Ok tell me if i'm not the only one. Does any feel that were missing something in d3? i personally feel the witch doctor just isn't cutting the whole dark caster feel.
I feel hes just a crazy crackout doctor with pets and bugs. I really feel that we are missing a dark class.
In d2 the necromancer did it for us. Now hes gone its like kinda depressing in a sick way. lol guys tell me you guys arn't feeling the same thing plz let me hear your thoughts on this. help me feel better come on guys help me out here.
i will be very happy if the final class was some kind of blackgaurd (dark cleric) or something anything whatever. If blizzard decides on doing that for the next expansion thats ok, but i really don't want to wait that long. very worried
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"I Do not Consider myself to do Justice, But I Do not conside myself to do Evil Either."
There was no dark class in Diablo 1, or its "unofficial" expansion...so so far 2>1 in games. With that said, I feel we do need a dark or neutral character. (No not some crossbow shooting scientist HAHA)
I'm totally with you on that one. I thought the assassin was kinda dark too but i mean it has to go way beyond that. I always thought of some demon worshiper gone rogue would be pretty bad ass or the dread knight, which was a actually a concept developed by fan art.
True, forgot about assassin. So 2-2 fair enough. I too have thought of some demon that is out for his own purposes, and reign over hell. Also thought of an Alchemist who can go either way, he could easily fill that void of dark with conjuring up the dead and some alchemist magic spells. (Watch Full Metal Alchemist, that's kinda what im picturing an alchemist in d3 should be like)
Nope, the Witchdoctor is fine. In fact I like him better.
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"I want to say something but I'll keep it to myself I guess and leave this useless post behind to make you aware that there WAS something... "
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
The Witch Doctor is just as dark as the Necromancer.
Both convene with spirits, ghosts, zombies. Both can afflict their enemies with curses.
Plus the Witch Doctor ingests drugs and other materials to make him more powerful. He is as much of an anti-hero as the Necromancer.
Maybe a lot of people are put off by the Witch Doctor's appearance.
My friends who ALWAYS played the Paladin in Diablo 2 thought the pally looked really cool when you selected him on the first screen and he salutes you by pulling out his sword and getting down on one knee.
On the other hand, when talking about which character he might play in D3, he still yearns for a Paladin, but since his return is unlikely, he reluctantly settles for the monk.
He says that there is no way in hell that he will play a character as ugly as the Witch Doctor. Heck it's already a blasphemy for him to play a bald and unshaven monk.
Edit: Concerning the D2 Necromancer, I thought he was the most detailed and original dark class out there.
He was not evil at all, instead he yearns for balance between Heaven and Hell. He controls the thin line between life and death, and since he acts to maintain the balance, he is immune to the corruption of the Prime Evils, something that even the Paladins of Zakarum fell prey to.
I think it's awesome that a Necromancer of all things is immune to all those evil temptations, and it makes sense story-wise.
I've noticed something, there's no Class in D3 that actually has a Sword as a main weapon. Yeah a Barbarian can use a few different types, but still. The Paladin could focus on a sword, it was his starting weapon and all. There should be a Dark class with a sword, that would be kind of neat.
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"From the smallest necessity to the highest religious abstraction, from the wheel to the skyscraper, everything we are and everything we have comes from one attribute of man - the function of his reasoning mind." ~ Ayn Rand
It is hard to know how "dark" the witch doctor is. There is very little lore released for this character which is weird since they announced him so long ago.
As far as looks go, I feel the necro and WD ate both older skinny guys which resemble typify their fighting style of summons. The only thing that made the necro "darker" was his black armor. He had skeletons but the WD has zombies.
Once we get some more info on the WD I can decide whether or not we need a "darker" character.
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I don't think the witch doctor is a good substitute because he's not necessarily dark, he's just weird.
i'm glad you feel the same as i do. :thumbsup:
Quote from "scyberdragon" »
It is hard to know how "dark" the witch doctor is. There is very little lore released for this character which is weird since they announced him so long ago.
As far as looks go, I feel the necro and WD ate both older skinny guys which resemble typify their fighting style of summons. The only thing that made the necro "darker" was his black armor. He had skeletons but the WD has zombies.
Once we get some more info on the WD I can decide whether or not we need a "darker" character.
i just hope once we get some lore on WD hopefully i'll feel better. I still want some really good dark shady character the whole doctor and monk thing just isn't cutting it for me
I feel like theres just no knight anymore with the monk now.
I feel the same feeling with the Witch Doctor. In a darker way
barb and wizard so far are perfect.
ugh i just feel like something is incomplete.
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"I Do not Consider myself to do Justice, But I Do not conside myself to do Evil Either."
The "Dark" class could be the Rogue / whatever you want to call him...
Agree... it would lean to the dark side.. and could use daggers and 1h swords. But it feels like we are missing the ranged class w/o the Amazon. Maybe a ranger would be in play. Could have a ranged or DW melee talent trees.
I don't think we really need an evil character per s?, but I would definately love to have a less conventional good guy like the Necromancer was. When you read their back story, the Necromancers seem to be actually more of a good guy than the Paladins even, but they're misunderstood because of what their magic looks like to the normal folk. That's pretty cool, and that's what I'd like to see again in D3.
Whatever you classify as a "good guy". The necro has more of a short-term view while the Paladin has more of a long-term view, he understands that inevitably, especially with the worldstone being destroyed now, that either Heaven or Hell will reign supreme over everything. Aligning with the side of Order which at least offers respect and consideration to all other things.
Having a class as dark as some of you are asking doesn't belong in this series. The whole point is to have characters that convincingly are strong enough to over come evil and temptation. Look at the D1 characters, they were all powerful heroes who eventually became corrupted. It makes no sense to have a character that is already halfway there.
The New Blizzard have made their stance clear: they have a new vision for Diablo, and its a much less dark and gritty one. Oh well. It will probably still be a fun game.
The New Blizzard have made their stance clear: they have a new vision for Diablo, and its a much less dark and gritty one. Oh well. It will probably still be a fun game.
Quote from "emilemil1" »
Blizzard Quote Please...
They have said that they want to capture the D1 scary feel, but just not in every area. Why would they show us the darkest (and therefore coolest) areas before release?
ha ha, i couldn't have said it better emilemil1. I think we still have yet to see some of the darkest area's in the D3 universe.
And hopefully we have yet to see the darkest character as well, but if we don't than I'm not going to cry.
lol not duriels mother-in-law, hell if youve seen one bug youve seen em all, what about the cross-dressing buthcer? Then it isnt a vagina monster, its "Ah... Fresh cock!"
I think that we still need a rogue type character but why not have one of the corrupted rogues from D2. It would make sense lore wise, they are no longer corrupted but part of them is still demon, they are pissed off about it and want to kick some demon ass. It would not be a necro clone and there could be some cool demonic rage skills or something like that.
I vote for formally-corrupted rogue as the 5th class.
Also thought of an Alchemist who can go either way, he could easily fill that void of dark with conjuring up the dead and some alchemist magic spells. (Watch Full Metal Alchemist, that's kinda what im picturing an alchemist in d3 should be like)
if you ever watched FMA, you would know alchemists are not like that at all. only the humunculi and some of the alchemists who researched the philosophers stone were even close to "void of dark with conjuring up the dead". also, alchemist primarily transmute materials, much less conjure dead people and "magic" spells. i mean, wtf? alchemists dont use magic. dont quote a series you obviously have no understanding of.
but besides that, i do feel that the WD lacks a certain, darkness. i dont care what bashiok says, "plague of toads" is something from harry potter.
I like the WD, he's unique lol. I will miss the necromancer, but "variety is the spice of life" - it's interesting to see all the new ideas in the mix. However, to be honest I’m not a fan of the barbarian at all - so I’m annoyed that he gets to come back when the dark characters like necro and assassin (my fav) do not. I think no one like the WD for two reasons 1. He is old-ish 2. He wears purple. Despite this, I think it's a pretty cool character, but I’ll probably play the female. I’m sure something darker will turn up in an expansion. Fingers crossed.
May I ask how the Necromancer, who, aside from the Druid, is the one class fighting for Humanity and Sanctuary, is the evil class? The Paladin, on the other side, could be viewed as the truely evil one, fighting for Heaven, who wants extreme order. In the world of Diablo, niether Heaven or Hell is good, and the Necromancer understands that. I could see the Necromancer killing an angel just as fast as a demon, whereas the Paladin, blinded by faith, would be murdered by an angel while he fights a demon.
Dark class? The Paladin is the dark class from what I can see.
Note: None of this is in reference to any real world religion. Please do not confuse it as such.
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I feel hes just a crazy crackout doctor with pets and bugs. I really feel that we are missing a dark class.
In d2 the necromancer did it for us. Now hes gone its like kinda depressing in a sick way. lol guys tell me you guys arn't feeling the same thing plz let me hear your thoughts on this. help me feel better come on guys help me out here.
i will be very happy if the final class was some kind of blackgaurd (dark cleric) or something anything whatever. If blizzard decides on doing that for the next expansion thats ok, but i really don't want to wait that long. very worried
Battle not with monsters lest you become one.
"We're like the downtown of the Diablo related internet lol"
Both convene with spirits, ghosts, zombies. Both can afflict their enemies with curses.
Plus the Witch Doctor ingests drugs and other materials to make him more powerful. He is as much of an anti-hero as the Necromancer.
Maybe a lot of people are put off by the Witch Doctor's appearance.
My friends who ALWAYS played the Paladin in Diablo 2 thought the pally looked really cool when you selected him on the first screen and he salutes you by pulling out his sword and getting down on one knee.
On the other hand, when talking about which character he might play in D3, he still yearns for a Paladin, but since his return is unlikely, he reluctantly settles for the monk.
He says that there is no way in hell that he will play a character as ugly as the Witch Doctor. Heck it's already a blasphemy for him to play a bald and unshaven monk.
Edit: Concerning the D2 Necromancer, I thought he was the most detailed and original dark class out there.
He was not evil at all, instead he yearns for balance between Heaven and Hell. He controls the thin line between life and death, and since he acts to maintain the balance, he is immune to the corruption of the Prime Evils, something that even the Paladins of Zakarum fell prey to.
I think it's awesome that a Necromancer of all things is immune to all those evil temptations, and it makes sense story-wise.
I think it's cool that the necromancer was a dark character, but actually a keeper of the balance as holyblight and emilemil1 said.
I would like a charater that is darker in appearance, yet good at heart.
I don't think the witch doctor is a good substitute because he's not necessarily dark, he's just weird.
As far as looks go, I feel the necro and WD ate both older skinny guys which resemble typify their fighting style of summons. The only thing that made the necro "darker" was his black armor. He had skeletons but the WD has zombies.
Once we get some more info on the WD I can decide whether or not we need a "darker" character.
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i just hope once we get some lore on WD hopefully i'll feel better. I still want some really good dark shady character the whole doctor and monk thing just isn't cutting it for me
I feel like theres just no knight anymore with the monk now.
I feel the same feeling with the Witch Doctor. In a darker way
barb and wizard so far are perfect.
ugh i just feel like something is incomplete.
Agree... it would lean to the dark side.. and could use daggers and 1h swords. But it feels like we are missing the ranged class w/o the Amazon. Maybe a ranger would be in play. Could have a ranged or DW melee talent trees.
Whatever you classify as a "good guy". The necro has more of a short-term view while the Paladin has more of a long-term view, he understands that inevitably, especially with the worldstone being destroyed now, that either Heaven or Hell will reign supreme over everything. Aligning with the side of Order which at least offers respect and consideration to all other things.
Having a class as dark as some of you are asking doesn't belong in this series. The whole point is to have characters that convincingly are strong enough to over come evil and temptation. Look at the D1 characters, they were all powerful heroes who eventually became corrupted. It makes no sense to have a character that is already halfway there.
ha ha, i couldn't have said it better emilemil1. I think we still have yet to see some of the darkest area's in the D3 universe.
And hopefully we have yet to see the darkest character as well, but if we don't than I'm not going to cry.
I think that we still need a rogue type character but why not have one of the corrupted rogues from D2. It would make sense lore wise, they are no longer corrupted but part of them is still demon, they are pissed off about it and want to kick some demon ass. It would not be a necro clone and there could be some cool demonic rage skills or something like that.
I vote for formally-corrupted rogue as the 5th class.
if you ever watched FMA, you would know alchemists are not like that at all. only the humunculi and some of the alchemists who researched the philosophers stone were even close to "void of dark with conjuring up the dead". also, alchemist primarily transmute materials, much less conjure dead people and "magic" spells. i mean, wtf? alchemists dont use magic. dont quote a series you obviously have no understanding of.
but besides that, i do feel that the WD lacks a certain, darkness. i dont care what bashiok says, "plague of toads" is something from harry potter.
However, to be honest I’m not a fan of the barbarian at all - so I’m annoyed that he gets to come back when the dark characters like necro and assassin (my fav) do not.
I think no one like the WD for two reasons 1. He is old-ish 2. He wears purple. Despite this, I think it's a pretty cool character, but I’ll probably play the female.
I’m sure something darker will turn up in an expansion. Fingers crossed.
- Bashiok
Dark class? The Paladin is the dark class from what I can see.
Note: None of this is in reference to any real world religion. Please do not confuse it as such.