad and slaughted the entire army of evil monsters, almost got killed in nm mode doing this though, so dont try this at nm + hell dudes
ill recall more soon...
You've returned to Tristram after some time away, now a warrior of sorts only to find your favorite town in shambles compared to its former self. Only a handful of residents remain, some are dead, others fled. And all the while a mournfully creepy ballad is strummed and piped out on guitar and flute.
What was better than that?
But to put it into a single moment, I'm going to go with the first time I was PK'd, revived, PK'd again, then PK'd in town and then BSOD'd.
Haha, Gharbad has actually helped shape the names of many of my characters or accounts over several games. I was playing D1 with a friend (Single player, taking turns playing) and Gharbad dropped The Executioner's Blade as the first item. The damn sword was so awesome looking (and not bad for level 4!) that we just kinda became obsessed with it, and made a new character called "The Executioner." In almost every game I've played ever since, I've had a character or account named something along the lines of that sword. I was kind of sad when it returned in D2 as only a base exceptional weapon.
Oh yea, the sword dropping from ghar is actually my top D1 moment as well
...Can you say packrat...lol
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
are you cereal right now?
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
at lvl 35 lol since on hell it still lets you use the same shortcuts at the same lvl xD
Be my Buddy =^.^=
still chills me to the bone, these days
add me if you want to^^
Europe non ladder and ladder player
I'm gonna put my highrune in your socket
flyarion, flyarion_third, flyarion_fourth, flyarion_fifth
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
Music in hell was just... scary.
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
I loved how the walls were actually vats of blood, encased by bone.
The music in hell was way more epic, and gave you that feel that a confrontation was coming up, and that shit was going to hit the fan, ya know?