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    posted a message on Diablo vs Diablo II
    D3 will roll over both, so don't sweat about it.

    D2 gave you plenty of freedom as well, specially considering you could just wander around sometimes, find some unique monsters and not have a clue about what that "dungeon entrance" called the Forbidden Tower (is it?) serves for.

    Until you go deep into it, slay a mean bitch and find tons of gold.

    D1 was much smaller in scope, and I like my adventures/rpgs big in scope. Guess it's a leftover from my Final Fantasy secret love.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Random Endgame Quests!
    I'd really like to have the end-game somewhat focused on PvP, because seriously, nothing gets more challenging than fighting other champions in the arena.

    I wouldnt even care if some vanity items (for customization) can only be obtained at max lvl PvP arena battles or even tournaments.

    Then again, they can always release "uber bosses" for our grinding pleasure and masochism.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Fansite Summit NDA lifted at Midnight PST?
    I'd like to know that too, technically the NDA could be lifted as soon as the 1th of August on Australia or Japan =P which would be much sooner than I had anticipated when I first read the news about the visit.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on The Future of Item Selling
    No stores at all.

    I'm even against the more acceptable option that is "Vanity Items", I wouldn't like to see people with great looking stuff just because they have another 50 bucks in real life to waste looking better than anyone, who gave their blood to gather top tier gear and even dyes for them.

    It's all preference though, but I'd like to reinforce a big huge "NO" to anything that affects gameplay.
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Difference between Haunt and Plague of Locusts?
    I'm hoping they don't keep too many skills with similar mechanics or similar results gameplay wise (AoE dmg, same area, almost same mana cost, with nothing to make them unique). D2 had plenty of those.

    With all the MOBA's out there, there's plenty of new skill design ideas and plenty of unique gameplay twists that can be given (simple, but still unique and fun) to D3 skills, and I hope they follow that trend instead of giving us 10 fireball spells with different names and animations.
    Posted in: Witch Doctor: The Mbwiru Eikura
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    posted a message on What do you think about Cooldowns in PvE
    D2 had skill cooldowns, you couldn't call 50 meteors instantly. There was a reason for it back then, and there's a reason now for 2 min cooldowns. I have played the game on Blizzcon 2010 and I can assure you that cooldowns hardly affect the gameplay, if at all. They just made "x" skill feel that much more powerful.

    To me, in a real time action-roleplaying game like Diablo, time is as much a resource as health or mana/magic/spirit. Learning to manage your "time" is extremely important, that's even true in most MOBA's (LoL, HoN, DotA - who imho were born out of this genre of game). Having some skills be limited by this resource isn't that bad.

    It's also not like 10 minute or 60 minute WoW-style cooldowns, it's 2 minutes. It means you can probably use it dozens of times in a normal 30 minute dungeon, you just have to choose the best situations for it instead of just spamming it.

    If you played D2 in any serious level, you should probably know that it was a 1-skill-spamfest. Some classes sometimes used more than this, but it was usually that one skill spammed over and over again. Bone Spirit? Hammerdin? D2 was almost not fun in the end-game, but getting there was so nice and the end-game loot was so elusive that people would often forget it and just enjoy the ride.

    If cooldowns make the top-tier skills feel more powerful by all means I love it.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Captain America Coolatta Commercial
    That's a pretty sweet commercial, I only wish he dropped the red coolatta in his shirt and it became a star (w00t!).
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on What the hell should I do?
    I don't think anyone here can really tell you what to do. But one thing that's obvious is your dad needs therapy. Either for himself alone or possibly to have group therapy sessions with your entire family.
    But he asked for help, denying it would be pretty bad too. A conscient advice wouldn't hurt anyone.
    Maybe just make him see how serious this situation is.. hitting a son like this is no game, it could actually kill the person, if he doesn't realize that by himself, then a couple months in jail might make him see it..

    Don't worry about breaking your family appart, it's better to solve this problem now while something can still be done, than have it torn apart later by his behaviour..

    At least, that's my opinion. Since you asked for it ^_^

    Spanking is one thing, hitting your son hard enough to give him a concussion is another. Don't accuse yourself of anything here, if your family gets separated momentarily it's not your fault, it's your dad's. You're not the one who's a danger to the ones he loves, your dad is.
    Pretty much sums up my answer..
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Φ Imperius - The true threat to Sanctuary?
    "Fool! You have just ensured the doom of this world. You cannot even begin to imagine what you've set in motion this day. Go to the Temple of Light, in the eastern ciry of Kurast. There you will find the gate to Hell opened before you. You must find the courage to step through that gate Marius. Take the stone you hold to the Hellforge, where it will be destroyed. Now run! Take the stone and run!"

    Tyrael is pretty pessimistic himself isn't he..
    This theory is pretty nice, but I like the one that says Tyrael will be bad (or reveal himself as being bad) halfway through D3 =D in a spectacular way.. would be cinematic..
    Posted in: Lore & Storyline
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    posted a message on Squishy Noises...
    I don't mind if there are squishing noises.. so as long as there are heavy cleaving metallic sounds, sounds of bone being broken, wood being shattered and hearts/brains being squished =D

    Variety is the key, combined with quality of course.. as long as we have these, we'll be satisfied..
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Demon Tracker
    Sounds like you are talking about the Tome of Knowledge from Warhammer: AoR. Which is also a good idea for a way to keep track of statistics of monsters. I also thought it might be nice to have an Armory of D3 like the one they have for WoW. So that everyone can look at each others statistics and builds. This is starting to sound alot like World of Diablo...
    But this would be actually useful to the gameplay and makes good use of all the lore involved in creating a specific monster =)

    And I don't really care if Diablo takes lots of features from WoW, as long as the gameplay is still fun and fast-paced like Crysis Warhead ^_^ (WoW's 3 hours quests are really boring.. I'm not even going to start on the subject of grinding in MMORPGs)..
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on 7 Classes? Expansion Pack with more Classes?
    Some key figures from Blizzard North went on to start their own development studio called Flagship Studios. They created Hellgate London, which bombed, to the dismay of lifetime subscription players everywhere, myself included.

    Bill Roper, often seen as the father figure to the Diablo series, moved on to Cryptic Studios where he is working on the upcoming superhero MMO, Champions Online.
    A bit off-topic here, I played Hellgate as well, and it had much potential.. What killed Hellgate imho was the lack of a specific competitive multiplay and the amount of bugs at release.. Even with the major fixes the patches did, the damage was already done..

    A shame they didn't convert the multiplayer patch to single-player when they decided to shut down the servers ?? I'd really like to have those multiplayers features to play now..

    Back on topic
    I doubt there will be more than 5 classes on the first release.. It's hard enough to balance those 5, and create specific animations, textures, items and side-quests for each; so 5 is good enough for me..
    As long as they work on at least 2 expansions, each with 2 more characters =D
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Multiplayer
    you know this is like the 3rd thread on this already xD
    So it's gotta be pretty damn important to the players, isn't it =) ?

    In single-player and in cooperative people will always find a way to take advantage of the "limited artificial intelligence".. the recently released Left 4 Dead kind of changes that by throwing random challenges at players (different spawn points for enemies and items) that forces them to cooperate (smoker, hunter, tank), but it's far from a human oponnent..

    Playing against human special infected in Left 4 Dead turns out to be a LOT more difficult than fighting the A.I. =)

    The point is, we need some form of competitive multiplayer mode (even if it goes as far as comparing how many kills each team has by the end of 10 minutes) in order to have some challenge after we're done playing with all classes through the maximum level (and believe me, we will ^_^)
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Monsters/ Creatures Suggestions
    Quote from "Genesis" »
    I'd prefer to fight a Thousand Legged Beast over a Thousand Pounder

    Just imagine coming across one of those bastards in an Act 3-esque spider lair... but with heavy fog, webs everywhere and a small light radius inside the 3D Diablo 3 engine
    Then all you would need is the AI to give it hit and run tactics on you
    And make it big enough so you never see the entire thing in 1 screen


    *drools* too...

    Although I would want to see the entire thing in 1 screen ^_^
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Another disintegrate suggestion
    Disintegrate should feel slightly more powerful.. The problem right now is that it doesn't feel like a powerful spell, just a red beam that has almost no feel to it.

    Add a "pulsing" effect to the spell (as if it's about to explode anytime), and some smoke around the Wizard's hands (as if they we're burning through the air) and the animation gets a lot better..

    Another idea would be add streams of energy that flow through the extension of the spell - like the ones in this image, just red and through the extension of the beam:
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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