"I had the worst luck. 20,000 shards on Wizard orbs and 10 mirroball +1's. Then last weekend I got 2 shards of hate, thunderfury, wand of woh, high dmg near perfect mirrorball +2, 2 stones of jordan with good stats and now I just rape all fire with woh or anything else "
You just gave me hope! Did you get all by drop or gamble?
Pretty happy about last night though - gambled a pair of very nice Vyr's Fantastic Finery (pants) from Kadala. We have been fighting a lot lately and we almost separated. But now I'm thinking of forgiving her, for now.
35500 shards no tasker gloves, doesn't seem to exist in my game
Well, and a friend of mine had already successfully salvaged couple of trifecta T&T with int. The reason is he's mostly playing Wizard and sees no point in extra pet damage. Such is our life - unjust and unpredictable, both in games and in real.
I made a deal with friends to play 4-man barb and divide the sets based on what we needed. Three long nights in, and they're decked out whereas I've gotten nothing for myself. I think diablo 3 is connected to the microphone, that it evaluates speech to see who takes the initiative for shortcut solutions, and then flags their account as "cheeky" and rewards their friends instead. Even if someone managed to stare RNG in the white of the eye and consider all the implications, the problem would only resurface outside d3 code in the guise of bad karma or the accidental angering of Ixzzthar, the Spider God of Chance.
This kind of paranoia is always verificationistic. Whenever I start growing tin foil hats, I remind myself that there is no such thing as chance except from the perspective of someone who is making predictions. Anything that has already happened will by definition have had 100% chance of occuring. If you throw real physical dice (not hypothetical ones) and get two sixes, the odds are 100% that you got two sixes, meaning that with that force, friction etc, you could not have gotten anything else. It is only in a projection to the future from a certain perspective that probability is a useful tool.
What're the odds that I exist given everything that had to happen for me to be just as I am now? Astronomical against, or 100% determined in a physyical, lawlike universe? What does this mean in d3? We can make the following prediction: The odds are high that someone tonight will get an unusually long streak of no legendaries, given the amount of people playing. Likewise, the odds are high that someone will get that sweet wand of woh, SoJ and harringtons they've been looking for. The crucial point, however, is that the odds are just as high that for whoever single person this happens to out of the thousands playing, they will feel very (un)lucky indeed. The "why me?" reaction is very human, but not rational. Probability is a matter of perspective; reality just is. It is highly probable that for any universe where sentient beings occur on a planet located at just the right distance from a sun, and a certain sperm would have to make it instead of a great deal of other sperms, etc. etc., it will be the case that from the perspective of one of those sentient beings with poor philosophy skills who gets a wand of woh, that what has happened to them would seem very improbable. But in any universe where this did not occur, there is no perception of chance. So if there is such a thing as a sentient being with perspective, the impression of improbability necessarily and ironically follows.
Consider this and all our other biases and general narcissism first, then make threads about kadala being stealth nerfed. Anyway, good thread!
The past two days i noticed a few weird drop rates with kadala:
yesterday night y spend 250 shards and get, 2 inna's pants, 1 hammer jammer, 1 heart of the crashing wave (monk set chest), 2 tyrael might , 1 cindercoat, 1 cuirass and Goldskin, all in about 1 hour.
On the other hand with my WD i spend 1000+ shards and didn't a single legendary, not even a bad one.
Someone have the same weird drop rates with kadala?
3 set items and 6 legendaries? I got 2 set items for the last 40k blood shards I gambled. No exaggeration here. You're damn lucky. For that many legs I usually spend a couple of thousands shards.
1000+ shards and no legs is not unusual at all. Kadala hates me, I've gone through 2k shards with no legs once.
Ok thanks for this thread guys. I thought I was alone. There are some sad beats here. I "don't" feel so bad now... I still do feel super frustrated about me getting 4 Mirrorball with +1mm from Kadala and 2 dropped from game with +1mm...
This website/forum is awesome. So many support and so many fellow players who are there to help ease the pain or to celebrate with others.
I just can't shake the feeling that some people in my clan has much better luck as compare to me. I guess in the end it's all RNG. Love it or hate it, it's there but sometimes it feels like they are out there to troll you... like rolling 6 MB with +1mm or gambling hard on armor just to end up with "another" blackthorne...
Seems like there is a randomly created "group" of legendary drops that can drop for you, your game, your character etc.. I do not however, understand how or why its possible to farm like crazy then boom back to back RORGx2 ... a week later, boom RORGx2 again. How is that? I feel like there must be a (your able you only get 1 of these 15 drop this game per drop) then the 15 are cycled out, ? I'm sure I explained my idea terribly, ill shut up now, k bye..
My personal experience is that the drop rate is just fine. I average about 2 legendary drops per rift run. Yes, I will get 2-3 runs with no legendary drop but then I will get runs with 4 or 5. Still trying to beat my personal record and get 6. I am not going to comment on the quality of the drops as that is not the purpose of this post. Happy hunting! Talamas#2706
RNGesus is so unfair. Today I read about this person who found a Wand of Woh. Seems like a total noob and was about to salvage it, then he asked at a forum which items to keep. The person doesn't even understand what he/she has found nor how to use it.
Why RNGesus!? Give me (a good) one! I do have the knowledge and means to make the best use of it. Please Santa, Easter Rabbit and lucky star! Better sooner then later! Thanks in advance!
I'm getting pretty tired of my Amulet rolling cold dmg instead of fire. Wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't 900k per attempt, As a new player I haven't had the chance to stock pile any gold >_<
Edit: I figure I'm at 45-50 trys @ 900k per attempt lol, I'm litterally getting low on gems to convert.
Been a pretty fortunate couple of days, actually. And really, for being only in my mid-160s paragon level, I can't complain about my gear. Would still love to see a TF or Odyn, lol.
So last night I just started farming Spectrum, so I joined that farming community and it dropped for me on my second run. And I wound up getting my RoRG within probably 25 A1 bounties, which felt good cause doing those normal bounties is a real snoozer.
Ok thanks for this thread guys. I thought I was alone. There are some sad beats here. I "don't" feel so bad now... I still do feel super frustrated about me getting 4 Mirrorball with +1mm from Kadala and 2 dropped from game with +1mm...
This website/forum is awesome. So many support and so many fellow players who are there to help ease the pain or to celebrate with others.
I just can't shake the feeling that some people in my clan has much better luck as compare to me. I guess in the end it's all RNG. Love it or hate it, it's there but sometimes it feels like they are out there to troll you... like rolling 6 MB with +1mm or gambling hard on armor just to end up with "another" blackthorne...
I got my 7th Mirrorball to drop yesterday from T5 rift.... yup ANOTHER useless +1mm Mirrorball... this game hates me and it still trolls me regularly and yet I'm a sucker for punishment and jump back into another rift and gamble away my shards...
And one of my noob clanmates who just had a lvl 70 wiz barely able to do t1 commenting on my chat "at least you got a mirrorball"... I was about to punch his face and kick him from clan...
I am wondering if I am cursed .... 30+k shards on kadala for TnT and I have countless st.andrews, gladiator, 3 jade harvester, 2 helltooth, god knows how many magefists and 3 frostburns. I run my own rifts and bounties etc so not like I am just using BS alone... meh just meh only item I really want as well ... bloodytypical lol
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"I had the worst luck. 20,000 shards on Wizard orbs and 10 mirroball +1's. Then last weekend I got 2 shards of hate, thunderfury, wand of woh, high dmg near perfect mirrorball +2, 2 stones of jordan with good stats and now I just rape all fire with woh or anything else
You just gave me hope! Did you get all by drop or gamble?
Pretty happy about last night though - gambled a pair of very nice Vyr's Fantastic Finery (pants) from Kadala. We have been fighting a lot lately and we almost separated. But now I'm thinking of forgiving her, for now.
This kind of paranoia is always verificationistic. Whenever I start growing tin foil hats, I remind myself that there is no such thing as chance except from the perspective of someone who is making predictions. Anything that has already happened will by definition have had 100% chance of occuring. If you throw real physical dice (not hypothetical ones) and get two sixes, the odds are 100% that you got two sixes, meaning that with that force, friction etc, you could not have gotten anything else. It is only in a projection to the future from a certain perspective that probability is a useful tool.
What're the odds that I exist given everything that had to happen for me to be just as I am now? Astronomical against, or 100% determined in a physyical, lawlike universe? What does this mean in d3? We can make the following prediction: The odds are high that someone tonight will get an unusually long streak of no legendaries, given the amount of people playing. Likewise, the odds are high that someone will get that sweet wand of woh, SoJ and harringtons they've been looking for. The crucial point, however, is that the odds are just as high that for whoever single person this happens to out of the thousands playing, they will feel very (un)lucky indeed. The "why me?" reaction is very human, but not rational. Probability is a matter of perspective; reality just is. It is highly probable that for any universe where sentient beings occur on a planet located at just the right distance from a sun, and a certain sperm would have to make it instead of a great deal of other sperms, etc. etc., it will be the case that from the perspective of one of those sentient beings with poor philosophy skills who gets a wand of woh, that what has happened to them would seem very improbable. But in any universe where this did not occur, there is no perception of chance. So if there is such a thing as a sentient being with perspective, the impression of improbability necessarily and ironically follows.
Consider this and all our other biases and general narcissism first, then make threads about kadala being stealth nerfed. Anyway, good thread!
1000+ shards and no legs is not unusual at all. Kadala hates me, I've gone through 2k shards with no legs once.
This website/forum is awesome. So many support and so many fellow players who are there to help ease the pain or to celebrate with others.
I just can't shake the feeling that some people in my clan has much better luck as compare to me. I guess in the end it's all RNG. Love it or hate it, it's there but sometimes it feels like they are out there to troll you... like rolling 6 MB with +1mm or gambling hard on armor just to end up with "another" blackthorne...
Talking "loot tables"? These have been explained by Blizzard not to be true.
First legendary source from Kadala.
Winter Flurry, <100 shards.
I then got a well rolled TF the day after, and the day after that I won the lottery. (that last part didn't really happen though)
RNGesus is so unfair. Today I read about this person who found a Wand of Woh. Seems like a total noob and was about to salvage it, then he asked at a forum which items to keep. The person doesn't even understand what he/she has found nor how to use it.
Why RNGesus!? Give me (a good) one! I do have the knowledge and means to make the best use of it. Please Santa, Easter Rabbit and lucky star! Better sooner then later! Thanks in advance!
Edit: I figure I'm at 45-50 trys @ 900k per attempt lol, I'm litterally getting low on gems to convert.
So last night I just started farming Spectrum, so I joined that farming community and it dropped for me on my second run. And I wound up getting my RoRG within probably 25 A1 bounties, which felt good cause doing those normal bounties is a real snoozer.
hahaha fml I'm too pro
Finally got my fire Stone of Jordan! Hallelujah! Praise RNGesus! WoW next please!
And one of my noob clanmates who just had a lvl 70 wiz barely able to do t1 commenting on my chat "at least you got a mirrorball"... I was about to punch his face and kick him from clan...